# frozen_string_literal: true module Decidim::Cw # This class deals with uploading files to Decidim. It is intended to just # hold the uploads configuration, so you should inherit from this class and # then tweak any configuration you need. class ApplicationUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base include CarrierWave::MiniMagick attr_reader :validable_dimensions delegate :variants, to: :class # Override the directory where uploaded files will be stored. # This is a sensible default for uploaders that are meant to be mounted: def store_dir default_path = "uploads/#{model.class.to_s.underscore}/#{mounted_as}/#{model.id}" return File.join(Decidim.base_uploads_path, default_path) if Decidim.base_uploads_path.present? default_path end # As of Carrierwave 2.0 fog_provider method has been deprecated, and is throwing RuntimeError # RuntimeError: Carrierwave fog_provider not supported: DEPRECATION WARNING: #fog_provider is deprecated... # We are attempting to fetch the provider from credentials, if not we consider to be file def provider fog_credentials.fetch(:provider, "file").downcase end # We overwrite the downloader to be able to fetch some elements from URL. def downloader Decidim::Downloader end def variant(key) if key && variants[key].present? model.send(mounted_as).variant(variants[key]) else model.send(mounted_as) end end protected # Checks if the file is an image based on the content type. We need this so # we only create different versions of the file when it's an image. # # new_file - The uploaded file. # # Returns a Boolean. def image?(new_file) content_type = model.try(:content_type) || new_file.content_type content_type.to_s.start_with? "image" end class << self # Each class inherits variants from parents and can define their own # variants with the set_variants class method which calss the version # CarrierWave macro to define versions from variants def variants @variants ||= superclass.respond_to?(:variants) ? superclass.variants.dup : {} end def set_variants return unless block_given? variants.merge!(yield) variants.each do |key, value| version key, if: :image? do process value end end end end end end