// Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // Author: jdtang@google.com (Jonathan Tang) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "attribute.h" #include "error.h" #include "gumbo.h" #include "insertion_mode.h" #include "parser.h" #include "tokenizer.h" #include "tokenizer_states.h" #include "utf8.h" #include "util.h" #include "vector.h" #define AVOID_UNUSED_VARIABLE_WARNING(i) (void)(i) #define GUMBO_STRING(literal) { literal, sizeof(literal) - 1 } #define TERMINATOR { "", 0 } static void* malloc_wrapper(void* unused, size_t size) { return malloc(size); } static void free_wrapper(void* unused, void* ptr) { free(ptr); } const GumboOptions kGumboDefaultOptions = { &malloc_wrapper, &free_wrapper, NULL, 8, false, -1, }; static const GumboStringPiece kDoctypeHtml = GUMBO_STRING("html"); static const GumboStringPiece kPublicIdHtml4_0 = GUMBO_STRING( "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN"); static const GumboStringPiece kPublicIdHtml4_01 = GUMBO_STRING( "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"); static const GumboStringPiece kPublicIdXhtml1_0 = GUMBO_STRING( "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"); static const GumboStringPiece kPublicIdXhtml1_1 = GUMBO_STRING( "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"); static const GumboStringPiece kSystemIdRecHtml4_0 = GUMBO_STRING( "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"); static const GumboStringPiece kSystemIdHtml4 = GUMBO_STRING( "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"); static const GumboStringPiece kSystemIdXhtmlStrict1_1 = GUMBO_STRING( "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"); static const GumboStringPiece kSystemIdXhtml1_1 = GUMBO_STRING( "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"); static const GumboStringPiece kSystemIdLegacyCompat = GUMBO_STRING( "about:legacy-compat"); // The doctype arrays have an explicit terminator because we want to pass them // to a helper function, and passing them as a pointer discards sizeof // information. The SVG arrays are used only by one-off functions, and so loops // over them use sizeof directly instead of a terminator. static const GumboStringPiece kQuirksModePublicIdPrefixes[] = { GUMBO_STRING("+//Silmaril//dtd html Pro v0r11 19970101//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//AdvaSoft Ltd//DTD HTML 3.0 asWedit + extensions//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//AS//DTD HTML 3.0 asWedit + extensions//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 Level 1//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 Level 2//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 Strict Level 1//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 Strict Level 2//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 Strict//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.1E//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//IETF//DTD HTML 3.0//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//IETF//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//IETF//DTD HTML 3.2//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//IETF//DTD HTML 3//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//IETF//DTD HTML Level 0//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//IETF//DTD HTML Level 1//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//IETF//DTD HTML Level 2//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//IETF//DTD HTML Level 3//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//IETF//DTD HTML Strict Level 0//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//IETF//DTD HTML Strict Level 1//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//IETF//DTD HTML Strict Level 2//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//IETF//DTD HTML Strict Level 3//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//IETF//DTD HTML Strict//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//IETF//DTD HTML//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//Metrius//DTD Metrius Presentational//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//Microsoft//DTD Internet Explorer 2.0 HTML Strict//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//Microsoft//DTD Internet Explorer 2.0 HTML//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//Microsoft//DTD Internet Explorer 2.0 Tables//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//Microsoft//DTD Internet Explorer 3.0 HTML Strict//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//Microsoft//DTD Internet Explorer 3.0 HTML//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//Microsoft//DTD Internet Explorer 3.0 Tables//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//Netscape Comm. Corp.//DTD HTML//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//Netscape Comm. Corp.//DTD Strict HTML//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//O'Reilly and Associates//DTD HTML 2.0//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//O'Reilly and Associates//DTD HTML Extended 1.0//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//O'Reilly and Associates//DTD HTML Extended Relaxed 1.0//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//SoftQuad Software//DTD HoTMetaL PRO 6.0::19990601::)" "extensions to HTML 4.0//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//SoftQuad//DTD HoTMetaL PRO 4.0::19971010::" "extensions to HTML 4.0//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//Spyglass//DTD HTML 2.0 Extended//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//SQ//DTD HTML 2.0 HoTMetaL + extensions//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//Sun Microsystems Corp.