// +build ignore package main import ( "errors" "log" "strconv" "text/template" "../../../gen" ) func main() { t := template.New("").Funcs(template.FuncMap{ "str": str, "strs": strSlice, "istrs": istrSlice, "dict": dict, }) t, err := t.Parse(tmpl) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } var j js if err := gen.Gen("custom-set", &j, t); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } // str converts an integer 1..26 to a letter 'a'..'z'. func str(n int) string { if n >= 1 && n <= 26 { return string('a' - 1 + n) } return strconv.Itoa(n) } // strSlice converts a slice of int to a slice of string. func strSlice(ns []int) []string { s := make([]string, len(ns)) for i, n := range ns { s[i] = str(n) } return s } // istrSlice converts a slice of interface{} values whose // underlying members should be float64(JSON decoded integers) // to a slice of string. func istrSlice(ns []interface{}) []string { s := make([]string, len(ns)) for i, n := range ns { if fn, ok := n.(float64); ok { s[i] = str(int(fn)) } } return s } // dict sets up and returns a map for pairs of items given; // it is used in order to pass multiple parameters in a template call. func dict(values ...interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) { if len(values)%2 != 0 { return nil, errors.New("invalid dict call: odd number of values given") } valueMap := make(map[string]interface{}, len(values)/2) for i := 0; i < len(values); i += 2 { key, ok := values[i].(string) if !ok { return nil, errors.New("Expected string for dict key") } valueMap[key] = values[i+1] } return valueMap, nil } // The JSON structure we expect to be able to unmarshal into type js struct { Groups TestGroups `json:"Cases"` } type TestGroups []struct { Description string Cases []OneCase } type OneCase struct { Description string Property string Set []int // "empty"/"contains"/"add" cases Set1 []int // "subset"/"disjoint"/"equal"/"difference"/"intersection"/"union" cases Set2 []int // "subset"/"disjoint"/"equal"/"difference"/"intersection"/"union" cases Element int // "contains"/"add" cases Expected interface{} // bool or []int } func (c OneCase) PropertyMatch(property string) bool { return c.Property == property } // GroupComment looks in each of the test case groups to find the // group for which every test case has the .Property matching given property; // it returns the .Description field for the matching property group, // or a 'Note: ...' if no test group consistently matches given property. func (groups TestGroups) GroupComment(property string) string { for _, group := range groups { propertyGroupMatch := true for _, testcase := range group.Cases { if !testcase.PropertyMatch(property) { propertyGroupMatch = false break } } if propertyGroupMatch { return group.Description } } return "Note: Apparent inconsistent use of \"property\": \"" + property + "\" within test case group!" } // template applied to above data structure generates the Go test cases // // There's some extra complexity because json test cases use ints but it's // all converted to strings here. It just seemed like strings would make // a better and more practical example. var tmpl = ` {{/* nested templates for repeated stuff */}} {{define "unaryBool"}}{{$property := .PropertyType}}{{with .Groups}} // {{ .GroupComment $property}} var {{$property}}Cases = []unaryBoolCase{ {{range .}} {{range .Cases}} {{if .PropertyMatch $property}} { // {{.Description}} {{strs .Set | printf "%#v"}}, {{.Expected}}, }, {{- end}}{{end}}{{end}} } {{end}}{{end}} {{define "eleBool"}}{{$property := .PropertyType}}{{with .Groups}} // {{ .GroupComment $property}} var {{$property}}Cases = []eleBoolCase{ {{range .}} {{range .Cases}} {{if .PropertyMatch $property}} { // {{.Description}} {{strs .Set | printf "%#v"}}, {{str .Element | printf "%q"}}, {{.Expected}}, }, {{- end}}{{end}}{{end}} } {{end}}{{end}} {{define "eleOp"}}{{$property := .PropertyType}}{{with .Groups}} // {{ .GroupComment $property}} var {{$property}}Cases = []eleOpCase{ {{range .}} {{range .Cases}} {{if .PropertyMatch $property}} { // {{.Description}} {{strs .Set | printf "%#v"}}, {{str .Element | printf "%q"}}, {{istrs .Expected | printf "%#v"}}, }, {{- end}}{{end}}{{end}} } {{end}}{{end}} {{define "binaryBool"}}{{$property := .PropertyType}}{{with .Groups}} // {{ .GroupComment $property}} var {{$property}}Cases = []binBoolCase{ {{range .}} {{range .Cases}} {{if .PropertyMatch $property}} { // {{.Description}} {{strs .Set1 | printf "%#v"}}, {{strs .Set2 | printf "%#v"}}, {{.Expected}}, }, {{- end}}{{end}}{{end}} } {{end}}{{end}} {{define "binaryOp"}}{{$property := .PropertyType}}{{with .Groups}} // {{ .GroupComment $property}} var {{$property}}Cases = []binOpCase{ {{range .}} {{range .Cases}} {{if .PropertyMatch $property}} { // {{.Description}} {{strs .Set1 | printf "%#v"}}, {{strs .Set2 | printf "%#v"}}, {{istrs .Expected | printf "%#v"}}, }, {{- end}}{{end}}{{end}} } {{end}}{{end}} {{/* begin template body */}} package stringset {{.Header}} {{/* These template calls utilize a dict helper function in order to pass multiple parameters. */}} {{template "unaryBool" dict "PropertyType" "empty" "Groups" .J.Groups}} {{template "eleBool" dict "PropertyType" "contains" "Groups" .J.Groups}} {{template "binaryBool" dict "PropertyType" "subset" "Groups" .J.Groups}} {{template "binaryBool" dict "PropertyType" "disjoint" "Groups" .J.Groups}} {{template "binaryBool" dict "PropertyType" "equal" "Groups" .J.Groups}} {{template "eleOp" dict "PropertyType" "add" "Groups" .J.Groups}} {{template "binaryOp" dict "PropertyType" "intersection" "Groups" .J.Groups}} {{template "binaryOp" dict "PropertyType" "difference" "Groups" .J.Groups}} {{template "binaryOp" dict "PropertyType" "union" "Groups" .J.Groups}} `