var assert = require('assert'); var equal = require('./index'); function eq(a, b, opts) { var r = equal(a, b, opts); var msg = !r.result && (r.reason + ' at ' + r.path + ' ' + r.a + ' =/= ' + r.b); if(!r.result) { assert.equal(a, b, msg); } } function ne(a, b, opts) { var r = equal(a, b, opts); assert.ok(!r.result); } /* 1. simple tests */ /* 1.1. positive */ it("NaN eqs NaN", function() { return eq(NaN, NaN); }); it("finite integer n eqs n", function() { return eq(1234, 1234); }); it("empty list eqs empty list", function() { return eq([], []); }); it("empty obj eqs empty obj", function() { return eq({}, {}); }); it("number eqs number of same value", function() { return eq(123.45678, 123.45678); }); it("regex lit's w same pattern, flags are eq", function() { return eq(/^abc[a-zA-Z]/, /^abc[a-zA-Z]/); }); it("pods w same properties are eq", function() { return eq({ a: 'b', c: 'd' }, { a: 'b', c: 'd' }); }); it("pods that only differ wrt prop ord are eq", function() { return eq({ a: 'b', c: 'd' }, { c: 'd', a: 'b' }); }); /* 1.2. negative */ it("obj doesn't eq list", function() { return ne({}, []); }); it("obj in a list doesn't eq list in list", function() { return ne([{}], [[]]); }); it("integer n doesn't eq rpr n", function() { return ne(1234, '1234'); }); it("integer n doesn't eq n + 1", function() { return ne(1234, 1235); }); it("empty list doesn't eq false", function() { return ne([], false); }); it("list w an integer doesn't eq one w rpr n", function() { return ne([3], ['3']); }); it("regex lit's w diff. patterns, same flags aren't eq", function() { return ne(/^abc[a-zA-Z]/, /^abc[a-zA-Z]x/); }); it("regex lit's w same patterns, diff. flags aren't eq", function() { return ne(/^abc[a-zA-Z]/, /^abc[a-zA-Z]/i); }); it("+0 should ne -0", function() { return ne(+0, -0); }); it("number obj not eqs primitive number of same value", function() { return ne(5, new Number(5)); }); it("string obj not eqs primitive string of same value", function() { return ne('helo', new String('helo')); }); it("(1) bool obj not eqs primitive bool of same value", function() { return ne(false, new Boolean(false)); }); it("(2) bool obj not eqs primitive bool of same value", function() { return ne(true, new Boolean(true)); }); it("number obj eqs the same valued number object", function() { return eq(new Number(5), new Number(5)); }); /* 2. complex tests */ it("obj w undef member not eqs other obj w/out same member", function() { var d, e; d = { x: void 0 }; e = {}; return ne(d, e); }); it("fn1: functions w same source are eq", function() { var d, e; d = function( a, b, c ){ return a * b * c; }; e = function( a, b, c ){ return a * b * c; }; return eq(d, e); }); it("fn2: functions w diff source aren't eq", function() { var d, e; d = function( a, b, c ){ return a * b * c; }; e = function( a, b, c ){ return a * b * c; }; return ne(d, e); }); it("fn3: equal functions w equal props are eq", function() { var d, e; d = function() { return null; }; = { some: 'meaningless', properties: 'here' }; e = function() { return null; }; = { some: 'meaningless', properties: 'here' }; return eq(d, e); }); it("fn4: equal functions w unequal props aren't eq", function() { var d, e; d = function() { return null; }; = { some: 'meaningless', properties: 'here' }; e = function() { return null; }; = { some: 'meaningless', properties: 'here!!!' }; return ne(d, e); }); it("list w named member eqs other list w same member", function() { var d, e; d = ['foo', null, 3]; d['extra'] = 42; e = ['foo', null, 3]; e['extra'] = 42; return eq(d, e); }); it("list w named member doesn't eq list w same member, other value", function() { var d, e; d = ['foo', null, 3]; d['extra'] = 42; e = ['foo', null, 3]; e['extra'] = 108; return ne(d, e); }); it("date eqs other date pointing to same time", function() { var d, e; d = new Date("1995-12-17T03:24:00"); e = new Date("1995-12-17T03:24:00"); return eq(d, e); }); it("date does not eq other date pointing to other time", function() { var d, e; d = new Date("1995-12-17T03:24:00"); e = new Date("1995-12-17T03:24:01"); return ne(d, e); }); it("str obj w props eq same str, same props", function() { var d, e; d = new String("helo test"); d['abc'] = 42; e = new String("helo test"); e['abc'] = 42; return eq(d, e); }); it("str obj w props not eq same str, other props", function() { var d, e; d = new String("helo test"); d['abc'] = 42; e = new String("helo test"); e['def'] = 42; return ne(d, e); }); it("str obj w props eq same str, same props (circ)", function() { var