if ARGV[0] == 'upload-template' ARGV.shift # StreamingUploader Adapted by Sergio Rubio for Abiquo # # inspired by Opscode Chef StreamingCookbookUploader chef/streaming_cookbook_uploader.rb # http://opscode.com # # inspired by/cargo-culted from http://stanislavvitvitskiy.blogspot.com/2008/12/multipart-post-in-ruby.html # On Apr 6, 2010, at 3:00 PM, Stanislav Vitvitskiy wrote: # # It's free to use / modify / distribute. No need to mention anything. Just copy/paste and use. # # Regards, # Stan require 'net/http' class StreamingUploader class << self def post(to_url, params = {}, &block) boundary = '----RubyMultipartClient' + rand(1000000).to_s + 'ZZZZZ' parts = [] content_file = nil unless params.nil? || params.empty? params.each do |key, value| if value.kind_of?(File) content_file = value filepath = value.path filename = File.basename(filepath) parts << StringPart.new( "--" + boundary + "\r\n" + "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + key.to_s + "\"; filename=\"" + filename + "\"\r\n" + "Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n") parts << StreamPart.new(value, File.size(filepath)) parts << StringPart.new("\r\n") else parts << StringPart.new( "--" + boundary + "\r\n" + "Content-Disposition: form-data; Content-Type:application/json; name=\"" + key.to_s + "\"\r\n\r\n") parts << StringPart.new(value.to_s + "\r\n") end end parts << StringPart.new("--" + boundary + "--\r\n") end body_stream = MultipartStream.new(parts, block) url = URI.parse(to_url) headers = { 'accept' => 'application/json' } req = Net::HTTP::Post.new(url.path) req.content_length = body_stream.size req.content_type = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=' + boundary unless parts.empty? req.body_stream = body_stream http = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port) res = http.request(req) #res = http.start {|http_proc| http_proc.request(req) } res end end class StreamPart def initialize(stream, size) @stream, @size = stream, size end def size @size end # read the specified amount from the stream def read(offset, how_much) @stream.read(how_much) end end class StringPart def initialize(str) @str = str end def size @str.length end # read the specified amount from the string startiung at the offset def read(offset, how_much) @str[offset, how_much] end end class MultipartStream def initialize(parts, blk = nil) @callback = nil if blk @callback = blk end @parts = parts @part_no = 0 @part_offset = 0 end def size @parts.inject(0) {|size, part| size + part.size} end def read(how_much) @callback.call(how_much) if @callback return nil if @part_no >= @parts.size how_much_current_part = @parts[@part_no].size - @part_offset how_much_current_part = if how_much_current_part > how_much how_much else how_much_current_part end how_much_next_part = how_much - how_much_current_part current_part = @parts[@part_no].read(@part_offset, how_much_current_part) # recurse into the next part if the current one was not large enough if how_much_next_part > 0 @part_no += 1 @part_offset = 0 next_part = read(how_much_next_part) current_part + if next_part next_part else '' end else @part_offset += how_much_current_part current_part end end end end class MyCLI include Mixlib::CLI # Mandatory values option :name, :long => '--name NAME', :description => 'Template Name' option :enterprise_id, :long => '--enterprise-id USER', :description => 'Enterprise ID' option :disk_file, :long => '--disk-file FILE', :description => 'Virtual disk file to upload' option :disk_name, :long => '--disk-name NAME', :description => 'The name that will have the disk in the target repository (use the extension is encouraged)' option :rs_url, :long => '--rs-url URL', :description => 'Remote Services URL (i.e. http://remote-services-ip)' # Mandatory values with default values option :disk_format, :long => '--disk-format FORMAT', :description => 'Disk Format type. Default: QCOW2_SPARSE', :default => 'QCOW2_SPARSE' option :cpus, :long => '--cpus NUMBER', :description => 'Number of CPUs for the template. Default 1', :default => 1 option :disk_capacity, :long => '--disk-capacity NUMBER', :description => 'Virtual Disk Capacity (in bytes). Default 20GB', :default => 21474836480 option :memory, :long => '--memory NUMBER', :description => 'Template memory (in bytes). Default 512M', :default => 524288 # Optional values option :category, :long => '--category CAT', :description => 'Template Category Name', :default => 'Operating Systems' option :description, :long => '--description DESC', :description => 'Template description', :default => 'Operating Systems' option :icon_url, :long => '--icon-url URL', :description => 'Template Icon URL', :default => 'http://icons.abiquo.com/abiquo.png' # Help actions option :debug, :long => '--debug', :description => 'Print debugging output', :default => false option :help, :short => "-h", :long => "--help", :description => "Upload a Virtual Machine template to Abiquo local repository.\n\n", :on => :tail, :boolean => true, :show_options => true, :exit => 0 end cli = MyCLI.new cli.parse_options # We need this to show the progress percentage file = cli.config[:disk_file] if file.nil? or not File.exist?(file) $stderr.puts "\nArgument '--disk-file' is mandatory. Make sure the specified file exists.\n\n" cli.opt_parser.banner = 'Usage: abicli upload-template [options]' puts cli.opt_parser.help exit 1 end rs_url = cli.config[:rs_url] if rs_url.nil? $stderr.puts "\n --rs-url is required.\n\n" puts cli.opt_parser.help exit 1 end tname = cli.config[:name] if tname.nil? $stderr.puts "\n --name is required.\n\n" puts cli.opt_parser.help exit 1 end ent = cli.config[:enterprise_id] if ent.nil? $stderr.puts "\n --enterprise-id is required.\n\n" puts cli.opt_parser.help exit 1 end disk_name = cli.config[:disk_name] if disk_name.nil? splitted_disk = file.split("/") disk_name = splitted_disk[splitted_disk.size-1] puts disk_name end fo = File.new(file) fsize = File.size(file) count = 0 json = """{'ovfPackageInstanceDto':{ 'idEnterprise':#{cli.config[:enterprise_id]}, 'ovfUrl':'http://upload/#{cli.config[:name]}/#{cli.config[:name]}.ovf', 'diskFileFormat':'#{cli.config[:disk_format]}', 'ramSizeUnit':'BYTE', 'hdSizeUnit':'BYTE', 'diskFilePath':'#{disk_name}', 'name':'#{cli.config[:name]}', 'description':'#{cli.config[:description]}', 'categoryName':'#{cli.config[:category]}', 'iconPath':'#{cli.config[:icon_url]}', 'cpu':#{cli.config[:cpus]}, 'hd':#{cli.config[:disk_capacity]}, 'ram':#{cli.config[:memory]} }}""" json.gsub!("'",'"') $stdout.sync = true line_reset = "\r\e[0K" rsurl = "#{cli.config[:rs_url]}/am/erepos/#{cli.config[:enterprise_id]}/ovfs" if cli.config[:debug] puts "Upload URL: #{rsurl}" puts "JSON sent:\n#{json}" end StreamingUploader.post( rsurl, { :ovfpackageinstance => json, :diskFile => fo } ) do |size| count += size per = (100*count)/fsize if per %10 == 0 print "#{line_reset}Uploading: #{(100*count)/fsize}% " end end puts "#{line_reset}Progress: #{(100*count)/fsize}% [COMPLETE]" end