`osxsub` A command line utility for using the OS X Text Substitution System Preferences in a unix pipeline. Like `sed` but for Mac users who are taking advantage of a mostly hidden system preference. Basic usage is like this: $ echo "Copyright (c) 2013 Mark Wunsch" | osxsub Copyright © 2013 Mark Wunsch Text Substitutions are available for a handful of Mac applications, and can be set up by going to `System Preferences -> Language & Text` and selecting the `Text` tab. Read more about OS X Text Substitution: + [_How to use text substitution in Snow Leopard_ -- Macworld](http://www.macworld.com/article/1142708/slsubstitutions.html) + [_Mac 101: Making Text Replacement Work_ -- TUAW](http://www.tuaw.com/2009/12/31/mac-101-making-text-replacement-work/) + [_Do Yourself a Favor: Set Up Mountain Lion’s Built-in Text Expansion with These Shortcuts_ -- Lifehacker](http://lifehacker.com/5931337/do-yourself-a-favor-set-up-mountain-lions-built+in-text-expansion-with-these-shortcuts) The goals for this program are: + Backup your text substitution preferences, along with the ability to + Load new preferences, so that you can + Share substitution preferences across machines, and + Have access to them in a greater set of applications, by + Allowing Text Substitutions to be a part of your command line toolkit. Some more options can be given to the tool to make managing your Preferences easy: $ osxsub --print ## Print a plist of your substition preferences $ osxsub --merge PATH_TO_PLIST ## Merge another plist into your preferences. $ osxsub --add REPLACE,WITH ## Add a new pair of substitutions (they're turned on by default). $ osxsub --clear ## Clear all your preferences. $ osxsub --repl ## Start an interactive session to test out substitutions. ## Installation A Homebrew Formula is available, but has yet to be moved to the master Homebrew repo: https://gist.github.com/4657560 Alternatively, `osxsub` is available as a Rubygem. $ gem install osxsub Or clone the repository and put the `bin` directory somewhere on your `$PATH`. ## TODO + Manpages + Documentation + Tests Copyright © 2013 Mark Wunsch.