require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe "Lastfm" do before do @lastfm ='xxx', 'yyy') end it 'should have base_uri' do Lastfm.base_uri.should eql('') end describe '.new' do it 'should instantiate' do @lastfm.should be_an_instance_of(Lastfm) end end describe '#request' do it 'should post' do mock_response = mock(HTTParty::Response) @lastfm.class.should_receive(:post).with('/', :body => { :foo => 'bar', :method => 'xxx.yyy', :api_key => 'xxx', :format => 'json' }).and_return(mock_response) mock_response.should_receive(:body).and_return('{ "bar": "baz" }') @lastfm.request('xxx.yyy', { :foo => 'bar' }, :post, false, false)['bar'].should eql('baz') end it 'should post with signature' do mock_response = mock(HTTParty::Response) @lastfm.class.should_receive(:post).with('/', :body => { :foo => 'bar', :method => 'xxx.yyy', :api_key => 'xxx', :api_sig => Digest::MD5.hexdigest('api_keyxxxfoobarmethodxxx.yyyyyy'), :format => 'json' }).and_return(mock_response) mock_response.should_receive(:body).and_return('{ "bar": "baz" }') @lastfm.request('xxx.yyy', { :foo => 'bar' }, :post, true, false)['bar'].should eql('baz') end it 'should post with signature and session (request with authentication)' do mock_response = mock(HTTParty::Response) @lastfm.session = 'abcdef' @lastfm.class.should_receive(:post).with('/', :body => { :foo => 'bar', :method => 'xxx.yyy', :api_key => 'xxx', :api_sig => Digest::MD5.hexdigest('api_keyxxxfoobarmethodxxx.yyyskabcdefyyy'), :sk => 'abcdef', :format => 'json' }).and_return(mock_response) mock_response.should_receive(:body).and_return('{ "bar": "baz" }') @lastfm.request('xxx.yyy', { :foo => 'bar' }, :post, true, true)['bar'].should eql('baz') end it 'should get' do mock_response = mock(HTTParty::Response) @lastfm.class.should_receive(:get).with('/', :query => { :foo => 'bar', :method => 'xxx.yyy', :api_key => 'xxx', :format => 'json' }).and_return(mock_response) mock_response.should_receive(:body).and_return('{ "bar": "baz" }') @lastfm.request('xxx.yyy', { :foo => 'bar' }, :get, false, false)['bar'].should eql('baz') end it 'should get with signature (request for authentication)' do mock_response = mock(HTTParty::Response) @lastfm.class.should_receive(:get).with('/', :query => { :foo => 'bar', :method => 'xxx.yyy', :api_key => 'xxx', :api_sig => Digest::MD5.hexdigest('api_keyxxxfoobarmethodxxx.yyyyyy'), :format => 'json' }).and_return(mock_response) mock_response.should_receive(:body).and_return('{ "bar": "baz" }') @lastfm.request('xxx.yyy', { :foo => 'bar' }, :get, true, false)['bar'].should eql('baz') end it 'should get with signature and session' do mock_response = mock(HTTParty::Response) @lastfm.session = 'abcdef' @lastfm.class.should_receive(:get).with('/', :query => { :foo => 'bar', :method => 'xxx.yyy', :api_key => 'xxx', :api_sig => Digest::MD5.hexdigest('api_keyxxxfoobarmethodxxx.yyyskabcdefyyy'), :sk => 'abcdef', :format => 'json' }).and_return(mock_response) mock_response.should_receive(:body).and_return('{ "bar": "baz" }') @lastfm.request('xxx.yyy', { :foo => 'bar' }, :get, true, true)['bar'].should eql('baz') end it 'should raise an error if an api error is ocuured' do mock_response = mock(HTTParty::Response) mock_response.should_receive(:body).and_return('{"message": "Invalid Method - No method with that name in this package", "error": 3}') @lastfm.class.should_receive(:post).and_return(mock_response) lambda { @lastfm.request('xxx.yyy', { :foo => 'bar' }, :post) }.should raise_error(Lastfm::ApiError, 'Invalid Method - No method with that name in this package') end end describe '#auth' do it 'should return an instance of Lastfm::Auth' do @lastfm.auth.should be_an_instance_of(Lastfm::Auth) end it 'should get token' do @lastfm.should_receive(:request). with('auth.getToken', {}, :get, true). and_return({ 'token' => 'xxxyyyzzz' }) @lastfm.auth.get_token.should eql('xxxyyyzzz') end it 'should get session' do @lastfm.should_receive(:request). with('auth.getSession', { :token => 'xxxyyyzzz' }, :get, true). and_return({ 'session' => { 'key' => 'zzzyyyxxx' }}) @lastfm.auth.get_session('xxxyyyzzz').should eql('zzzyyyxxx') end end describe '#track' do it 'should return an instance of Lastfm::Track' do @lastfm.track.should be_an_instance_of(Lastfm::Track) end it 'should add tags' do @lastfm.should_receive(:request).with('track.addTags', { :artist => 'foo artist', :track => 'foo track', :tags => 'aaa,bbb,ccc' }, :post, true, true).and_return({}) @lastfm.track.add_tags('foo artist', 'foo track', 'aaa,bbb,ccc') end it 'should ban' do @lastfm.should_receive(:request).with('track.ban', { :artist => 'foo artist', :track => 'foo track', }, :post, true, true).and_return({}) @lastfm.track.ban('foo artist', 'foo track') end it 'should get info' do @lastfm.should_receive(:request).with('track.getInfo', { :artist => 'foo artist', :track => 'foo track', :username => 'youpy', }).and_return({}) @lastfm.track.get_info('foo artist', 'foo track', 'youpy') end it 'should get similar' do @lastfm.should_receive(:request).with('track.getSimilar', { :artist => 'foo artist', :track => 'foo track', }).and_return({}) @lastfm.track.get_similar('foo artist', 'foo track') end it 'should get tags' do @lastfm.should_receive(:request).with('track.getTags', { :artist => 'foo artist', :track => 'foo track', }, :get, true, true).and_return({}) @lastfm.track.get_tags('foo artist', 'foo track') end it 'should get top fans' do @lastfm.should_receive(:request).with('track.getTopFans', { :artist => 'foo artist', :track => 'foo track', }).and_return({}) @lastfm.track.get_top_fans('foo artist', 'foo track') end it 'should get top tags' do @lastfm.should_receive(:request).with('track.getTopTags', { :artist => 'foo artist', :track => 'foo track', }).and_return({}) @lastfm.track.get_top_tags('foo artist', 'foo track') end it 'should love' do @lastfm.should_receive(:request).with('', { :artist => 'foo artist', :track => 'foo track', }, :post, true, true).and_return({})'foo artist', 'foo track') end it 'should remove tag' do @lastfm.should_receive(:request).with('track.removeTag', { :artist => 'foo artist', :track => 'foo track', :tag => 'aaa' }, :post, true, true).and_return({}) @lastfm.track.remove_tag('foo artist', 'foo track', 'aaa') end it 'should search' do @lastfm.should_receive(:request).with('', { :artist => 'foo artist', :track => 'foo track', :limit => 10, :page => 3, }).and_return({})'foo artist', 'foo track', 10, 3) end it 'should share' do @lastfm.should_receive(:request).with('track.share', { :artist => 'foo artist', :track => 'foo track', :message => 'this is a message', :recipient => '', }, :post, true, true).and_return({}) @lastfm.track.share('foo artist', 'foo track', '', 'this is a message') end end end