/* * Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with * a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file. */ #include "commit.h" #include "git2/common.h" #include "git2/object.h" #include "git2/repository.h" #include "git2/signature.h" #include "git2/sys/commit.h" #include "odb.h" #include "commit.h" #include "signature.h" #include "message.h" #include "refs.h" #include "object.h" #include "oidarray.h" void git_commit__free(void *_commit) { git_commit *commit = _commit; git_array_clear(commit->parent_ids); git_signature_free(commit->author); git_signature_free(commit->committer); git__free(commit->raw_header); git__free(commit->raw_message); git__free(commit->message_encoding); git__free(commit->summary); git__free(commit->body); git__free(commit); } static int git_commit__create_buffer_internal( git_buf *out, const git_signature *author, const git_signature *committer, const char *message_encoding, const char *message, const git_oid *tree, git_array_oid_t *parents) { size_t i = 0; const git_oid *parent; assert(out && tree); git_oid__writebuf(out, "tree ", tree); for (i = 0; i < git_array_size(*parents); i++) { parent = git_array_get(*parents, i); git_oid__writebuf(out, "parent ", parent); } git_signature__writebuf(out, "author ", author); git_signature__writebuf(out, "committer ", committer); if (message_encoding != NULL) git_buf_printf(out, "encoding %s\n", message_encoding); git_buf_putc(out, '\n'); if (git_buf_puts(out, message) < 0) goto on_error; return 0; on_error: git_buf_free(out); return -1; } static int validate_tree_and_parents(git_array_oid_t *parents, git_repository *repo, const git_oid *tree, git_commit_parent_callback parent_cb, void *parent_payload, const git_oid *current_id, bool validate) { size_t i; int error; git_oid *parent_cpy; const git_oid *parent; if (validate && !git_object__is_valid(repo, tree, GIT_OBJ_TREE)) return -1; i = 0; while ((parent = parent_cb(i, parent_payload)) != NULL) { if (validate && !git_object__is_valid(repo, parent, GIT_OBJ_COMMIT)) { error = -1; goto on_error; } parent_cpy = git_array_alloc(*parents); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(parent_cpy); git_oid_cpy(parent_cpy, parent); i++; } if (current_id && (parents->size == 0 || git_oid_cmp(current_id, git_array_get(*parents, 0)))) { giterr_set(GITERR_OBJECT, "failed to create commit: current tip is not the first parent"); error = GIT_EMODIFIED; goto on_error; } return 0; on_error: git_array_clear(*parents); return error; } static int git_commit__create_internal( git_oid *id, git_repository *repo, const char *update_ref, const git_signature *author, const git_signature *committer, const char *message_encoding, const char *message, const git_oid *tree, git_commit_parent_callback parent_cb, void *parent_payload, bool validate) { int error; git_odb *odb; git_reference *ref = NULL; git_buf buf = GIT_BUF_INIT; const git_oid *current_id = NULL; git_array_oid_t parents = GIT_ARRAY_INIT; if (update_ref) { error = git_reference_lookup_resolved(&ref, repo, update_ref, 10); if (error < 0 && error != GIT_ENOTFOUND) return error; } giterr_clear(); if (ref) current_id = git_reference_target(ref); if ((error = validate_tree_and_parents(&parents, repo, tree, parent_cb, parent_payload, current_id, validate)) < 0) goto cleanup; error = git_commit__create_buffer_internal(&buf, author, committer, message_encoding, message, tree, &parents); if (error < 0) goto cleanup; if (git_repository_odb__weakptr(&odb, repo) < 0) goto cleanup; if (git_odb__freshen(odb, tree) < 0) goto cleanup; if (git_odb_write(id, odb, buf.ptr, buf.size, GIT_OBJ_COMMIT) < 0) goto cleanup; if (update_ref != NULL) { error = git_reference__update_for_commit( repo, ref, update_ref, id, "commit"); goto cleanup; } cleanup: git_array_clear(parents); git_reference_free(ref); git_buf_free(&buf); return error; } int git_commit_create_from_callback( git_oid *id, git_repository *repo, const char *update_ref, const git_signature *author, const git_signature *committer, const char *message_encoding, const