package THE_PACKAGE; import; import org.ruboto.Script; import; import android.os.Bundle; public class THE_RUBOTO_CLASS THE_ACTION THE_ANDROID_CLASS { private String scriptName; private String remoteVariable = null; private Object[] args; private Bundle configBundle = null; private Object rubyInstance; THE_CONSTANTS private Object[] callbackProcs = new Object[CONSTANTS_COUNT]; public void setCallbackProc(int id, Object obj) { callbackProcs[id] = obj; } public THE_RUBOTO_CLASS setRemoteVariable(String var) { remoteVariable = var; return this; } public String getRemoteVariableCall(String call) { return (remoteVariable == null ? "" : (remoteVariable + ".")) + call; } public void setScriptName(String name) { scriptName = name; } /**************************************************************************************** * * Activity Lifecycle: onCreate */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle bundle) { args = new Object[1]; args[0] = bundle; configBundle = getIntent().getBundleExtra("RubotoActivity Config"); if (configBundle != null) { if (configBundle.containsKey("Theme")) { setTheme(configBundle.getInt("Theme")); } if (configBundle.containsKey("Script")) { if (this.getClass().getName() == RubotoActivity.class.getName()) { setScriptName(configBundle.getString("Script")); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only local Intents may set script name."); } } } super.onCreate(bundle); if (JRubyAdapter.isInitialized()) { prepareJRuby(); loadScript(); } } // TODO(uwe): Only needed for non-class-based definitions // Can be removed if we stop supporting non-class-based definitions // This causes JRuby to initialize and takes a while. protected void prepareJRuby() { JRubyAdapter.put("$context", this); JRubyAdapter.put("$activity", this); JRubyAdapter.put("$bundle", args[0]); } // TODO end protected void loadScript() { try { if (scriptName != null) { String rubyClassName = Script.toCamelCase(scriptName); System.out.println("Looking for Ruby class: " + rubyClassName); Object rubyClass = JRubyAdapter.get(rubyClassName); if (rubyClass == null) { System.out.println("Loading script: " + scriptName); JRubyAdapter.exec(new Script(scriptName).getContents()); rubyClass = JRubyAdapter.get(rubyClassName); } if (rubyClass != null) { System.out.println("Instanciating Ruby class: " + rubyClassName); rubyInstance = JRubyAdapter.callMethod(rubyClass, "new", this, Object.class); JRubyAdapter.callMethod(rubyInstance, "on_create", args[0]); } } else if (configBundle != null) { // TODO: Why doesn't this work? // JRubyAdapter.callMethod(this, "initialize_ruboto"); JRubyAdapter.execute("$activity.initialize_ruboto"); // TODO: Why doesn't this work? // JRubyAdapter.callMethod(this, "on_create", args[0]); JRubyAdapter.execute("$activity.on_create($bundle)"); } } catch(IOException e){ e.printStackTrace();, "Script failed", "Something bad happened", true, true); } } public boolean rubotoAttachable() { return true; } /**************************************************************************************** * * Generated Methods */ THE_METHODS }