require 'fspath' describe FSPath do class ZPath < FSPath; end # check_have_symlink? from test/fileutils/test_fileutils.rb def self.symlinks_supported? File.symlink '', '' rescue NotImplementedError, Errno::EACCES false rescue true end it 'inherits from Pathname' do expect('.')).to be_kind_of(Pathname) end it 'uses shortcut' do expect(FSPath('.')).to eql('.')) end describe '.~' do it 'returns current user home directory' do expect(File).to receive(:expand_path). with('~').and_return('/home/this') expect(FSPath.~).to eq(FSPath('/home/this')) end it 'returns other user home directory' do expect(File).to receive(:expand_path). with('~root').and_return('/home/root') expect(FSPath.~('root')).to eq(FSPath('/home/root')) end end describe '.common_dir' do it 'returns dirname if called with one path' do expect(FSPath.common_dir('/a/b/c')).to eq(FSPath('/a/b')) end it 'returns common path if called with mulpitle paths' do expect(FSPath.common_dir('/a/b/c/d/e', '/a/b/c/d/f', '/a/b/c/z')). to eq(FSPath('/a/b/c')) end it 'returns nil if there is no common path' do expect(FSPath.common_dir('../a', './b')).to be_nil end it 'returns nil if called without parameters' do expect{ FSPath.common_dir }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe '.temp_file' do [FSPath, ZPath].each do |klass| context "when called on #{klass}" do it "returns Tempfile with path returning instance of #{klass}" do expect(klass.temp_file).to be_kind_of(Tempfile) expect(klass.temp_file.path).to be_kind_of(klass) end it "yields Tempfile with path returning instance of #{klass}" do yielded = nil klass.temp_file{ |y| yielded = y } expect(yielded).to be_kind_of(Tempfile) expect(yielded.path).to be_kind_of(klass) end end end it 'returns result of block' do expect(FSPath.temp_file{ :result }).to eq(:result) end it 'calls appropriate initializer (jruby 1.8 mode bug)' do expect do FSPath.temp_file('abc', '.'){} end.not_to raise_error end end describe '.temp_file_path' do [FSPath, ZPath].each do |klass| context "when called on #{klass}" do it "returns an instance of #{klass} with temporary path" do expect(klass.temp_file_path).to be_kind_of(klass) end it "yields an instance of #{klass} with temporary path" do yielded = nil klass.temp_file_path{ |y| yielded = y } expect(yielded).to be_kind_of(klass) end end end it 'does not allow GC to finalize TempFile' do paths ={ FSPath.temp_file_path } expect(paths).to be_all(&:exist?) GC.start expect(paths).to be_all(&:exist?) end it 'returns result of block' do expect(FSPath.temp_file_path{ :result }).to eq(:result) end describe 'closing file handle' do before do @tempfile = nil allow(FSPath::Tempfile).to receive(:new).once. and_wrap_original{ |m, *args| @tempfile =*args) } end it 'closes the file handle, but does not unlink path before return' do path = FSPath.temp_file_path expect(@tempfile).to be_closed expect(path).to exist end it 'closes the file handle, but does not unlink path before yield' do FSPath.temp_file_path do |path| expect(@tempfile).to be_closed expect(path).to exist end end end end describe '.temp_dir' do it 'returns result of running Dir.mktmpdir as FSPath instance' do @path = '/tmp/a/b/1' allow(Dir).to receive(:mktmpdir).and_return(@path) expect(FSPath.temp_dir).to eq(FSPath('/tmp/a/b/1')) end it 'yields path yielded by Dir.mktmpdir as FSPath instance' do @path = '/tmp/a/b/2' allow(Dir).to receive(:mktmpdir).and_yield(@path) yielded = nil FSPath.temp_dir{ |y| yielded = y } expect(yielded).to eq(FSPath('/tmp/a/b/2')) end end describe '#/' do it 'joins path with string' do expect(FSPath('a') / 'b').to eq(FSPath('a/b')) end it 'joins path with another FSPath' do expect(FSPath('a') / FSPath('b')).to eq(FSPath('a/b')) end it 'joins with path starting with slash' do expect(FSPath('a') / '/b').to eq(FSPath('a/b')) end