//DTD HotJava HTML//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//Sun Microsystems Corp.//DTD HotJava Strict HTML//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//W3C//DTD HTML 3 1995-03-24//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Draft//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2S Draft//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Frameset//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//W3C//DTD HTML Experimental 19960712//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//W3C//DTD HTML Experimental 970421//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//W3C//DTD W3 HTML//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//W3O//DTD W3 HTML 3.0//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//WebTechs//DTD Mozilla HTML 2.0//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//WebTechs//DTD Mozilla HTML//"), TERMINATOR }; static const GumboStringPiece kQuirksModePublicIdExactMatches[] = { GUMBO_STRING("-//W3O//DTD W3 HTML Strict 3.0//EN//"), GUMBO_STRING("-/W3C/DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional/EN"), GUMBO_STRING("HTML"), TERMINATOR }; static const GumboStringPiece kQuirksModeSystemIdExactMatches[] = { GUMBO_STRING("http://www.ibm.com/data/dtd/v11/ibmxhtml1-transitional.dtd"), TERMINATOR }; static const GumboStringPiece kLimitedQuirksPublicIdPrefixes[] = { GUMBO_STRING("-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//"), TERMINATOR }; static const GumboStringPiece kLimitedQuirksRequiresSystemIdPublicIdPrefixes[] = { GUMBO_STRING("-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//"), GUMBO_STRING("-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//"), TERMINATOR }; // Indexed by GumboNamespaceEnum; keep in sync with that. static const char* kLegalXmlns[] = { "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" }; typedef struct _ReplacementEntry { const GumboStringPiece from; const GumboStringPiece to; } ReplacementEntry; #define REPLACEMENT_ENTRY(from, to) \ { GUMBO_STRING(from), GUMBO_STRING(to) } // Static data for SVG attribute replacements. // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/tree-construction.html#adjust-svg-attributes static const ReplacementEntry kSvgAttributeReplacements[] = { REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("attributename", "attributeName"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("attributetype", "attributeType"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("basefrequency", "baseFrequency"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("baseprofile", "baseProfile"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("calcmode", "calcMode"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("clippathunits", "clipPathUnits"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("contentscripttype", "contentScriptType"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("contentstyletype", "contentStyleType"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("diffuseconstant", "diffuseConstant"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("edgemode", "edgeMode"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("externalresourcesrequired", "externalResourcesRequired"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("filterres", "filterRes"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("filterunits", "filterUnits"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("glyphref", "glyphRef"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("gradienttransform", "gradientTransform"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("gradientunits", "gradientUnits"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("kernelmatrix", "kernelMatrix"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("kernelunitlength", "kernelUnitLength"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("keypoints", "keyPoints"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("keysplines", "keySplines"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("keytimes", "keyTimes"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("lengthadjust", "lengthAdjust"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("limitingconeangle", "limitingConeAngle"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("markerheight", "markerHeight"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("markerunits", "markerUnits"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("markerwidth", "markerWidth"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("maskcontentunits", "maskContentUnits"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("maskunits", "maskUnits"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("numoctaves", "numOctaves"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("pathlength", "pathLength"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("