require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') class TestEnum < ClassyEnum::Base enum_classes :one, :two, :three def self.test_class_method? false end def test_instance_method? false end end class TestEnumTwo def self.test_class_method? true end def test_instance_method? true end end describe "A ClassyEnum Descendent" do TestEnum::OPTIONS.each do |option| it "should define a TestEnum#{option.to_s.capitalize} class" do Object.const_defined?("TestEnum#{option.to_s.capitalize}").should be_true end end it "should return an array of enums" do == [TestEnumOne, TestEnumTwo, TestEnumThree] end it "should return an array of enums for a select tag" do TestEnum.select_options.should == {|o| [,] } end it "should return a type error when adding an invalid option" do == TypeError end it "should find an enum by symbol" do TestEnum.find(:one).class.should == TestEnumOne end it "should find an enum by string" do TestEnum.find("one").class.should == TestEnumOne end it "should create an instance with a string" do"one").should be_a(TestEnumOne) end end describe "A collection of ClassyEnums" do before(:each) do @one = @two = @three = @unordered = [@one, @three, @two] end it "should sort the enums" do @unordered.sort.should == [@one, @two, @three] end it "should find the max enum based on its order" do @unordered.max.should == @three end end describe "A ClassyEnum element" do it "should instantiate a member" do be_a(TestEnumOne) end it "should inherit the default class methods" do TestEnumOne.test_class_method?.should be_false end it "should compare different elements based on their index" do == end end describe "A ClassyEnum instance" do before { @enum = } it "should build a TestEnum class" do @enum.class.should == TestEnumOne end it "should return true for is?(:one)" do be_true end it "should return true for is?('one')" do'one').should be_true end it "should return true for one?" do be_true end it "should return false for two?" do @enum.two?.should be_false end it "should be a TestEnum" do @enum.should be_a(TestEnum) end it "should have an index" do @enum.index.should == 1 end it "should index as to_i" do @enum.to_i.should == 1 end it "should convert to a string" do @enum.to_s.should == "one" end it "should convert to a symbol" do @enum.to_sym.should == :one end it "should have a name" do == "One" end it "should inherit the default instance methods" do @enum.test_instance_method?.should be_false end end describe "An ClassyEnumValue" do before(:each) { @enum = } it "should override the default instance methods" do @enum.test_instance_method?.should be_true end it "should override the default class methods" do TestEnumTwo.test_class_method?.should be_true end end