end describe '#+' do it 'returns instance of FSPath' do expect(FSPath('a') + 'b').to be_instance_of(FSPath) end it 'joins simple paths' do expect(FSPath('a') + 'b').to eq(FSPath('a/b')) end it 'joins path starting with slash' do expect(FSPath('a') + '/b').to eq(FSPath('/b')) end end describe '#relative_path_from' do it 'returns instance of FSPath' do expect(FSPath('a').relative_path_from('b')).to be_instance_of(FSPath) end it 'returns relative path' do expect(FSPath('b/a').relative_path_from('b')).to eq(FSPath('a')) end end describe 'read/write' do let(:path){ FSPath.temp_file_path } let(:crlf_text){ "a\nb\rc\r\nd" } let(:described_method){ |example| example.full_description[/#(\S+)/, 1] } def binread(path)'rb', &:read) end def binwrite(path, data)'wb'){ |f| f.write(data) } end describe '#binread' do it 'reads data' do binwrite(path, 'data') expect(path.binread).to eq('data') end it 'limits data when length is set' do binwrite(path, 'data') expect(path.binread(3)).to eq('dat') end it 'skips data when offset is set' do binwrite(path, 'data') expect(path.binread(nil, 1)).to eq('ata') end it 'skips and limits data when length and offset are set' do binwrite(path, 'data') expect(path.binread(2, 1)).to eq('at') end it 'opens file in binary mode' do binwrite(path, crlf_text) expect(path.binread).to eq(crlf_text) end end shared_examples 'writing' do it 'writes data' do path.send(described_method, 'data') expect( eq('data') end it 'returns the length of data written' do expect(path.send(described_method, 'data')).to eq(4) end end shared_examples 'overwriting' do context 'when offset is not specified' do it 'overwrites file' do path.send(described_method, 'longer data') path.send(described_method, 'data') expect( eq('data') end end context 'when offset is specified' do it 'overwrites part of file and does not truncate it' do path.send(described_method, 'longer data') path.send(described_method, 'data', 2) expect( eq('lodata data') end end end shared_examples 'appending' do it 'appends data to the end of file' do path.send(described_method, 'data') path.send(described_method, 'more data') expect( eq('datamore data') end end shared_examples 'writes in text mode' do it 'opens file in text mode' do test_path = FSPath.temp_file_path'w'){ |f| f.write(crlf_text) } path.send(described_method, crlf_text) expect(binread(path)).to eq(binread(test_path)) end end shared_examples 'writes in binary mode' do it 'opens file in binary mode' do test_path = FSPath.temp_file_path'wb'){ |f| f.write(crlf_text) } path.send(described_method, crlf_text) expect(binread(path)).to eq(binread(test_path)) end end describe '#write' do include_examples 'writing' include_examples 'overwriting' include_examples 'writes in text mode' end describe '#binwrite' do include_examples 'writing' include_examples 'overwriting' include_examples 'writes in binary mode' end describe '#append' do include_examples 'writing' include_examples 'appending' include_examples 'writes in text mode' end describe '#binappend' do include_examples 'writing' include_examples 'appending' include_examples 'writes in binary mode' end end describe '#escape_glob' do it 'escapes glob pattern characters' do expect(FSPath('*/**/?[a-z]{abc,def}').escape_glob). to eq(FSPath('\*/\*\*/\?