--- !ruby/object:Gem::Specification name: puma version: !ruby/object:Gem::Version version: 3.11.3 platform: java authors: - Evan Phoenix autorequire: bindir: bin cert_chain: [] date: 2018-03-06 00:00:00.000000000 Z dependencies: [] description: Puma is a simple, fast, threaded, and highly concurrent HTTP 1.1 server for Ruby/Rack applications. Puma is intended for use in both development and production environments. It's great for highly concurrent Ruby implementations such as Rubinius and JRuby as well as as providing process worker support to support CRuby well. email: - evan@phx.io executables: - puma - pumactl extensions: [] extra_rdoc_files: [] files: - History.md - LICENSE - README.md - bin/puma - bin/puma-wild - bin/pumactl - docs/architecture.md - docs/deployment.md - docs/images/puma-connection-flow-no-reactor.png - docs/images/puma-connection-flow.png - docs/images/puma-general-arch.png - docs/nginx.md - docs/plugins.md - docs/restart.md - docs/signals.md - docs/systemd.md - ext/puma_http11/PumaHttp11Service.java - ext/puma_http11/ext_help.h - ext/puma_http11/extconf.rb - ext/puma_http11/http11_parser.c - ext/puma_http11/http11_parser.h - ext/puma_http11/http11_parser.java.rl - ext/puma_http11/http11_parser.rl - ext/puma_http11/http11_parser_common.rl - ext/puma_http11/io_buffer.c - ext/puma_http11/mini_ssl.c - ext/puma_http11/org/jruby/puma/Http11.java - ext/puma_http11/org/jruby/puma/Http11Parser.java - ext/puma_http11/org/jruby/puma/MiniSSL.java - ext/puma_http11/puma_http11.c - lib/puma.rb - lib/puma/accept_nonblock.rb - lib/puma/app/status.rb - lib/puma/binder.rb - lib/puma/cli.rb - lib/puma/client.rb - lib/puma/cluster.rb - lib/puma/commonlogger.rb - lib/puma/compat.rb - lib/puma/configuration.rb - lib/puma/const.rb - lib/puma/control_cli.rb - lib/puma/convenient.rb - lib/puma/daemon_ext.rb - lib/puma/delegation.rb - lib/puma/detect.rb - lib/puma/dsl.rb - lib/puma/events.rb - lib/puma/io_buffer.rb - lib/puma/java_io_buffer.rb - lib/puma/jruby_restart.rb - lib/puma/launcher.rb - lib/puma/minissl.rb - lib/puma/null_io.rb - lib/puma/plugin.rb - lib/puma/plugin/tmp_restart.rb - lib/puma/puma_http11.jar - lib/puma/rack/backports/uri/common_193.rb - lib/puma/rack/builder.rb - lib/puma/rack/urlmap.rb - lib/puma/rack_default.rb - lib/puma/reactor.rb - lib/puma/runner.rb - lib/puma/server.rb - lib/puma/single.rb - lib/puma/state_file.rb - lib/puma/tcp_logger.rb - lib/puma/thread_pool.rb - lib/puma/util.rb - lib/rack/handler/puma.rb - tools/jungle/README.md - tools/jungle/init.d/README.md - tools/jungle/init.d/puma - tools/jungle/init.d/run-puma - tools/jungle/upstart/README.md - tools/jungle/upstart/puma-manager.conf - tools/jungle/upstart/puma.conf - tools/trickletest.rb homepage: http://puma.io licenses: - BSD-3-Clause metadata: msys2_mingw_dependencies: openssl post_install_message: rdoc_options: [] require_paths: - lib required_ruby_version: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement requirements: - - ">=" - !ruby/object:Gem::Version version: 1.9.3 required_rubygems_version: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement requirements: - - ">=" - !ruby/object:Gem::Version version: '0' requirements: [] rubyforge_project: rubygems_version: 2.6.8 signing_key: specification_version: 4 summary: Puma is a simple, fast, threaded, and highly concurrent HTTP 1.1 server for Ruby/Rack applications test_files: []