patterncontentunits", "patternContentUnits"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("patterntransform", "patternTransform"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("patternunits", "patternUnits"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("pointsatx", "pointsAtX"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("pointsaty", "pointsAtY"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("pointsatz", "pointsAtZ"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("preservealpha", "preserveAlpha"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("preserveaspectratio", "preserveAspectRatio"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("primitiveunits", "primitiveUnits"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("refx", "refX"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("refy", "refY"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("repeatcount", "repeatCount"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("repeatdur", "repeatDur"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("requiredextensions", "requiredExtensions"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("requiredfeatures", "requiredFeatures"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("specularconstant", "specularConstant"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("specularexponent", "specularExponent"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("spreadmethod", "spreadMethod"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("startoffset", "startOffset"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("stddeviation", "stdDeviation"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("stitchtiles", "stitchTiles"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("surfacescale", "surfaceScale"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("systemlanguage", "systemLanguage"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("tablevalues", "tableValues"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("targetx", "targetX"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("targety", "targetY"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("textlength", "textLength"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("viewbox", "viewBox"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("viewtarget", "viewTarget"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("xchannelselector", "xChannelSelector"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("ychannelselector", "yChannelSelector"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("zoomandpan", "zoomAndPan"), }; static const ReplacementEntry kSvgTagReplacements[] = { REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("altglyph", "altGlyph"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("altglyphdef", "altGlyphDef"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("altglyphitem", "altGlyphItem"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("animatecolor", "animateColor"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("animatemotion", "animateMotion"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("animatetransform", "animateTransform"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("clippath", "clipPath"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("feblend", "feBlend"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("fecolormatrix", "feColorMatrix"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("fecomponenttransfer", "feComponentTransfer"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("fecomposite", "feComposite"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("feconvolvematrix", "feConvolveMatrix"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("fediffuselighting", "feDiffuseLighting"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("fedisplacementmap", "feDisplacementMap"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("fedistantlight", "feDistantLight"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("feflood", "feFlood"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("fefunca", "feFuncA"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("fefuncb", "feFuncB"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("fefuncg", "feFuncG"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("fefuncr", "feFuncR"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("fegaussianblur", "feGaussianBlur"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("feimage", "feImage"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("femerge", "feMerge"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("femergenode", "feMergeNode"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("femorphology", "feMorphology"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("feoffset", "feOffset"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("fepointlight", "fePointLight"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("fespecularlighting", "feSpecularLighting"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("fespotlight", "feSpotLight"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("fetile", "feTile"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("feturbulence", "feTurbulence"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("foreignobject", "foreignObject"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("glyphref", "glyphRef"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("lineargradient", "linearGradient"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("radialgradient", "radialGradient"), REPLACEMENT_ENTRY("textpath", "textPath"), }; typedef