module Dynomite::Item::Read module Find extend ActiveSupport::Concern # Note: options are merged into get_item params. def find(id, options={}) self.class.find(id, options) end class_methods do def find_by(attrs, options={}) # Note: ActionController::Parameters does not have .any? Unsure if should use .to_h on it # A blank attrs will break find_by since DynamoDB doesnt support blank attribute values # Guard blank attrs like and return new return so validation error surfaces in a standard CRUD scaffold attrs = attrs.to_h return nil if attrs.any? { |k,v| v.blank? } primary_key_attrs = attrs.stringify_keys.slice(partition_key_field, sort_key_field).symbolize_keys if primary_key_attrs.size == primary_key_fields.size find(primary_key_attrs, options.merge(raise_error: false)) else where(attrs).first # possible scan end end # Examples with out the args are received. # # Post.find("ae3ae") # args ["ae3ae"] # Post.find(id: "ae3ae") # args [{:id=>"ae3ae"}] # Post.find("ae3ae", consistent_read: true) # args ["ae3ae", {:consistent_read=>true}] # Post.find({id: "ae3ae"}, consistent_read: true) # args [{:id=>"ae3ae"}, {:consistent_read=>true}] # Product.find(category: "Electronics", product_id: 101) # args [{:category=>"Electronics", :product_id=>101}] # Product.find({category: "Electronics", product_id: 101}, consistent_read: true) # args [{:category=>"Electronics", :product_id=>101}, {:consistent_read=>true}] # # Product.find(id1,id2,id3) # args [id1,id2,id3] # Product.find([id1,id2,id3]) # args [[id1,id2,id3]] # Product.find([id1,id2,id3], consistent_read: true) # args [[id1,id2,id3], {:consistent_read=>true}] # # Note: options are merged into get_item params. def find(*args) options = {} key_schema = if args.size == 1 # args is an array of one element: # ["f74de472"] # [{:id=>"f74de472"}] # [{:category=>"Electronics", :product_id=>101}] # [[id1, id2, id3]] get_key_schema_from_one_arg(args.first) else # ["f74de472", {:consistent_read=>true}] # [{:id=>"f74de472"}, {:consistent_read=>true}] # [{:category=>"Electronics", :product_id=>101}, {:consistent_read=>true}] # [[id1, id2, id3], {:consistent_read=>true}] # HERE options = args.extract_options! if args.size >= 2 # still at least 2 after extracting options get_key_schema_from_one_arg(args) # [id1, id2, id3] else get_key_schema_from_one_arg(args.first) end end raise_error = options.delete(:raise_error) # clean for params raise_error = raise_error.nil? ? true : raise_error # Early return if ids the provided arg. find(ids) # List of ids: IE: [id1, id2, id3] if key_schema.is_a?(Array) keys = key_schema # [{"id"=>"post-1"}, {"id"=>"post-2"}] ids = # ["post-1", "post-2"] items = batch_get_items(keys, options) result = items result = nil if items.size != keys.size # some missing items if result.nil? if raise_error looking, found = ids, missing = ids - found message = "Couldn't find all #{} with '#{partition_key_field}': (#{looking.join(', ')}) (found #{found.size} results, but was looking for #{looking.size})" message << ". Missing: #{missing.sort.join(', ')}" if found.size > 0 raise else return items # return early end else return items end end params = { table_name: table_name, key: key_schema, } params.merge!(options) log_debug(params) attrs = client.get_item(params).item # unwraps the item's attrs # Mimic ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound behavior raise Dynomite::Error::RecordNotFound if attrs.nil? && raise_error != false build_item(attrs) end def batch_get_items(*args) options = args.extract_options! retries = options.delete(:retries)|| 0 keys = args.flatten items = [] unprocessed_keys = [] # exponential backoff to handle unprocessed keys delay = 2 ** retries if retries > 0 logger.debug "batch_get_items: sleeping for #{delay} seconds and will retry. retries: #{retries}" sleep(delay) if retries >= 3 # 2 + 4 + 8 = 14s total of retries raise "ERROR: Exceeded max retries: #{retries}. Unable to batch_get_items for keys: #{keys.inspect}" end end max_batch_size = 100 keys.each_slice(max_batch_size).each do |slice| # Note: client.batch_get_items will silently not return items if any of the # keys are not found. So we do not have to do a compact and remove nils. # Merge options to allow passing in consistent_read: true params = options.merge(keys: slice) resp = client.batch_get_item( request_items: { table_name => params } ) resp[:responses][table_name].each do |item| items << build_item(item) end unprocessed_keys += resp[:unprocessed_keys][table_name] if resp[:unprocessed_keys][table_name] end # Recursively call batch_get_items if there are unprocessed_keys # Increase the retries by 1 for exponential backoff items += batch_get_items(unprocessed_keys, options.merge(retries: retries+1)) if unprocessed_keys.any? items end def build_item(attrs) return unless attrs # is nil when no item found: client.get_item(params).item item = item.new_record = false item.run_callbacks :find # find and find_by leads to build_item. so we can run callbacks here item end # Examples of id: # # "f74de472" # {:id=>"f74de472"} # {:category=>"Electronics", :product_id=>101} # [id1, id2, id3] # # Returns hash of key_schema # # { id: "f74de472" } # { category: "Electronics", product_id: 101 } # def get_key_schema_from_one_arg(id) # standardize key structure case id when Integer, String, Symbol # "f74de472" if id.is_a?(String) && id.starts_with?(id_prefix) { id: id } else if sort_key_field raise "ERROR: You must provide both partition and sort key for class: #{} partition_key_field: #{partition_key_field} sort_key_field: #{sort_key_field}" end { partition_key_field => id } end when Hash # {:id=>"f74de472"} or {:category=>"Electronics", :product_id=>101} id # User needs to provide both partition and sort key when Array # [id1, id2, id3] do |i| i.is_a?(Hash) ? i : { partition_key_field => i } end end end end end end