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Properties are for small snippets of text, shared across many products, and are for display purposes only. An optional display value can be supplied to supplement the displayed text. As for all associations can contain multiple name/value sets in default form : Property:display_value|Property:display_value Example - No values : manufacturer|standard Example - Display values : manufacturer:somebody else plc|standard:ISOBlah21<  C xXPP$? =}(] <Autotelik: The properties to associate with this product. Properties are for small snippets of text, shared across many products, and are for display purposes only. An optional display value can be supplied to supplement the displayed text. As for all associations can contain multiple name/value sets in default form : Property:display_value|Property:display_value Example - No values : manufacturer|standard Example - Display values : manufacturer:somebody else plc|standard:ISOBlah21<  C xXPP$? (] <Autotelik: The properties to associate with this product. Properties are for small snippets of text, shared across many products, and are for display purposes only. An optional display value can be supplied to supplement the displayed text. As for all associations can contain multiple name/value sets in default form : Property:display_value|Property:display_value Example - No values : manufacturer|standard Example - Display values : manufacturer:somebody else plc|standard:ISOBlah21<   C xXPP$? E 3]  <Autotelik: The Taxons or Categories in which to place this product. If more than one Taxon applies separate with | e.g Clothes|Coats|Winter<    C xXPP$?  _]  <Autotelik: The Taxons or Categories in which to place this product. If more than one Taxon applies separate with | e.g Clothes|Coats|Winter<    C xXPP$?  ]  <Autotelik: The Taxons or Categories in which to place this product. If more than one Taxon applies separate with | e.g Clothes|Coats|Winter<    C xXPP$?  b ]  <OptionTypes or Variants can be used to set up alternative options on a single Product Provide the OptionType name, and associated values, to create a new Variant per value Use form : option_name:value1,value2,value|opt2:value2,value2 e.g Create Variants based on the size, and colour size:small,medium,large|colour:red,black Creates 5 Variants, 3 with different values of size and two with different colours<   C xXPP$?  = ]  <OptionTypes or Variants can be used to set up alternative options on a single Product Provide the OptionType name, and associated values, to create a new Variant per value Use form : option_name:value1,value2,value|opt2:value2,value2 e.g Create Variants based on the size, and colour size:small,medium,large|colour:red,black Creates 5 Variants, 3 with different values of size and two with different colours<  C xXPP$?  -] <OptionTypes or Variants can be used to set up alternative options on a single Product Provide the OptionType name, and associated values, to create a new Variant per value Use form : option_name:value1,value2,value|opt2:value2,value2 e.g Create Variants based on the size, and colour size:small,medium,large|colour:red,black Creates 5 Variants, 3 with different values of size and two with different colours<  C xXPP$?  -] <OptionTypes or Variants can be used to set up alternative options on a single Product Provide the OptionType name, and associated values, to create a new Variant per value Use form : option_name:value1,value2,value|opt2:value2,value2 e.g Create Variants based on the size, and colour size:small,medium,large|colour:red,black Creates 5 Variants, 3 with different values of size and two with different colours<  C xXPP$? -] <OptionTypes or Variants can be used to set up alternative options on a single Product Provide the OptionType name, and associated values, to create a new Variant per value Use form : option_name:value1,value2,value|opt2:value2,value2 e.g Create Variants based on the size, and colour size:small,medium,large|colour:red,black Creates 5 Variants, 3 with different values of size and two with different colours<  C xXPP$?   %]  <Number of items in stock. When creating Variants, column can be used to set stock level for each option. In this situation make sure the count_on_hand column comes AFTER the Variants column, so that the variants have already been created. Separate multiple values with | <                  > @gg  FMicrosoft Excel 97-TabelleBiff8Oh+'0@H \ h t  Tom Statter14@·@H@9@$X\՜.+,D՜.+,\Root EntryF&@WorkbookoDCompObjIOle SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8t