require("yaml") require("open-uri") class Fancy Package { class Installer { """ @Fancy::Package@ installer. Downloads packages from Github (usually the latest tagged version, if no version is specified, or the latest HEAD revision in the master branch) and install it to the @FANCY_PACKAGE_DIR. """ def initialize: @package_name version: @version ("latest") install_path: @install_path (ENV["FANCY_PACKAGE_DIR"]) { """ Creates a new @Package Installer@ for a given package name, an optional version (default is 'latest') and an optional installation path (default is the standard installation path for Fancy packages). """ splitted = @package_name split: "/" @user, @repository = splitted # check for version, e.g. when passing in: # $ fancy install bakkdoor/fyzmq=1.0.1 splitted = @repository split: "=" if: (splitted size > 1) then: { @repository, @version = splitted @package_name = @user + "/" + @repository } @install_path if_nil: { @install_path = Fancy Package DEFAULT_PACKAGES_PATH Directory create!: $ Fancy Package DEFAULT_FANCY_ROOT Directory create!: $ Fancy Package DEFAULT_PACKAGES_PATH Directory create!: $ Fancy Package DEFAULT_PACKAGES_LIB_PATH Directory create!: $ Fancy Package DEFAULT_PACKAGES_PATH ++ "/downloads" } @download_path = @install_path ++ "/downloads" } def run { """ Runs the installer & installs the package into @$FANCY_PACKAGE_DIR. """ filename = nil if: (@version == "latest") then: { if: latest_tag then: |tag| { @version = tag } else: { @version = "master" } } plist = List new: (Fancy Package package_list_file) if: (plist has_package?: (@repository, @version)) then: { STDERR println: "Package #{@package_name} with version: #{@version} already installed. Aborting." return nil } filename = download_tgz: @version if: filename then: { # now unpack & check for dependencies unpack_dir = unpack_file: filename rename_dir: unpack_dir load_fancypack } else: { STDERR println: "Installation aborted." STDERR println: "Got error while trying to install #{@package_name} with version: #{@version}" } } def latest_tag { "Returns the latest tag (sorted alphabetically)." tags = self tags if: (tags size > 0) then: { tags keys sort last } } def tags { "Returns a list of tags the repository has on Github." url = "" ++ @package_name ++ "/tags/" YAML load_stream(open(url)) documents() first at: "tags" } def has_version?: version { "Indicates, if a given version is available on Github." match version { case "master" -> true case _ -> tags includes?: version } } def download_url: version { """ Returns the download url for a given version of the package to be installed. """ { "" ++ @package_name ++ "/tarball/" ++ version } if: $ has_version?: version } def download_tgz: version { """ Downloads the .tar.gz file from Github with the given version (tag or branch name) and saves it to the specified @install_path. The Default install_path is ~/.fancy/packages/. If an environment variable @FANCY_PACKAGE_DIR is defined, it will get used. """ if: (download_url: version) then: |download_url| { ["Downloading ", @package_name, " version ", version, " from: ", download_url] join println filename = [@user, "_", @repository, "-", version, ".tar.gz"] join # run curl to get the .tar.gz file cmd = ["curl -o ", @download_path, "/", filename, " -L -O ", download_url] join System do: cmd filename } } def unpack_file: filename { "Unpacking " ++ filename println System do: $ ["tar xf ", @download_path, "/", filename, " -C ", @install_path, "/"] join output = System pipe: $ ["tar tf ", @download_path, "/", filename] join dirname = output readlines first chomp } def installed_path { @install_path + "/" + @user + "_" + @repository + "-" + @version } def lib_path { @install_path + "/lib" } def rename_dir: dirname { """ Renames a given directory to a common way within the install path. => It will rename the given dirname to $user/$repo-$version. """ System do: $ ["mv ", @install_path, "/", dirname, " ", installed_path] join } def load_fancypack { """ Loads the @.fancypack file within the downloaded package directory. If no @.fancypack file is found, raise an error. """ Dir glob(installed_path ++ "/*.fancypack") first if_true: |fpackfile| { require: fpackfile } if: (Specification[@repository]) then: |spec| { fulfill_spec: spec spec gh_user: @user Specification save: spec to: $ Fancy Package package_list_file } else: { "Something wen't wrong. Did not find a fancypack specification for package: " ++ @repository . raise! } } def fulfill_spec: spec { unless: (spec include_files empty?) do: { File open: (lib_path + "/" + (spec package_name)) modes: ['write] with: |f| { spec include_files each: |if| { f write: "require: \"" f write: installed_path f write: "/" f write: if f writeln: "\"" } } } spec dependencies each: |dep| { Package install: dep } spec rubygem_dependencies each: |dep| { if: (dep version == 'latest) then: { System do: $ "rbx gem install " ++ (dep gem_name) } else: { System do: $ "rbx gem install -v=" ++ (dep version) ++ " " ++ (dep gem_name) } } } } }