char *message, const git_oid *tree, git_commit_parent_callback parent_cb, void *parent_payload) { return git_commit__create_internal( id, repo, update_ref, author, committer, message_encoding, message, tree, parent_cb, parent_payload, true); } typedef struct { size_t total; va_list args; } commit_parent_varargs; static const git_oid *commit_parent_from_varargs(size_t curr, void *payload) { commit_parent_varargs *data = payload; const git_commit *commit; if (curr >= data->total) return NULL; commit = va_arg(data->args, const git_commit *); return commit ? git_commit_id(commit) : NULL; } int git_commit_create_v( git_oid *id, git_repository *repo, const char *update_ref, const git_signature *author, const git_signature *committer, const char *message_encoding, const char *message, const git_tree *tree, size_t parent_count, ...) { int error = 0; commit_parent_varargs data; assert(tree && git_tree_owner(tree) == repo); data.total = parent_count; va_start(data.args, parent_count); error = git_commit__create_internal( id, repo, update_ref, author, committer, message_encoding, message, git_tree_id(tree), commit_parent_from_varargs, &data, false); va_end(data.args); return error; } typedef struct { size_t total; const git_oid **parents; } commit_parent_oids; static const git_oid *commit_parent_from_ids(size_t curr, void *payload) { commit_parent_oids *data = payload; return (curr < data->total) ? data->parents[curr] : NULL; } int git_commit_create_from_ids( git_oid *id, git_repository *repo, const char *update_ref, const git_signature *author, const git_signature *committer, const char *message_encoding, const char *message, const git_oid *tree, size_t parent_count, const git_oid *parents[]) { commit_parent_oids data = { parent_count, parents }; return git_commit__create_internal( id, repo, update_ref, author, committer, message_encoding, message, tree, commit_parent_from_ids, &data, true); } typedef struct { size_t total; const git_commit **parents; git_repository *repo; } commit_parent_data; static const git_oid *commit_parent_from_array(size_t curr, void *payload) { commit_parent_data *data = payload; const git_commit *commit; if (curr >= data->total) return NULL; commit = data->parents[curr]; if (git_commit_owner(commit) != data->repo) return NULL; return git_commit_id(commit); } int git_commit_create( git_oid *id, git_repository *repo, const char *update_ref, const git_signature *author, const git_signature *committer, const char *message_encoding, const char *message, const git_tree *tree, size_t parent_count, const git_commit *parents[]) { commit_parent_data data = { parent_count, parents, repo }; assert(tree && git_tree_owner(tree) == repo); return git_commit__create_internal( id, repo, update_ref, author, committer, message_encoding, message, git_tree_id(tree), commit_parent_from_array, &data, false); } static const git_oid *commit_parent_for_amend(size_t curr, void *payload) { const git_commit *commit_to_amend = payload; if (curr >= git_array_size(commit_to_amend->parent_ids)) return NULL; return git_array_get(commit_to_amend->parent_ids, curr); } int git_commit_amend( git_oid *id, const git_commit *commit_to_amend, const char *update_ref, const git_signature *author, const git_signature *committer, const char *message_encoding, const char *message, const git_tree *tree) { git_repository *repo; git_oid tree_id; git_reference *ref; int error; assert(id && commit_to_amend); repo = git_commit_owner(commit_to_amend); if (!author) author = git_commit_author(commit_to_amend); if (!committer) committer = git_commit_committer(commit_to_amend); if (!message_encoding) message_encoding = git_commit_message_encoding(commit_to_amend); if (!message) message = git_commit_message(commit_to_amend); if (!tree) { git_tree *old_tree; GITERR_CHECK_ERROR( git_commit_tree(&old_tree, commit_to_amend) ); git_oid_cpy(&tree_id, git_tree_id(old_tree)); git_tree_free(old_tree); } else { assert(git_tree_owner(tree) == repo); git_oid_cpy(&tree_id, git_tree_id(tree)); } if (update_ref) { if ((error = git_reference_lookup_resolved(&ref, repo, update_ref, 5)) < 0) return error; if (git_oid_cmp(git_commit_id(commit_to_amend), git_reference_target(ref))) { git_reference_free(ref); giterr_set(GITERR_REFERENCE, "commit to amend is not the tip of the given branch"); return -1; } } error = git_commit__create_internal( id, repo, NULL, author, committer, message_encoding, message, &tree_id, commit_parent_for_amend, (void *)commit_to_amend, false); if (!error && update_ref) { error = git_reference__update_for_commit( repo, ref, NULL, id, "commit"); git_reference_free(ref); } return error; } int git_commit__parse(void *_commit, git_odb_object *odb_obj) { git_commit *commit = _commit; const char *buffer_start = git_odb_object_data(odb_obj), *buffer; const char *buffer_end = buffer_start + git_odb_object_size(odb_obj); git_oid parent_id; size_t header_len; git_signature dummy_sig; buffer = buffer_start; /* Allocate for one, which will allow not to realloc 90% of the time */ git_array_init_to_size(commit->parent_ids, 1); GITERR_CHECK_ARRAY(commit->parent_ids); /* The tree is always the first field */ if (git_oid__parse(&commit->tree_id, &buffer, buffer_end, "tree ") < 0) goto bad_buffer; /* * TODO: commit grafts! */ while (git_oid__parse(&parent_id, &buffer, buffer_end, "parent ") == 0) { git_oid *new_id = git_array_alloc(commit->parent_ids); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(new_id); git_oid_cpy(new_id, &parent_id); } commit->author = git__malloc(sizeof(git_signature)); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(commit->author); if (git_signature__parse(commit->author, &buffer, buffer_end, "author ", '\n') < 0) return -1; /* Some tools create multiple author fields, ignore the extra ones */ while (!git__prefixncmp(buffer, buffer_end - buffer, "author ")) { if (git_signature__parse(&dummy_sig, &buffer, buffer_end, "author ", '\n') < 0) return -1; git__free(dummy_sig.name); git__free(dummy_sig.email); } /* Always parse the committer; we need the commit time */ commit->committer = git__malloc(sizeof(git_signature)); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(commit->committer); if (git_signature__parse(commit->committer, &buffer, buffer_end, "committer ", '\n') < 0) return -1; /* Parse add'l header entries */ while (buffer < buffer_end) { const char *eoln = buffer; if (buffer[-1] == '\n' && buffer[0] == '\n') break; while (eoln < buffer_end && *eoln != '\n') ++eoln; if (git__prefixncmp(buffer, buffer_end - buffer, "encoding ") == 0) { buffer += strlen("encoding "); commit->message_encoding = git__strndup(buffer, eoln - buffer); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(commit->message_encoding); } if (eoln < buffer_end && *eoln == '\n') ++eoln; buffer = eoln; } header_len = buffer - buffer_start; commit->raw_header = git__strndup(buffer_start, header_len); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(commit->raw_header); /* point "buffer" to data after header, +1 for the final LF */ buffer = buffer_start + header_len + 1; /* extract commit message */ if (buffer <= buffer_end) commit->raw_message = git__strndup(buffer, buffer_end - buffer); else commit->raw_message = git__strdup(""); GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(commit->raw_message); return 0; bad_buffer: giterr_set(GITERR_OBJECT, "failed to parse bad commit object"); return -1; } #define GIT_COMMIT_GETTER(_rvalue, _name, _return) \ _rvalue git_commit_##_name(const git_commit *commit) \ {\ assert(commit); \ return _return; \ } GIT_COMMIT_GETTER(const git_signature *, author, commit->author) GIT_COMMIT_GETTER(const git_signature *, committer, commit->committer) GIT_COMMIT_GETTER(const char *, message_raw, commit->raw_message) GIT_COMMIT_GETTER(const char *, message_encoding, commit->message_encoding) GIT_COMMIT_GETTER(const char *, raw_header, commit->raw_header) GIT_COMMIT_GETTER(git_time_t, time, commit->committer->when.time) GIT_COMMIT_GETTER(int, time_offset, commit->committer->when.offset) GIT_COMMIT_GETTER(unsigned