struct _NamespacedAttributeReplacement { const char* from; const char* local_name; const GumboAttributeNamespaceEnum attr_namespace; } NamespacedAttributeReplacement; static const NamespacedAttributeReplacement kForeignAttributeReplacements[] = { { "xlink:actuate", "actuate", GUMBO_ATTR_NAMESPACE_XLINK }, { "xlink:actuate", "actuate", GUMBO_ATTR_NAMESPACE_XLINK }, { "xlink:href", "href", GUMBO_ATTR_NAMESPACE_XLINK }, { "xlink:role", "role", GUMBO_ATTR_NAMESPACE_XLINK }, { "xlink:show", "show", GUMBO_ATTR_NAMESPACE_XLINK }, { "xlink:title", "title", GUMBO_ATTR_NAMESPACE_XLINK }, { "xlink:type", "type", GUMBO_ATTR_NAMESPACE_XLINK }, { "xml:base", "base", GUMBO_ATTR_NAMESPACE_XML }, { "xml:lang", "lang", GUMBO_ATTR_NAMESPACE_XML }, { "xml:space", "space", GUMBO_ATTR_NAMESPACE_XML }, { "xmlns", "xmlns", GUMBO_ATTR_NAMESPACE_XMLNS }, { "xmlns:xlink", "xlink", GUMBO_ATTR_NAMESPACE_XMLNS }, }; // The "scope marker" for the list of active formatting elements. We use a // pointer to this as a generic marker element, since the particular element // scope doesn't matter. static const GumboNode kActiveFormattingScopeMarker; // The tag_is and tag_in function use true & false to denote start & end tags, // but for readability, we define constants for them here. static const bool kStartTag = true; static const bool kEndTag = false; // Because GumboStringPieces are immutable, we can't insert a character directly // into a text node. Instead, we accumulate all pending characters here and // flush them out to a text node whenever a new element is inserted. // // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/tokenization.html#insert-a-character typedef struct _TextNodeBufferState { // The accumulated text to be inserted into the current text node. GumboStringBuffer _buffer; // A pointer to the original text represented by this text node. Note that // because of foster parenting and other strange DOM manipulations, this may // include other non-text HTML tags in it; it is defined as the span of // original text from the first character in this text node to the last // character in this text node. const char* _start_original_text; // The source position of the start of this text node. GumboSourcePosition _start_position; // The type of node that will be inserted (TEXT or WHITESPACE). GumboNodeType _type; } TextNodeBufferState; typedef struct GumboInternalParserState { // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/parsing.html#insertion-mode GumboInsertionMode _insertion_mode; // Used for run_generic_parsing_algorithm, which needs to switch back to the // original insertion mode at its conclusion. GumboInsertionMode _original_insertion_mode; // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/parsing.html#the-stack-of-open-elements GumboVector /*GumboNode*/ _open_elements; // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/parsing.html#the-list-of-active-formatting-elements GumboVector /*GumboNode*/ _active_formatting_elements; // The stack of template insertion modes. // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/parsing.html#the-insertion-mode GumboVector /*InsertionMode*/ _template_insertion_modes; // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/parsing.html#the-element-pointers GumboNode* _head_element; GumboNode* _form_element; // The flag for when the spec says "Reprocess the current token in..." bool _reprocess_current_token; // The flag for "acknowledge the token's self-closing flag". bool _self_closing_flag_acknowledged; // The "frameset-ok" flag from the spec. bool _frameset_ok; // The flag for "If the next token is a LINE FEED, ignore that token...". bool _ignore_next_linefeed; // The flag for "whenever a node would be inserted into the current node, it // must instead be foster parented". This is used for misnested table // content, which needs to be handled according to "in body" rules yet foster // parented outside of the table. // It would perhaps be more explicit to have this as a parameter to // handle_in_body and insert_element, but given how special-purpose this is // and the number of call-sites that would need to take the extra parameter, // it's easier just to have a state flag. bool _foster_parent_insertions; // The accumulated text node buffer state. TextNodeBufferState _text_node; // The current token. GumboToken* _current_token; // The way that the spec is written, the and tags are *always* // implicit, because encountering one of those tokens merely switches the // insertion mode out of "in body". So we have individual state flags for // those end tags that are then inspected by pop_current_node when the // and nodes are popped to set the GUMBO_INSERTION_IMPLICIT_END_TAG // flag appropriately. bool _closed_body_tag; bool _closed_html_tag; } GumboParserState; static bool token_has_attribute(const GumboToken* token, const char* name) { assert(token->type == GUMBO_TOKEN_START_TAG); return