## --- BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK --- # Copyright (c) 2016-present WeWantToKnow AS # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. ## --- END LICENSE BLOCK --- require 'commander' require 'u3d_core' require 'u3d/commands' HighLine.track_eof = false module U3d # CLI using commander gem for u3d # rubocop:disable ClassLength class CommandsGenerator include Commander::Methods UI = U3dCore::UI def self.start new.run end def extract_run_args(args = ARGV) both_args = [[], []] idx = 0 args.each do |arg| if arg == '--' idx = 1 next end both_args[idx] << arg end args.replace both_args[0] both_args[1] end def convert_options(options) o = options.__hash__.dup o.delete(:verbose) o end def run program :version, U3d::VERSION program :description, U3d::DESCRIPTION program :help, 'Authors', 'Jerome Lacoste , Paul Niezborala ' program :help, 'A word on Unity versions', U3d::UNITY_VERSIONS_NOTE global_option('--verbose', 'Run in verbose mode') { U3dCore::Globals.verbose = true } command :run do |c| # Intended for backward compatibilty purposes for run command # Meant to fetch options after '--' unknown by CommandsGenerator run_args = extract_run_args c.syntax = 'u3d run [-u | --unity_version ] [-r | --raw_logs] [ -- ]' c.summary = 'Run unity, and parses its output through u3d\'s log prettifier' c.description = %( #{c.summary} The default prettifier rules file is packaged with u3d (#{U3d::LogAnalyzer::RULES_PATH}). You may which to pass your own using the environment variable U3D_RULES_PATH. E.g. U3D_RULES_PATH=my_rules.json u3d -- ... Fore more information about how the rules work, see https://github.com/DragonBox/u3d/blob/master/LOG_RULES.md ) c.option '-u', '--unity_version STRING', String, 'Version of Unity to run with. If not specified, it runs with the version of the project (either specified as -projectpath or current)' c.option '-r', '--raw_logs', 'Raw Unity output, not filtered by u3d\'s log prettifier' c.action do |args, options| UI.user_error! "Run doesn't take arguments. Did you forget '--' or did you mistake your command? (#{args})" if args.count > 0 U3dCore::Globals.log_timestamps = true Commands.run(options: convert_options(options), run_args: run_args) end end command :list do |c| c.syntax = 'u3d list [-p | --packages]' c.option '-p', '--packages', 'Lists installed packages as well' c.example 'List currently installed Unity3d versions, as well as installed packages', 'u3d list -p' c.description = 'List installed versions of Unity3d' c.action do |_args, options| Commands.list_installed(options: convert_options(options)) end end command :available do |c| oses = U3dCore::Helper.operating_systems c.syntax = 'u3d available [-r | --release_level ] [-o | --operating_system ] [-u | --unity_version ] [-p | --packages] [-f | --force]' levels = Commands.release_levels c.option '-f', '--force', 'Force refresh list of available versions' c.option '-r', '--release_level STRING', String, "Checks for availability on specific release level [#{levels.join(', ')}]" c.option '-o', '--operating_system STRING', String, "Checks for availability on specific OS [#{oses.join(', ')}]" c.option '-u', '--unity_version STRING', String, 'Checks if specified version is available' c.option '-p', '--packages', 'Lists available packages as well' c.example 'List all versions available, forcing a refresh of the available packages from Unity servers', 'u3d available -f' c.example 'List stable versions available', 'u3d available -r stable -p' c.example 'List all versions available for Linux platform', 'u3d available -o linux' c.example 'List packages available for Unity version 5.6.0f3', 'u3d available -u 5.6.0f3 -p' c.description = 'List download-ready versions of Unity3d' c.action do |_args, options| options.default packages: false Commands.list_available(options: convert_options(options)) end end command :install do |c| c.syntax = 'u3d install [] [ [-p | --packages ...] | [-a | --all] ] [ [-n | --no_install] [-i | --installation_path ] ]' c.summary = "Download (and/or) install Unity3D packages." c.description = %( #{c.summary} This command allows you to either: * download and install packages * download packages but not install them * install already downloaded packages ) c.option '--[no-]download', 'Perform or not downloading before installation. Downloads by default' c.option '--[no-]install', 'Perform or not installation after downloading. Installs by default' c.option '-p', '--packages PACKAGES', Array, 'Specifies which packages to download/install. Overriden by --all' c.option '-a', '--all', 'Download all available packages. Overrides -p' c.option '-X', '--installation_path PATH', String, 'Specifies where package(s) will be downloaded/installed. Conflicts with --no-install' c.option '-k', '--keychain', 'Gain privileges right through the keychain. [OSX only]' c.example 'Download and install Unity, its Documentation and the Android build support and install them for version 5.1.2f1', 'u3d install 5.1.2f1 -p Unity,Documentation,Android' c.example "The 'version' argument can be a specific version number, such as 5.6.1f1, or an alias in [#{Commands.release_letter_mapping.keys.join(', ')}]. If not specified, u3d will download the unity version for the current project", 'u3d install latest' c.action do |args, options| options.default all: false options.default install: true options.default download: true Commands.install(args: args, options: convert_options(options)) end end command :uninstall do |c| c.syntax = 'u3d uninstall []' c.description = "Uninstall the specified Unity3d version." c.option '-k', '--keychain', 'Gain privileges right through the keychain. [OSX only]' c.example 'Uninstall Unity version 5.2.1f1', 'u3d uninstall 5.1.2f1' c.action do |args, options| Commands.uninstall(args: args, options: convert_options(options)) end end command :dependencies do |c| c.syntax = 'u3d dependencies' c.summary = 'Installs Unity dependencies. [Linux only]' c.description = %( #{c.summary} Regarding the package manager: if dpkg is installed, u3d uses apt-get else if rpm is installed yum is used. If none of them is insalled, fails. Regarding the dependencies themselves: only dependencies for the editor are installed. WebGL, Android and Tizen require others that you will have to install manually. More on that: https://forum.unity3d.com/threads/unity-on-linux-release-notes-and-known-issues.350256/ ) c.action do |_args, _options| Commands.install_dependencies end end command :credentials do |c| c.syntax = "u3d credentials <#{Commands.credentials_actions.join(' | ')}>" c.description = 'Manages keychain credentials so u3d remembers them. [OSX only]' c.action do |args, _options| Commands.credentials(args: args) end end command :prettify do |c| c.syntax = 'u3d prettify ' c.summary = 'Prettify a saved logfile' c.description = %( #{c.summary} The default prettifier rules file is packaged with u3d (#{U3d::LogAnalyzer::RULES_PATH}). You may which to pass your own using the environment variable U3D_RULES_PATH. E.g. U3D_RULES_PATH=my_rules.json u3d prettify ... Fore more information about how the rules work, see https://github.com/DragonBox/u3d/blob/master/LOG_RULES.md ) c.action do |args, _options| Commands.local_analyze(args: args) end end default_command :run run! end end # rubocop:enable ClassLength end