int, parentcount, (unsigned int)git_array_size(commit->parent_ids)) GIT_COMMIT_GETTER(const git_oid *, tree_id, &commit->tree_id) const char *git_commit_message(const git_commit *commit) { const char *message; assert(commit); message = commit->raw_message; /* trim leading newlines from raw message */ while (*message && *message == '\n') ++message; return message; } const char *git_commit_summary(git_commit *commit) { git_buf summary = GIT_BUF_INIT; const char *msg, *space; bool space_contains_newline = false; assert(commit); if (!commit->summary) { for (msg = git_commit_message(commit), space = NULL; *msg; ++msg) { char next_character = msg[0]; /* stop processing at the end of the first paragraph */ if (next_character == '\n' && (!msg[1] || msg[1] == '\n')) break; /* record the beginning of contiguous whitespace runs */ else if (git__isspace(next_character)) { if(space == NULL) { space = msg; space_contains_newline = false; } space_contains_newline |= next_character == '\n'; } /* the next character is non-space */ else { /* process any recorded whitespace */ if (space) { if(space_contains_newline) git_buf_putc(&summary, ' '); /* if the space contains a newline, collapse to ' ' */ else git_buf_put(&summary, space, (msg - space)); /* otherwise copy it */ space = NULL; } /* copy the next character */ git_buf_putc(&summary, next_character); } } commit->summary = git_buf_detach(&summary); if (!commit->summary) commit->summary = git__strdup(""); } return commit->summary; } const char *git_commit_body(git_commit *commit) { const char *msg, *end; assert(commit); if (!commit->body) { /* search for end of summary */ for (msg = git_commit_message(commit); *msg; ++msg) if (msg[0] == '\n' && (!msg[1] || msg[1] == '\n')) break; /* trim leading and trailing whitespace */ for (; *msg; ++msg) if (!git__isspace(*msg)) break; for (end = msg + strlen(msg) - 1; msg <= end; --end) if (!git__isspace(*end)) break; if (*msg) commit->body = git__strndup(msg, end - msg + 1); } return commit->body; } int git_commit_tree(git_tree **tree_out, const git_commit *commit) { assert(commit); return git_tree_lookup(tree_out, commit->object.repo, &commit->tree_id); } const git_oid *git_commit_parent_id( const git_commit *commit, unsigned int n) { assert(commit); return git_array_get(commit->parent_ids, n); } int git_commit_parent( git_commit **parent, const git_commit *commit, unsigned int n) { const git_oid *parent_id; assert(commit); parent_id = git_commit_parent_id(commit, n); if (parent_id == NULL) { giterr_set(GITERR_INVALID, "parent %u does not exist", n); return GIT_ENOTFOUND; } return git_commit_lookup(parent, commit->object.repo, parent_id); } int git_commit_nth_gen_ancestor( git_commit **ancestor, const git_commit *commit, unsigned int n) { git_commit *current, *parent = NULL; int error; assert(ancestor && commit); if (git_commit_dup(¤t, (git_commit *)commit) < 0) return -1; if (n == 0) { *ancestor = current; return 0; } while (n--) { error = git_commit_parent(&parent, current, 0); git_commit_free(current); if (error < 0) return error; current = parent; } *ancestor = parent; return 0; } int git_commit_header_field(git_buf *out, const git_commit *commit, const char *field) { const char *eol, *buf = commit->raw_header; git_buf_clear(out); while ((eol = strchr(buf, '\n'))) { /* We can skip continuations here */ if (buf[0] == ' ') { buf = eol + 1; continue; } /* Skip until we find the field we're after */ if (git__prefixcmp(buf, field)) { buf = eol + 1; continue; } buf += strlen(field); /* Check that we're not matching a prefix but the field itself */ if (buf[0] != ' ') { buf = eol + 1; continue; } buf++; /* skip the SP */ git_buf_put(out, buf, eol - buf); if (git_buf_oom(out)) goto oom; /* If the next line starts with SP, it's multi-line, we must continue */ while (eol[1] == ' ') { git_buf_putc(out, '\n'); buf = eol + 2; eol = strchr(buf, '\n'); if (!eol) goto malformed; git_buf_put(out, buf, eol - buf); } if (git_buf_oom(out)) goto oom; return 0; } giterr_set(GITERR_OBJECT, "no such field '%s'", field); return GIT_ENOTFOUND; malformed: giterr_set(GITERR_OBJECT, "malformed header"); return -1; oom: giterr_set_oom(); return -1; } int git_commit_extract_signature(git_buf *signature, git_buf *signed_data, git_repository *repo, git_oid *commit_id, const char *field) { git_odb_object *obj; git_odb *odb; const char *buf; const char *h, *eol; int error; git_buf_clear(signature); git_buf_clear(signed_data); if (!field) field = "gpgsig"; if ((error = git_repository_odb__weakptr(&odb, repo)) < 0) return error; if ((error = git_odb_read(&obj, odb, commit_id)) < 0) return error; if (obj->cached.type != GIT_OBJ_COMMIT) { giterr_set(GITERR_INVALID, "the requested type does not match the type in ODB"); error = GIT_ENOTFOUND; goto cleanup; } buf = git_odb_object_data(obj); while ((h = strchr(buf, '\n')) && h[1] != '\0') { h++; if (git__prefixcmp(buf, field)) { if (git_buf_put(signed_data, buf, h - buf) < 0) return -1; buf = h; continue; } h = buf; h += strlen(field); eol = strchr(h, '\n'); if (h[0] != ' ') { buf = h; continue; } if (!eol) goto malformed; h++; /* skip the SP */ git_buf_put(signature, h, eol - h); if (git_buf_oom(signature)) goto oom; /* If the next line starts with SP, it's multi-line, we must continue */ while (eol[1] == ' ') { git_buf_putc(signature, '\n'); h = eol + 2; eol = strchr(h, '\n'); if (!eol) goto malformed; git_buf_put(signature, h, eol - h); } if (git_buf_oom(signature)) goto oom; error = git_buf_puts(signed_data, eol+1); git_odb_object_free(obj); return error; } giterr_set(GITERR_OBJECT, "this commit is not signed"); error = GIT_ENOTFOUND; goto cleanup; malformed: giterr_set(GITERR_OBJECT, "malformed header"); error = -1; goto cleanup; oom: giterr_set_oom(); error = -1; goto cleanup; cleanup: git_odb_object_free(obj); git_buf_clear(signature); git_buf_clear(signed_data); return error; } int git_commit_create_buffer(git_buf *out, git_repository *repo, const git_signature *author, const git_signature *committer, const char *message_encoding, const char *message, const git_tree *tree, size_t parent_count, const git_commit *parents[]) { int error; commit_parent_data data = { parent_count, parents, repo }; git_array_oid_t parents_arr = GIT_ARRAY_INIT; const git_oid *tree_id; assert(tree && git_tree_owner(tree) == repo); tree_id = git_tree_id(tree); if ((error = validate_tree_and_parents(&parents_arr, repo, tree_id, commit_parent_from_array, &data, NULL, true)) < 0) return error; error = git_commit__create_buffer_internal( out, author, committer, message_encoding, message, tree_id, &parents_arr); git_array_clear(parents_arr); return error; } /** * Append to 'out' properly marking continuations when there's a newline in 'content' */ static void format_header_field(git_buf *out, const char *field, const char *content) { const char *lf; assert(out && field && content); git_buf_puts(out, field); git_buf_putc(out, ' '); while ((lf = strchr(content, '\n')) != NULL) { git_buf_put(out, content, lf - content); git_buf_puts(out, "\n "); content = lf + 1; } git_buf_puts(out, content); git_buf_putc(out, '\n'); } int git_commit_create_with_signature( git_oid *out, git_repository *repo, const char *commit_content, const char *signature, const char *signature_field) { git_odb *odb; int error = 0; const char *field; const char *header_end; git_buf commit = GIT_BUF_INIT; /* We start by identifying the end of the commit header */ header_end = strstr(commit_content, "\n\n"); if (!header_end) { giterr_set(GITERR_INVALID, "malformed commit contents"); return -1; } field = signature_field ? signature_field : "gpgsig"; /* The header ends after the first LF */ header_end++; git_buf_put(&commit, commit_content, header_end - commit_content); format_header_field(&commit, field, signature); git_buf_puts(&commit, header_end); if (git_buf_oom(&commit)) return -1; if ((error = git_repository_odb__weakptr(&odb, repo)) < 0) goto cleanup; if ((error = git_odb_write(out, odb, commit.ptr, commit.size, GIT_OBJ_COMMIT)) < 0) goto cleanup; cleanup: git_buf_free(&commit); return error; }