gumbo_get_attribute(&token->v.start_tag.attributes, name) != NULL; } // Checks if the value of the specified attribute is a case-insensitive match // for the specified string. static bool attribute_matches( const GumboVector* attributes, const char* name, const char* value) { const GumboAttribute* attr = gumbo_get_attribute(attributes, name); return attr ? strcasecmp(value, attr->value) == 0 : false; } // Checks if the value of the specified attribute is a case-sensitive match // for the specified string. static bool attribute_matches_case_sensitive( const GumboVector* attributes, const char* name, const char* value) { const GumboAttribute* attr = gumbo_get_attribute(attributes, name); return attr ? strcmp(value, attr->value) == 0 : false; } // Checks if the specified attribute vectors are identical. static bool all_attributes_match( const GumboVector* attr1, const GumboVector* attr2) { int num_unmatched_attr2_elements = attr2->length; for (int i = 0; i < attr1->length; ++i) { const GumboAttribute* attr = attr1->data[i]; if (attribute_matches_case_sensitive(attr2, attr->name, attr->value)) { --num_unmatched_attr2_elements; } else { return false; } } return num_unmatched_attr2_elements == 0; } static void set_frameset_not_ok(GumboParser* parser) { gumbo_debug("Setting frameset_ok to false.\n"); parser->_parser_state->_frameset_ok = false; } static GumboNode* create_node(GumboParser* parser, GumboNodeType type) { GumboNode* node = gumbo_parser_allocate(parser, sizeof(GumboNode)); node->parent = NULL; node->index_within_parent = -1; node->type = type; node->parse_flags = GUMBO_INSERTION_NORMAL; return node; } static GumboNode* new_document_node(GumboParser* parser) { GumboNode* document_node = create_node(parser, GUMBO_NODE_DOCUMENT); document_node->parse_flags = GUMBO_INSERTION_BY_PARSER; gumbo_vector_init( parser, 1, &document_node->v.document.children); // Must be initialized explicitly, as there's no guarantee that we'll see a // doc type token. GumboDocument* document = &document_node->v.document; document->has_doctype = false; document->name = NULL; document->public_identifier = NULL; document->system_identifier = NULL; return document_node; } static void output_init(GumboParser* parser) { GumboOutput* output = gumbo_parser_allocate(parser, sizeof(GumboOutput)); output->root = NULL; output->document = new_document_node(parser); parser->_output = output; gumbo_init_errors(parser); } static void parser_state_init(GumboParser* parser) { GumboParserState* parser_state = gumbo_parser_allocate(parser, sizeof(GumboParserState)); parser_state->_insertion_mode = GUMBO_INSERTION_MODE_INITIAL; parser_state->_reprocess_current_token = false; parser_state->_frameset_ok = true; parser_state->_ignore_next_linefeed = false; parser_state->_foster_parent_insertions = false; parser_state->_text_node._type = GUMBO_NODE_WHITESPACE; gumbo_string_buffer_init(parser, &parser_state->_text_node._buffer); gumbo_vector_init(parser, 10, &parser_state->_open_elements); gumbo_vector_init(parser, 5, &parser_state->_active_formatting_elements); gumbo_vector_init(parser, 5, &parser_state->_template_insertion_modes); parser_state->_head_element = NULL; parser_state->_form_element = NULL; parser_state->_current_token = NULL; parser_state->_closed_body_tag = false; parser_state->_closed_html_tag = false; parser->_parser_state = parser_state; } static void parser_state_destroy(GumboParser* parser) { GumboParserState* state = parser->_parser_state; gumbo_vector_destroy(parser, &state->_active_formatting_elements); gumbo_vector_destroy(parser, &state->_open_elements); gumbo_vector_destroy(parser, &state->_template_insertion_modes); gumbo_string_buffer_destroy(parser, &state->_text_node._buffer); gumbo_parser_deallocate(parser, state); } static GumboNode* get_document_node(GumboParser* parser) { return parser->_output->document; } // Returns the node at the bottom of the stack of open elements, or NULL if no // elements have been added yet. static GumboNode* get_current_node(GumboParser* parser) { GumboVector* open_elements = &parser->_parser_state->_open_elements; if (open_elements->length == 0) { assert(!parser->_output->root); return NULL; } assert(open_elements->length > 0); assert(open_elements->data != NULL); return open_elements->data[open_elements->length - 1]; } // Returns true if the given needle is in the given array of literal // GumboStringPieces. If exact_match is true, this requires that they match // exactly; otherwise, this performs a prefix match to check if any of the // elements in haystack start with needle. This always performs a // case-insensitive match. static bool is_in_static_list( const char* needle, const GumboStringPiece* haystack, bool exact_match) { for (int i = 0; haystack[i].length > 0; ++i) { if ((exact_match && !strcmp(needle, haystack[i].data)) || (!exact_match && !strcasecmp(needle, haystack[i].data))) { return true; } } return false; } static void set_insertion_mode(GumboParser* parser, GumboInsertionMode mode) { parser->_parser_state->_insertion_mode = mode; } // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/parsing.html#reset-the-insertion-mode-appropriately // This is a helper function that returns the appropriate insertion mode instead // of setting