c, d, e; c = ['a list']; c.push(c); d = new String("helo test"); d['abc'] = c; e = new String("helo test"); e['abc'] = c; return eq(d, e); }); it("str obj w props not eq same str, other props (circ)", function() { var c, d, e; c = ['a list']; c.push(c); d = new String("helo test"); d['abc'] = c; e = new String("helo test"); e['def'] = c; return ne(d, e); }); /*it("(1) circ arrays w similar layout, same values aren't eq"] = function() { var d, e; d = [1, 2, 3]; d.push(d); e = [1, 2, 3]; e.push(d); return ne(d, e); };*/ it("(2) circ arrays w same layout, same values are eq", function() { var d, e; d = [1, 2, 3]; d.push(d); e = [1, 2, 3]; e.push(e); return eq(d, e); }); it("(fkling1) arrays w eq subarrays are eq", function() { var a, b, bar, foo; a = [1, 2, 3]; b = [1, 2, 3]; foo = [a, a]; bar = [b, b]; return eq(foo, bar); }); /*it("(fkling2) arrays w eq subarrays but diff distribution aren't eq"] = function() { var a, b, bar, foo; a = [1, 2, 3]; b = [1, 2, 3]; foo = [a, a]; bar = [a, b]; return ne(foo, bar); };*/ /* joshwilsdon's test ( */ it("joshwilsdon", function() { var count, d1, d2, errors, idx1, idx2, v1, v2, _i, _j, _len, _ref; d1 = [ NaN, void 0, null, true, false, Infinity, 0, 1, "a", "b", { a: 1 }, { a: "a" }, [ { a: 1 } ], [ { a: true } ], { a: 1, b: 2 }, [1, 2], [1, 2, 3], { a: "1" }, { a: "1", b: "2" } ]; d2 = [ NaN, void 0, null, true, false, Infinity, 0, 1, "a", "b", { a: 1 }, { a: "a" }, [ { a: 1 } ], [ { a: true } ], { a: 1, b: 2 }, [1, 2], [1, 2, 3], { a: "1" }, { a: "1", b: "2" } ]; errors = []; count = 0; for (idx1 = _i = 0, _len = d1.length; _i < _len; idx1 = ++_i) { v1 = d1[idx1]; for (idx2 = _j = idx1, _ref = d2.length; idx1 <= _ref ? _j < _ref : _j > _ref; idx2 = idx1 <= _ref ? ++_j : --_j) { count += 1; v2 = d2[idx2]; if (idx1 === idx2) { if (!eq(v1, v2)) { //errors.push("eq " + (rpr(v1)) + ", " + (rpr(v2))); } } else { if (!ne(v1, v2)) { //errors.push("ne " + (rpr(v1)) + ", " + (rpr(v2))); } } } } return [count, errors]; }); it('node buffer', function() { eq(new Buffer('abc'), new Buffer('abc')); ne(new Buffer('abc'), new Buffer('abc1')); ne(new Buffer('abd'), new Buffer('abc')); }); it('RegExp with props', function() { var re1 = /a/; re1.lastIndex = 3; ne(re1, /a/); }); it('Date with props', function() { var now =; var d1 = new Date(now); var d2 = new Date(now); d1.a = 10; ne(d1, d2); }); it('Check object prototypes', function() { var nbRoot = { toString: function() { return this.first + ' ' + this.last; } }; function nameBuilder(first, last) { this.first = first; this.last = last; return this; } nameBuilder.prototype = nbRoot; function nameBuilder2(first, last) { this.first = first; this.last = last; return this; } nameBuilder2.prototype = nbRoot; var nb1 = new nameBuilder('Ryan', 'Dahl'); var nb2 = new nameBuilder2('Ryan', 'Dahl'); eq(nb1, nb2); nameBuilder2.prototype = Object; nb2 = new nameBuilder2('Ryan', 'Dahl'); ne(nb1, nb2); }); it('typed arrays and array buffer', function() { if(typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined') { var arr1 = new Uint8Array([21, 31]); var arr2 = new Uint8Array([21, 31]); eq(arr1, arr2); eq(arr1.buffer, arr2.buffer); } }); it('es6 sets', function() { if(typeof Set !== 'undefined') { var s1 = new Set([1, 2, 3]); var s2 = new Set([1, 2, 3]); var s3 = new Set(['a', 'b', 'c']); var s4 = new Set([]); var s5 = new Set([{ a: 1}, { a: 1}, { a: 1}]); var s6 = new Set([{ a: 1}, { a: 1}, { a: 1}]); eq(s1, s2); ne(s1, s3); ne(s1, s4); ne(s1, s5); eq(s5, s6); } }); it('es6 maps', function() { if(typeof Map !== 'undefined') { var m1 = new Map([[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3]]); var m2 = new Map([[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3]]); var m3 = new Map([[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]]); var m4 = new Map([[{ a: 10}, 2], [{ a: 11}, 2], [{ a: 12}, 2]]); var m5 = new Map([[{ a: 11}, 2], [{ a: 12}, 2], [{ a: 13}, 2]]); var m6 = new Map([[{ a: 11}, 2], [{ a: 12}, 2], [{ a: 13}, 2]]); eq(m1, m1); eq(m1, m2); ne(m3, m2); ne(m4, m5); eq(m5, m6); } }); it('should treat -0 and +0 as equal when param passed', function() { ne(-0, +0); eq(-0, +0, { plusZeroAndMinusZeroEqual: true }); }); it('should work with Symbols', function() { if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined') { ne([Symbol()], [Symbol()]); eq([Symbol.for("a")], [Symbol.for("a")]); ne(Symbol(), Symbol()); ne(Symbol('abc'), Symbol('abc')); eq(Symbol.for("a"), Symbol.for("a")); ne(Symbol.for("a"), Symbol.for("b")); } });