# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require File.expand_path('lib/shoes/swt/version') Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = "shoes-swt" s.version = Shoes::Swt::VERSION s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.authors = ["Team Shoes"] s.email = ["shoes@librelist.com"] s.homepage = "https://github.com/shoes/shoes4" s.summary = 'A JRuby and Swt backend for Shoes, the best little GUI toolkit for Ruby.' s.description = 'A JRuby and Swt backend for Shoes, the best little GUI toolkit for Ruby. Shoes makes building for Mac, Windows, and Linux super simple.' s.license = 'MIT' s.files = `git ls-files`.split($/) s.test_files = s.files.grep(%r{^(test|spec|features)/}) s.require_paths = ["lib"] s.add_dependency "swt", "~>4.4" s.add_dependency "after_do", "~>0.3" s.add_dependency "shoes-core", Shoes::Swt::VERSION s.add_dependency "shoes-package", Shoes::Swt::VERSION s.executables = ['shoes-swt'] end