it. Returns GUMBO_INSERTION_MODE_INITIAL as a sentinel value to // indicate that there is no appropriate insertion mode, and the loop should // continue. static GumboInsertionMode get_appropriate_insertion_mode( const GumboNode* node, bool is_last) { assert(node->type == GUMBO_NODE_ELEMENT); switch (node->v.element.tag) { case GUMBO_TAG_SELECT: return GUMBO_INSERTION_MODE_IN_SELECT; case GUMBO_TAG_TD: case GUMBO_TAG_TH: return is_last ? GUMBO_INSERTION_MODE_IN_BODY : GUMBO_INSERTION_MODE_IN_CELL; case GUMBO_TAG_TR: return GUMBO_INSERTION_MODE_IN_ROW; case GUMBO_TAG_TBODY: case GUMBO_TAG_THEAD: case GUMBO_TAG_TFOOT: return GUMBO_INSERTION_MODE_IN_TABLE_BODY; case GUMBO_TAG_CAPTION: return GUMBO_INSERTION_MODE_IN_CAPTION; case GUMBO_TAG_COLGROUP: return GUMBO_INSERTION_MODE_IN_COLUMN_GROUP; case GUMBO_TAG_TABLE: return GUMBO_INSERTION_MODE_IN_TABLE; case GUMBO_TAG_HEAD: case GUMBO_TAG_BODY: return GUMBO_INSERTION_MODE_IN_BODY; case GUMBO_TAG_FRAMESET: return GUMBO_INSERTION_MODE_IN_FRAMESET; case GUMBO_TAG_HTML: return GUMBO_INSERTION_MODE_BEFORE_HEAD; default: return is_last ? GUMBO_INSERTION_MODE_IN_BODY : GUMBO_INSERTION_MODE_INITIAL; } } // This performs the actual "reset the insertion mode" loop. static void reset_insertion_mode_appropriately(GumboParser* parser) { const GumboVector* open_elements = &parser->_parser_state->_open_elements; for (int i = open_elements->length; --i >= 0; ) { GumboInsertionMode mode = get_appropriate_insertion_mode(open_elements->data[i], i == 0); if (mode != GUMBO_INSERTION_MODE_INITIAL) { set_insertion_mode(parser, mode); return; } } // Should never get here, because is_last will be set on the last iteration // and will force GUMBO_INSERTION_MODE_IN_BODY. assert(0); } static GumboError* add_parse_error(GumboParser* parser, const GumboToken* token) { gumbo_debug("Adding parse error.\n"); GumboError* error = gumbo_add_error(parser); if (!error) { return NULL; } error->type = GUMBO_ERR_PARSER; error->position = token->position; error->original_text = token->original_text.data; GumboParserError* extra_data = &error->v.parser; extra_data->input_type = token->type; extra_data->input_tag = GUMBO_TAG_UNKNOWN; if (token->type == GUMBO_TOKEN_START_TAG) { extra_data->input_tag = token->v.start_tag.tag; } else if (token->type == GUMBO_TOKEN_END_TAG) { extra_data->input_tag = token->v.end_tag; } GumboParserState* state = parser->_parser_state; extra_data->parser_state = state->_insertion_mode; gumbo_vector_init(parser, state->_open_elements.length, &extra_data->tag_stack); for (int i = 0; i < state->_open_elements.length; ++i) { const GumboNode* node = state->_open_elements.data[i]; assert(node->type == GUMBO_NODE_ELEMENT); gumbo_vector_add(parser, (void*) node->v.element.tag, &extra_data->tag_stack); } return error; } // Returns true if the specified token is either a start or end tag (specified // by is_start) with one of the tag types in the varargs list. Terminate the // list with GUMBO_TAG_LAST; this functions as a sentinel since no portion of // the spec references tags that are not in the spec. // TODO(jdtang): A lot of the tag lists for this function are repeated in many // places in the code. This is how it's written in the spec (and it's done this // way so it's easy to verify the code against the spec), but it may be worth // coming up with a notion of a "tag set" that includes a list of tags, and // using that in many places. It'd probably also help performance, but I want // to profile before optimizing. static bool tag_in(const GumboToken* token, bool is_start, ...) { GumboTag token_tag; if (is_start && token->type == GUMBO_TOKEN_START_TAG) { token_tag = token->v.start_tag.tag; } else if (!is_start && token->type == GUMBO_TOKEN_END_TAG) { token_tag = token->v.end_tag; } else { return false; } va_list tags; va_start(tags, is_start); bool result = false; for (GumboTag tag = va_arg(tags, GumboTag); tag != GUMBO_TAG_LAST; tag = va_arg(tags, GumboTag)) { if (tag == token_tag) { result = true; break; } } va_end(tags); return result; } // Like tag_in, but for the single-tag case. static bool tag_is(const GumboToken* token, bool is_start, GumboTag tag) { if (is_start && token->type == GUMBO_TOKEN_START_TAG) { return token->v.start_tag.tag == tag; } else if (!is_start && token->type == GUMBO_TOKEN_END_TAG) { return token->v.end_tag == tag; } else { return false; } } // Like tag_in, but checks for the tag of a node, rather than a token. static bool node_tag_in(const GumboNode* node, ...) { assert(node != NULL); if (node->type != GUMBO_NODE_ELEMENT) { return false; } GumboTag node_tag = node->v.element.tag; va_list tags; va_start(tags, node); bool result = false; for (GumboTag tag = va_arg(tags, GumboTag); tag != GUMBO_TAG_LAST; tag = va_arg(tags, GumboTag)) { assert(tag <= GUMBO_TAG_LAST); if (tag == node_tag) { result = true; break; } } va_end(tags); return result; } // Like node_tag_in, but for the single-tag case. static bool node_tag_is(const GumboNode* node, GumboTag tag) { return node->type == GUMBO_NODE_ELEMENT && node->v.element.tag == tag; } // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/tree-construction.html#mathml-text-integration-point static bool is_mathml_integration_point(const GumboNode* node) { return