require 'cgi'
module Phrase
class MembersApi
attr_accessor :api_client
def initialize(api_client = ApiClient.default)
@api_client = api_client
# Remove a user from the account
# Remove a user from the account. The user will be removed from the account but not deleted from Phrase. Access token scope must include team.manage
# @param account_id [String] Account ID
# @param id [String] ID
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @option opts [String] :x_phrase_app_otp Two-Factor-Authentication token (optional)
# @return [nil]
def member_delete(account_id, id, opts = {})
member_delete_with_http_info(account_id, id, opts)
# Remove a user from the account
# Remove a user from the account. The user will be removed from the account but not deleted from Phrase. Access token scope must include <code>team.manage</code>.
# @param account_id [String] Account ID
# @param id [String] ID
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @option opts [String] :x_phrase_app_otp Two-Factor-Authentication token (optional)
# @return [Array<(Response<(nil)>, Integer, Hash)>] Response<(nil, response status code and response headers
def member_delete_with_http_info(account_id, id, opts = {})
if @api_client.config.debugging
@api_client.config.logger.debug 'Calling API: MembersApi.member_delete ...'
# verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set
if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && account_id.nil?
fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling MembersApi.member_delete"
# verify the required parameter 'id' is set
if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && id.nil?
fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'id' when calling MembersApi.member_delete"
# resource path
local_var_path = '/accounts/{account_id}/members/{id}'.sub('{' + 'account_id' + '}', CGI.escape(account_id.to_s)).sub('{' + 'id' + '}', CGI.escape(id.to_s))
# query parameters
query_params = opts[:query_params] || {}
# header parameters
header_params = opts[:header_params] || {}
header_params[:'X-PhraseApp-OTP'] = opts[:'x_phrase_app_otp'] if !opts[:'x_phrase_app_otp'].nil?
# form parameters
form_params = opts[:form_params] || {}
# http body (model)
post_body = opts[:body]
# return_type
return_type = opts[:return_type]
# auth_names
auth_names = opts[:auth_names] || ['Basic', 'Token']
new_options = opts.merge(
:header_params => header_params,
:query_params => query_params,
:form_params => form_params,
:body => post_body,
:auth_names => auth_names,
:return_type => return_type
data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:DELETE, local_var_path, new_options)
if @api_client.config.debugging
@api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: MembersApi#member_delete\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}"
response =, headers)
return response, status_code, headers
# Get single member
# Get details on a single user in the account. Access token scope must include team.manage
# @param account_id [String] Account ID
# @param id [String] ID
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @option opts [String] :x_phrase_app_otp Two-Factor-Authentication token (optional)
# @return [Member]
def member_show(account_id, id, opts = {})
data, _status_code, _headers = member_show_with_http_info(account_id, id, opts)
# Get single member
# Get details on a single user in the account. Access token scope must include <code>team.manage</code>.
# @param account_id [String] Account ID
# @param id [String] ID
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @option opts [String] :x_phrase_app_otp Two-Factor-Authentication token (optional)
# @return [Array<(Response<(Member)>, Integer, Hash)>] Response<(Member)> data, response status code and response headers
def member_show_with_http_info(account_id, id, opts = {})
if @api_client.config.debugging
@api_client.config.logger.debug 'Calling API: MembersApi.member_show ...'
# verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set
if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && account_id.nil?
fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling MembersApi.member_show"
# verify the required parameter 'id' is set
if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && id.nil?
fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'id' when calling MembersApi.member_show"
# resource path
local_var_path = '/accounts/{account_id}/members/{id}'.sub('{' + 'account_id' + '}', CGI.escape(account_id.to_s)).sub('{' + 'id' + '}', CGI.escape(id.to_s))
# query parameters
query_params = opts[:query_params] || {}
# header parameters
header_params = opts[:header_params] || {}
# HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json'])
header_params[:'X-PhraseApp-OTP'] = opts[:'x_phrase_app_otp'] if !opts[:'x_phrase_app_otp'].nil?
# form parameters
form_params = opts[:form_params] || {}
# http body (model)
post_body = opts[:body]
# return_type
return_type = opts[:return_type] || 'Member'
# auth_names
auth_names = opts[:auth_names] || ['Basic', 'Token']
new_options = opts.merge(
:header_params => header_params,
:query_params => query_params,
:form_params => form_params,
:body => post_body,
:auth_names => auth_names,
:return_type => return_type
data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path, new_options)
if @api_client.config.debugging
@api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: MembersApi#member_show\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}"
response =, headers)
return response, status_code, headers
# Update a member
# Update user permissions in the account. Developers and translators need project_ids
and locale_ids
assigned to access them. Access token scope must include team.manage
# @param account_id [String] Account ID
# @param id [String] ID
# @param member_update_parameters [MemberUpdateParameters]
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @option opts [String] :x_phrase_app_otp Two-Factor-Authentication token (optional)
# @return [Member]
def member_update(account_id, id, member_update_parameters, opts = {})
data, _status_code, _headers = member_update_with_http_info(account_id, id, member_update_parameters, opts)
# Update a member
# Update user permissions in the account. Developers and translators need <code>project_ids</code> and <code>locale_ids</code> assigned to access them. Access token scope must include <code>team.manage</code>.