\[a-z\]\{abc,def\}')) end end describe '#glob' do it 'joins with arguments and expands glob' do expect(FSPath).to receive(:glob).with('a/b/c/**/*') FSPath('a/b/c').glob('**', '*') end it 'joins with arguments and expands glob' do @flags = 12_345 expect(FSPath).to receive(:glob).with('a/b/c/**/*', @flags) FSPath('a/b/c').glob('**', '*', @flags) end it 'escapes glob characters in path itself' do expect(FSPath).to receive(:glob).with('somewhere \[a b c\]/**/*') FSPath('somewhere [a b c]').glob('**', '*') end end describe 'path parts' do describe 'ascending' do let(:path){ FSPath('/a/b/c') } let(:expected){ %w[/a/b/c /a/b /a /].map(&method(:FSPath)) } describe '#ascendants' do it 'returns list of ascendants' do expect(path.ascendants).to eq(expected) end end describe '#ascend' do it 'returns list of ascendants' do expect(path.ascend).to eq(expected) end it 'yields and returns list of ascendants if called with block' do ascendants = [] expect(path.ascend do |sub_path| ascendants << sub_path end).to eq(expected) expect(ascendants).to eq(expected) end end end describe 'descending' do let(:path){ FSPath('/a/b/c') } let(:expected){ %w[/ /a /a/b /a/b/c].map(&method(:FSPath)) } describe '#descendants' do it 'returns list of descendants' do expect(path.descendants).to eq(expected) end end describe '#descend' do it 'returns list of descendants' do expect(path.descend).to eq(expected) end it 'yields and returns list of descendants if called with block' do descendants = [] expect(path.descend do |sub_path| descendants << sub_path end).to eq(expected) expect(descendants).to eq(expected) end end end describe '#parts' do it 'returns path parts for absolute path' do expect(FSPath('/a/b/c').parts).to eq(%w[/ a b c]) end it 'returns path parts for relative path' do expect(FSPath('a/b/c').parts).to eq(%w[a b c]) end it 'returns path parts for path prefixed with .' do expect(FSPath('./a/b/c').parts).to eq(%w[. a b c]) end it 'returns path parts for path containing ..' do expect(FSPath('a/../b/c').parts).to eq(%w[a .. b c]) end end end describe 'returning/yielding instances' do def fspath?(path) expect(path).to be_instance_of(FSPath) end def fspaths?(paths) paths.each do |path| fspath? path end end it 'uses FSPath for glob' do fspaths? FSPath(__FILE__).glob FSPath(__FILE__).glob do |path| fspath? path end end it 'uses FSPath for pwd' do fspath? FSPath.pwd end it 'uses FSPath for getwd' do fspath? FSPath.getwd end it 'uses FSPath for basename' do fspath? FSPath('a/b').basename end it 'uses FSPath for dirname' do fspath? FSPath('a/b').dirname end it 'uses FSPath for parent' do fspath? FSPath('a/b').parent end it 'uses FSPath for cleanpath' do fspath? FSPath('a/b').cleanpath end it 'uses FSPath for expand_path' do fspath? FSPath('a/b').expand_path end it 'uses FSPath for relative_path_from' do fspath? FSPath('a').relative_path_from('b') end it 'uses FSPath for join' do fspath? FSPath('a').join('b', 'c') end it 'uses FSPath for split' do fspaths? FSPath('a/b').split end it 'uses FSPath for sub' do fspath? FSPath('a/b').sub('a', 'c') fspath? FSPath('a/b').sub('a'){ 'c' } end it 'uses FSPath for sub_ext' do fspath? FSPath('a/b').sub_ext('.rb') end if FSPath.method_defined?(:sub_ext) it 'uses FSPath for readlink' do FSPath.temp_dir do |dir| symlink = dir + 'sym' symlink.make_symlink __FILE__ fspath? symlink.readlink end end if symlinks_supported? it 'uses FSPath for realdirpath' do fspath? FSPath(__FILE__).realdirpath end if FSPath.method_defined?(:realdirpath) it 'uses FSPath for realpath' do fspath? FSPath(__FILE__).realpath end it 'uses FSPath for children' do fspaths? FSPath('.').children end it 'uses FSPath for dir_foreach' do dir = FSPath('.') allow(dir).to receive(:warn) dir.dir_foreach do |entry| fspath? entry end end if FSPath.method_defined?(:dir_foreach) it 'uses FSPath for each_child' do fspaths? FSPath('.').each_child fspaths? FSPath('.').each_child do |child| fspath? child end end if FSPath.method_defined?(:each_child) it 'uses FSPath for each_entry' do FSPath('.').each_entry do |entry| fspath? entry end end it 'uses FSPath for entries' do fspaths? FSPath('.').entries end it 'uses FSPath for find' do FSPath('.').find do |path| fspath? path end end it 'uses FSPath for inspect' do expect(FSPath('a').inspect).to include('FSPath') end end end