node_tag_in(node, GUMBO_TAG_MI, GUMBO_TAG_MO, GUMBO_TAG_MN, GUMBO_TAG_MS, GUMBO_TAG_MTEXT, GUMBO_TAG_LAST) && node->v.element.tag_namespace == GUMBO_NAMESPACE_MATHML; } // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/tree-construction.html#html-integration-point static bool is_html_integration_point(const GumboNode* node) { return (node_tag_in(node, GUMBO_TAG_FOREIGNOBJECT, GUMBO_TAG_DESC, GUMBO_TAG_TITLE, GUMBO_TAG_LAST) && node->v.element.tag_namespace == GUMBO_NAMESPACE_SVG) || (node_tag_is(node, GUMBO_TAG_ANNOTATION_XML) && ( attribute_matches(&node->v.element.attributes, "encoding", "text/html") || attribute_matches(&node->v.element.attributes, "encoding", "application/xhtml+xml"))); } // Appends a node to the end of its parent, setting the "parent" and // "index_within_parent" fields appropriately. static void append_node( GumboParser* parser, GumboNode* parent, GumboNode* node) { assert(node->parent == NULL); assert(node->index_within_parent == -1); GumboVector* children; if (parent->type == GUMBO_NODE_ELEMENT) { children = &parent->v.element.children; } else { assert(parent->type == GUMBO_NODE_DOCUMENT); children = &parent->v.document.children; } node->parent = parent; node->index_within_parent = children->length; gumbo_vector_add(parser, (void*) node, children); assert(node->index_within_parent < children->length); } // Inserts a node at the specified index within its parent, updating the // "parent" and "index_within_parent" fields of it and all its siblings. static void insert_node( GumboParser* parser, GumboNode* parent, int index, GumboNode* node) { assert(node->parent == NULL); assert(node->index_within_parent == -1); assert(parent->type == GUMBO_NODE_ELEMENT); GumboVector* children = &parent->v.element.children; assert(index >= 0); assert(index < children->length); node->parent = parent; node->index_within_parent = index; gumbo_vector_insert_at(parser, (void*) node, index, children); assert(node->index_within_parent < children->length); for (int i = index + 1; i < children->length; ++i) { GumboNode* sibling = children->data[i]; sibling->index_within_parent = i; assert(sibling->index_within_parent < children->length); } } // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/tokenization.html#foster-parenting static void foster_parent_element(GumboParser* parser, GumboNode* node) { GumboVector* open_elements = &parser->_parser_state->_open_elements; assert(open_elements->length > 2); node->parse_flags |= GUMBO_INSERTION_FOSTER_PARENTED; GumboNode* foster_parent_element = open_elements->data[0]; assert(foster_parent_element->type == GUMBO_NODE_ELEMENT); assert(node_tag_is(foster_parent_element, GUMBO_TAG_HTML)); for (int i = open_elements->length; --i > 1; ) { GumboNode* table_element = open_elements->data[i]; if (node_tag_is(table_element, GUMBO_TAG_TABLE)) { foster_parent_element = table_element->parent; if (!foster_parent_element || foster_parent_element->type != GUMBO_NODE_ELEMENT) { // Table has no parent; spec says it's possible if a script manipulated // the DOM, although I don't think we have to worry about this case. gumbo_debug("Table has no parent.\n"); foster_parent_element = open_elements->data[i - 1]; break; } assert(foster_parent_element->type == GUMBO_NODE_ELEMENT); gumbo_debug("Found enclosing table (%x) at %d; parent=%s, index=%d.\n", table_element, i, gumbo_normalized_tagname( foster_parent_element->v.element.tag), table_element->index_within_parent); assert(foster_parent_element->v.element.children.data[ table_element->index_within_parent] == table_element); insert_node(parser, foster_parent_element, table_element->index_within_parent, node); return; } } if (node->type == GUMBO_NODE_ELEMENT) { gumbo_vector_add(parser, (void*) node, open_elements); } append_node(parser, foster_parent_element, node); } static void maybe_flush_text_node_buffer(GumboParser* parser) { GumboParserState* state = parser->_parser_state; TextNodeBufferState* buffer_state = &state->_text_node; if (buffer_state->_buffer.length == 0) { return; } assert(buffer_state->_type == GUMBO_NODE_WHITESPACE || buffer_state->_type == GUMBO_NODE_TEXT); GumboNode* text_node = create_node(parser, buffer_state->_type); GumboText* text_node_data = &text_node->v.text; text_node_data->text = gumbo_string_buffer_to_string( parser, &buffer_state->_buffer); text_node_data->original_text.data = buffer_state->_start_original_text; text_node_data->original_text.length = state->_current_token->original_text.data - buffer_state->_start_original_text; text_node_data->start_pos = buffer_state->_start_position; if (state->_foster_parent_insertions && node_tag_in( get_current_node(parser), GUMBO_TAG_TABLE, GUMBO_TAG_TBODY, GUMBO_TAG_TFOOT, GUMBO_TAG_THEAD, GUMBO_TAG_TR, GUMBO_TAG_LAST)) { foster_parent_element(parser, text_node); } else { append_node( parser, parser->_output->root ? get_current_node(parser) : parser->_output->document, text_node); } gumbo_debug("Flushing text node buffer of %.*s.