# @param account_id [String] Account ID
# @param id [String] ID
# @param member_update_parameters [MemberUpdateParameters]
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @option opts [String] :x_phrase_app_otp Two-Factor-Authentication token (optional)
# @return [Array<(Response<(Member)>, Integer, Hash)>] Response<(Member)> data, response status code and response headers
def member_update_with_http_info(account_id, id, member_update_parameters, opts = {})
if @api_client.config.debugging
@api_client.config.logger.debug 'Calling API: MembersApi.member_update ...'
# verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set
if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && account_id.nil?
fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling MembersApi.member_update"
# verify the required parameter 'id' is set
if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && id.nil?
fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'id' when calling MembersApi.member_update"
# verify the required parameter 'member_update_parameters' is set
if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && member_update_parameters.nil?
fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'member_update_parameters' when calling MembersApi.member_update"
# resource path
local_var_path = '/accounts/{account_id}/members/{id}'.sub('{' + 'account_id' + '}', CGI.escape(account_id.to_s)).sub('{' + 'id' + '}', CGI.escape(id.to_s))
# query parameters
query_params = opts[:query_params] || {}
# header parameters
header_params = opts[:header_params] || {}
# HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json'])
# HTTP header 'Content-Type'
header_params['Content-Type'] = @api_client.select_header_content_type(['application/json'])
header_params[:'X-PhraseApp-OTP'] = opts[:'x_phrase_app_otp'] if !opts[:'x_phrase_app_otp'].nil?
# form parameters
form_params = opts[:form_params] || {}
# http body (model)
post_body = opts[:body] || @api_client.object_to_http_body(member_update_parameters)
# return_type
return_type = opts[:return_type] || 'Member'
# auth_names
auth_names = opts[:auth_names] || ['Basic', 'Token']
new_options = opts.merge(
:header_params => header_params,
:query_params => query_params,
:form_params => form_params,
:body => post_body,
:auth_names => auth_names,
:return_type => return_type
data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:PATCH, local_var_path, new_options)
if @api_client.config.debugging
@api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: MembersApi#member_update\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}"
response =, headers)
return response, status_code, headers
# List members
# Get all users active in the account. It also lists resources like projects and locales the member has access to. In case nothing is shown the default access from the role is used. Access token scope must include team.manage
# @param account_id [String] Account ID
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @option opts [String] :x_phrase_app_otp Two-Factor-Authentication token (optional)
# @option opts [Integer] :page Page number
# @option opts [Integer] :per_page allows you to specify a page size up to 100 items, 10 by default
# @return [Array]
def members_list(account_id, opts = {})
data, _status_code, _headers = members_list_with_http_info(account_id, opts)
# List members
# Get all users active in the account. It also lists resources like projects and locales the member has access to. In case nothing is shown the default access from the role is used. Access token scope must include <code>team.manage</code>.
# @param account_id [String] Account ID
# @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
# @option opts [String] :x_phrase_app_otp Two-Factor-Authentication token (optional)
# @option opts [Integer] :page Page number
# @option opts [Integer] :per_page allows you to specify a page size up to 100 items, 10 by default
# @return [Array<(Response<(Array)>, Integer, Hash)>] Response<(Array)> data, response status code and response headers
def members_list_with_http_info(account_id, opts = {})
if @api_client.config.debugging
@api_client.config.logger.debug 'Calling API: MembersApi.members_list ...'
# verify the required parameter 'account_id' is set
if @api_client.config.client_side_validation && account_id.nil?
fail ArgumentError, "Missing the required parameter 'account_id' when calling MembersApi.members_list"
# resource path
local_var_path = '/accounts/{account_id}/members'.sub('{' + 'account_id' + '}', CGI.escape(account_id.to_s))
# query parameters
query_params = opts[:query_params] || {}
query_params[:'page'] = opts[:'page'] if !opts[:'page'].nil?
query_params[:'per_page'] = opts[:'per_page'] if !opts[:'per_page'].nil?
# header parameters
header_params = opts[:header_params] || {}
# HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/json'])
header_params[:'X-PhraseApp-OTP'] = opts[:'x_phrase_app_otp'] if !opts[:'x_phrase_app_otp'].nil?
# form parameters
form_params = opts[:form_params] || {}
# http body (model)
post_body = opts[:body]
# return_type
return_type = opts[:return_type] || 'Array'
# auth_names
auth_names = opts[:auth_names] || ['Basic', 'Token']
new_options = opts.merge(
:header_params => header_params,
:query_params => query_params,
:form_params => form_params,
:body => post_body,
:auth_names => auth_names,
:return_type => return_type
data, status_code, headers = @api_client.call_api(:GET, local_var_path, new_options)
if @api_client.config.debugging
@api_client.config.logger.debug "API called: MembersApi#members_list\nData: #{data.inspect}\nStatus code: #{status_code}\nHeaders: #{headers}"
response =, headers)
return response, status_code, headers