Toggle.SwapperBehavior = Behavior.create(Toggle.LinkBehavior, { initialize: function ($super, options) { $super(options); this.plan_a = this.toggleWrappers.shift(); this.plan_b = this.toggleWrappers; this.toggle(); }, toggle: function() { if (this.plan_a.visible()) { Toggle.hide(this.plan_a, 'none');, this.effect); } else { Toggle.hide(this.plan_b, 'none');, this.effect); } } }); Toggle.RecurrenceSelect = Behavior.create(Toggle.SelectBehavior, { initialize: function($super, options) { var options = options || {}; var optionElements ='option'); this.toggleWrapperIDs = $A(); this.toggleWrapperIDsFor = {}; optionElements.each(function(optionElement) { var eid = 'recurrence_' + optionElement.readAttribute('value'); var elements = [$(eid)]; var wrapperIDs = { return Toggle.wrapElement(e); }).invoke('identify'); this.toggleWrapperIDsFor[optionElement.identify()] = wrapperIDs; this.toggleWrapperIDs.push(wrapperIDs); }.bind(this)); this.toggleWrapperIDs = this.toggleWrapperIDs.flatten().uniq(); this.effect = "none"; this.toggle(); this.effect = options.effect || Toggle.DefaultEffect; }, toggle: function($super) { var combo = this.element; var option = $(combo.options[combo.selectedIndex]); var wrapperIDs = this.toggleWrapperIDsFor[option.identify()]; var partitioned = this.toggleWrapperIDs.partition(function(id) { return wrapperIDs.include(id); }); Toggle.hide(partitioned[1], 'none');[0], this.effect); } }); Toggle.MCE = Behavior.create(Toggle.LinkBehavior, { initialize: function($super, options) { var elements = Toggle.extractToggleObjects(this.element.readAttribute('rel')); this.textarea = elements.shift(); }, toggle: function() { if (!tinyMCE.get(this.textarea)) { tinyMCE.execCommand('mceAddControl', false, this.textarea); } else { tinyMCE.execCommand('mceRemoveControl', false, this.textarea); } } }); // We can't rely on padding-right so hard-code the width of the icon instead DateInputBehavior.addMethods({ _isOverWidget: function(event) { var positionedOverWidget = null; if (Prototype.Browser.IE) { var widgetLeft = this.element.cumulativeOffset().left; var widgetRight = this.element.cumulativeOffset().left + this.element.getDimensions().width; positionedOverWidget = (event.pointerX() >= widgetLeft && event.pointerX() <= widgetRight); } else { var calendarIconWidth = 40; var widgetLeft = this.element.cumulativeOffset().left + this.element.getDimensions().width - calendarIconWidth; positionedOverWidget = (event.pointerX() >= widgetLeft); } return positionedOverWidget; } }); // Override the usual Calendar to add a time-picker if the input field also has class 'time' // and to tweak the positioning of the calendar var calendar_displacement = {x: 16, y: 16}; DateInputBehavior.Calendar.addMethods({ _setDate: function(source) { if (source.innerHTML.strip() != '') {, 10)); // nb. only sets the day of month. $A(this.element.getElementsByClassName('selected')).invoke('removeClassName', 'selected'); source.parentNode.addClassName('selected'); if (this.selector.element.hasClassName('time')) { this._showTime(); } else { this.selector.setDate(; } } }, _createTimeChooser : function() { this.date_chooser ='table.calendar').first(); var timer ='div.clock_control').first() || $div({'class': 'clock_control'}); this.element.insert(timer); timer.clonePosition(this.date_chooser); timer.setStyle({position: 'relative', left: 0, top: 0, width: this.date_chooser.getWidth(), height: 'auto'}); this.time_chooser = new DateInputBehavior.Clock(timer, this); }, _showTime: function () { this._createTimeChooser(); this.date_chooser.hide();; }, _hideTime: function () { this.time_chooser.hide();; }, _setTime: function (h,m) {;;; this.selector.setDate(; }, show: function() { DateInputBehavior.Calendar.instances.invoke('hide'); = this.selector.getDate(); this.redraw(); this.element.setStyle({ 'top': this.getVerticalOffset(this.selector.element) + 'px', 'left': this.getHorizontalOffset(this.selector.element) + 'px', 'z-index': 10001 });; = true; }, getVerticalOffset: function(selector){ var defaultOffset = this.selector.element.cumulativeOffset().top + this.selector.element.getHeight() + 2; var height = this.element.getHeight(); var top = 0; if (document.viewport.getHeight() > defaultOffset + height) { top = defaultOffset - calendar_displacement.y; } else { top = (defaultOffset - height - selector.getHeight() - 6 + calendar_displacement.y); } if (top < document.viewport.getScrollOffsets().top) { top = document.viewport.getScrollOffsets().top; } return top; }, getHorizontalOffset: function (element) { return element.cumulativeOffset().left + element.getWidth() - calendar_displacement.x; } }); Date.prototype.getPaddedMonth = function() { var m = (this.getMonth() + 1).toString(); return (m.length > 1) ? m : "0" + m; }; Date.prototype.getPaddedDate = function() { var d = this.getDate().toString(); return (d.length > 1) ? d : "0" + d; }; Date.prototype.getPaddedHours = function() { var m = this.getHours().toString(); return (m.length > 1) ? m : "0" + m; }; Date.prototype.getPaddedMinutes = function() { var m = this.getMinutes().toString(); return (m.length > 1) ? m : "0" + m; }; Date.prototype.getPaddedSeconds = function() { var s = this.getSeconds().toString(); return (s.length > 1) ? s : "0" + s; }; DateInputBehavior.Clock = Behavior.create({ initialize: function(calendar) { this.calendar = calendar; =; this.redraw(); }, redraw: function () { this.form = new Element('form', {'class': 'clock'}); this.element.update(this.form); this.h = new Element('input', {'type' : 'text', 'class': 'hours', name: 'hours'}).setValue(; this.m = new Element('input', {'type' : 'text', 'class': 'minutes', name: 'minutes'}).setValue(; this.button = new Element('input', {'type' : 'button', 'class': 'set_time', name: 'set'}).setValue('set'); this.cancel = new Element('a', {'href': '#', 'class': 'cancel'}).update('change date'); this.form.insert(new Element('h4', {'class': 'date'}).update( + ' ' + DateInputBehavior.Calendar.MONTHS[].label + ', ' + + ' at:')); this.form.insert(this.h); this.form.insert(new Element('span', {'class': 'colon'}).update(':')); this.form.insert(this.m); this.form.insert(new Element('br')); this.form.insert(this.button); this.form.insert(new Element('br')); this.form.insert(this.cancel); }, onclick: function (event) { event.stop(); if ($('set_time')) this.submit(); if ($('cancel')) this.goback(); }, submit: function () { this.calendar._setTime(this.h.getValue(), this.m.getValue()); }, goback: function () { this.calendar._hideTime(); }, show: function () {; }, hide: function () { this.element.hide(); } }); DateInputBehavior.DEFAULTS = { setter: function(date) { return date.getFullYear() + '-' + date.getPaddedMonth() + '-' + date.getPaddedDate() + ' ' + date.getHours() + ':' + date.getPaddedMinutes() + ':' + date.getPaddedSeconds(); }, getter: function(value) { var p = value.split(/\D+/g); if (!p[0]) return null; var date = new Date(p[0],p[1]-1,p[2],p[3],p[4],p[5]); return date; } }; Event.addBehavior({ "input.toggle": Toggle.CheckboxBehavior, "a.swapper" : Toggle.SwapperBehavior({effect : 'appear'}), "select.basis" : Toggle.RecurrenceSelect({effect : 'appear'}), "a.toggleMCE" : Toggle.MCE });