module Refinery module Menus class MenuLink < Refinery::Core::BaseModel self.table_name = "refinery_menus_links" attr_accessible :parent_id, :refinery_page_id, :refinery_menu_id, :refinery_resource_id, :refinery_resource_type, :title_attribute, :custom_url, :label, :menu, :id_attribute, :class_attribute belongs_to :menu, :class_name => '::Refinery::Menus::Menu', :foreign_key => :refinery_menu_id belongs_to :resource, :foreign_key => :refinery_resource_id, :polymorphic => true # Docs for acts_as_nested_set # rather than :delete_all we want :destroy acts_as_nested_set :dependent => :destroy validates :menu, :presence => true validates :label, :presence => true before_validation :set_label def self.find_all_of_type(type) # find all resources of the given type, determined by the configuration # TODO - we may want to allow configuration of conditions (DONE), ordering, etc if scope = self.resource_config(type)[:scope] scope.is_a?(Symbol) ? resource_klass(type).send(scope) : resource_klass(type).instance_eval(&scope) else resource_klass(type).all end end def self.resource_klass(type) resource_config(type)[:klass].constantize end def self.resource_config(type) Refinery::Menus.menu_resources[type.to_sym] end def set_label if label.blank? if custom_link? begin self.label = custom_url.match(/(\w+)\.\w+$/).captures.join.titleize rescue self.label = custom_url end else self.label = resource.send(resource_config[:title_attr]) end end end def resource_klass Refinery::Menus::MenuLink.resource_klass(resource_type) end def resource_config Refinery::Menus::MenuLink.resource_config(resource_type) end def resource_type refinery_resource_type || "Custom link" end def type_name resource_type.titleize end def custom_link? refinery_resource_id.nil? || refinery_resource_type.nil? end def resource_link? refinery_resource_id.present? && refinery_resource_type.present? end def resource return nil if custom_link? resource_klass.find(refinery_resource_id) end def resource_title resource.send(resource_config[:title_attr]) end def title title_attribute.present? ? title_attribute : label end def resource_url resource.present? ? resource.url : '/' end def url if custom_link? custom_url else resource_url end end def as_json(options={}) json = super(options) if resource_link? json = { resource: { title: resource_title } }.merge(json) end json end def to_refinery_menu_item { :id => id, :lft => lft, :menu_match => menu_match, :parent_id => parent_id, :rgt => rgt, :title => label, :type =>, :url => url, :html => { :id => id_attribute, :class => class_attribute, :title => title } } end end end end