Stash wrapper schema, version 1.0 Copyright 2015 The Regents of the University of California This document is available under the terms of the Creative Commons Atribution 4.0 International (CC-BY) license, This schema wraps specific Stash administrative properties needed for the Stash discovery environment that cannot be assumed to available via the configured descriptive schema, and that descriptive schema. Stash wrapper parent element Typed dataset identifier. Identifier types are drawn from the DataCite schema list. Stash administrative metadata wrapper. Stash descriptive metadata wrapper. It contains arbitrary well-formed XML conforming to the configured native descriptive schema. Identifier type, drawn from the list defined by the DataCite schema. Stash administrative metadata wrapper type. Dataset version. Dataset license. Dataset embargo. File inventory of the dataset submission package. Dataset version type. Dataset version number. Dataset version date, YYYY-MM-DD. Optional dataset version note describing the conditions leading to the creation of version. Dataset license type. Dataset license name. Dataset license URI. Dataset embargo type. Dataset embargo type. Dataset emabargo period, i.e., a textual description of the period, e.g., "6 months". If the embargo type is "none", this value is ignored, but should be set to "none". Dataset embargo start date. This should be set to the date at which the embargo (and Stash wrapper instance document) is created. Dataset embargo end date. If the embargo type is "none", this value is ignored, but should be set to the start date. Dataset embargo type: none, download, description. Dataset file inventory type. Dataset submission package file. Number of files in the submission package inventory. Dataset inventory file type. Dataset file pathname. Dataset file size, as an integer. Dataset file MIME type. Dataset file size type. Stash descriptive metadata wrapper type. This contains arbitrary well-formed XML conforming to the configured descriptive schema.