\n", (int) buffer_state->_buffer.length, buffer_state->_buffer.data); gumbo_string_buffer_destroy(parser, &buffer_state->_buffer); gumbo_string_buffer_init(parser, &buffer_state->_buffer); buffer_state->_type = GUMBO_NODE_WHITESPACE; assert(buffer_state->_buffer.length == 0); } static void record_end_of_element( GumboToken* current_token, GumboElement* element) { element->end_pos = current_token->position; element->original_end_tag = current_token->type == GUMBO_TOKEN_END_TAG ? current_token->original_text : kGumboEmptyString; } static GumboNode* pop_current_node(GumboParser* parser) { GumboParserState* state = parser->_parser_state; maybe_flush_text_node_buffer(parser); if (state->_open_elements.length > 0) { assert(node_tag_is(state->_open_elements.data[0], GUMBO_TAG_HTML)); gumbo_debug( "Popping %s node.\n", gumbo_normalized_tagname(get_current_node(parser)->v.element.tag)); } GumboNode* current_node = gumbo_vector_pop(parser, &state->_open_elements); if (!current_node) { assert(state->_open_elements.length == 0); return NULL; } assert(current_node->type == GUMBO_NODE_ELEMENT); bool is_closed_body_or_html_tag = (node_tag_is(current_node, GUMBO_TAG_BODY) && state->_closed_body_tag) || (node_tag_is(current_node, GUMBO_TAG_HTML) && state->_closed_html_tag); if ((state->_current_token->type != GUMBO_TOKEN_END_TAG || !node_tag_is(current_node, state->_current_token->v.end_tag)) && !is_closed_body_or_html_tag) { current_node->parse_flags |= GUMBO_INSERTION_IMPLICIT_END_TAG; } if (!is_closed_body_or_html_tag) { record_end_of_element(state->_current_token, ¤t_node->v.element); } return current_node; } static void append_comment_node( GumboParser* parser, GumboNode* node, const GumboToken* token) { maybe_flush_text_node_buffer(parser); GumboNode* comment = create_node(parser, GUMBO_NODE_COMMENT); comment->type = GUMBO_NODE_COMMENT; comment->parse_flags = GUMBO_INSERTION_NORMAL; comment->v.text.text = token->v.text; comment->v.text.original_text = token->original_text; comment->v.text.start_pos = token->position; append_node(parser, node, comment); } // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/tokenization.html#clear-the-stack-back-to-a-table-row-context static void clear_stack_to_table_row_context(GumboParser* parser) { while (!node_tag_in(get_current_node(parser), GUMBO_TAG_HTML, GUMBO_TAG_TR, GUMBO_TAG_LAST)) { pop_current_node(parser); } } // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/tokenization.html#clear-the-stack-back-to-a-table-context static void clear_stack_to_table_context(GumboParser* parser) { while (!node_tag_in(get_current_node(parser), GUMBO_TAG_HTML, GUMBO_TAG_TABLE, GUMBO_TAG_LAST)) { pop_current_node(parser); } } // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/tokenization.html#clear-the-stack-back-to-a-table-body-context void clear_stack_to_table_body_context(GumboParser* parser) { while (!node_tag_in(get_current_node(parser), GUMBO_TAG_HTML, GUMBO_TAG_TBODY, GUMBO_TAG_TFOOT, GUMBO_TAG_THEAD, GUMBO_TAG_LAST)) { pop_current_node(parser); } } // Creates a parser-inserted element in the HTML namespace and returns it. static GumboNode* create_element(GumboParser* parser, GumboTag tag) { GumboNode* node = create_node(parser, GUMBO_NODE_ELEMENT); GumboElement* element = &node->v.element; gumbo_vector_init(parser, 1, &element->children); gumbo_vector_init(parser, 0, &element->attributes); element->tag = tag; element->tag_namespace = GUMBO_NAMESPACE_HTML; element->original_tag = kGumboEmptyString; element->original_end_tag = kGumboEmptyString; element->start_pos = parser->_parser_state->_current_token->position; element->end_pos = kGumboEmptySourcePosition; return node; } // Constructs an element from the given start tag token. static GumboNode* create_element_from_token( GumboParser* parser, GumboToken* token, GumboNamespaceEnum tag_namespace) { assert(token->type == GUMBO_TOKEN_START_TAG); GumboTokenStartTag* start_tag = &token->v.start_tag; GumboNode* node = create_node(parser, GUMBO_NODE_ELEMENT); GumboElement* element = &node->v.element; gumbo_vector_init(parser, 1, &element->children); element->attributes = start_tag->attributes; element->tag = start_tag->tag; element->tag_namespace = tag_namespace; assert(token->original_text.length >= 2); assert(token->original_text.data[0] == '<'); assert(token->original_text.data[token->original_text.length - 1] == '>'); element->original_tag = token->original_text; element->start_pos = token->position; element->original_end_tag = kGumboEmptyString; element->end_pos = kGumboEmptySourcePosition; // The element takes ownership of the attributes from the token, so any // allocated-memory fields should be nulled out. start_tag->attributes = kGumboEmptyVector; return node; } // http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/complete/tokenization.html#insert-an-html-element static void insert_element(GumboParser* parser, GumboNode* node, bool is_reconstructing_formatting_elements) { GumboParserState* state = parser->_parser_state; // NOTE(jdtang): The text node buffer must always be flushed before inserting // a node, otherwise we're handling nodes in a different order than the spec // mandated. However, one clause of the spec (character tokens in the body) // requires that we reconstruct the active formatting elements *before* adding // the character, and reconstructing the active formatting elements may itself // result in the insertion of new elements (which should be pushed onto the // stack of open elements before the buffer is flushed). We solve this (for // the time being, the spec has been rewritten for