require 'spec_helper' module Spree describe Api::ReturnAuthorizationsController do render_views let!(:order) do order = create(:order) order.line_items << create(:line_item) order.shipments << create(:shipment, :state => 'shipped') order.finalize! order.shipments.update_all(:state => 'shipped') order.inventory_units.update_all(:state => 'shipped') order end let(:product) { create(:product) } let(:attributes) { [:id, :reason, :amount, :state] } let(:resource_scoping) { { :order_id => order.to_param } } before do stub_authentication! end context "as the order owner" do before do Order.any_instance.stub :user => current_api_user end it "cannot see any return authorizations" do api_get :index assert_unauthorized! end it "cannot see a single return authorization" do api_get :show, :id => 1 assert_unauthorized! end it "cannot learn how to create a new return authorization" do api_get :new assert_unauthorized! end it "cannot create a new return authorization" do api_post :create assert_unauthorized! end it "cannot update a return authorization" do api_put :update assert_unauthorized! end it "cannot delete a return authorization" do api_delete :destroy assert_unauthorized! end end context "as an admin" do sign_in_as_admin! it "can show return authorization" do FactoryGirl.create(:return_authorization, :order => order) return_authorization = order.return_authorizations.first api_get :show, :order_id => order.number, :id => response.status.should == 200 json_response.should have_attributes(attributes) json_response["state"].should_not be_blank end it "can get a list of return authorizations" do FactoryGirl.create(:return_authorization, :order => order) FactoryGirl.create(:return_authorization, :order => order) api_get :index, { :order_id => order.number } response.status.should == 200 return_authorizations = json_response["return_authorizations"] return_authorizations.first.should have_attributes(attributes) return_authorizations.first.should_not == return_authorizations.last end it 'can control the page size through a parameter' do FactoryGirl.create(:return_authorization, :order => order) FactoryGirl.create(:return_authorization, :order => order) api_get :index, :order_id => order.number, :per_page => 1 json_response['count'].should == 1 json_response['current_page'].should == 1 json_response['pages'].should == 2 end it 'can query the results through a paramter' do FactoryGirl.create(:return_authorization, :order => order) expected_result = create(:return_authorization, :reason => 'damaged') order.return_authorizations << expected_result api_get :index, :q => { :reason_cont => 'damage' } json_response['count'].should == 1 json_response['return_authorizations'].first['reason'].should eq expected_result.reason end it "can learn how to create a new return authorization" do api_get :new json_response["attributes"].should == ["id", "number", "state", "amount", "order_id", "reason", "created_at", "updated_at"] required_attributes = json_response["required_attributes"] required_attributes.should include("order") end it "can update a return authorization on the order" do FactoryGirl.create(:return_authorization, :order => order) return_authorization = order.return_authorizations.first api_put :update, :id =>, :return_authorization => { :amount => 19.99 } response.status.should == 200 json_response.should have_attributes(attributes) end it "can delete a return authorization on the order" do FactoryGirl.create(:return_authorization, :order => order) return_authorization = order.return_authorizations.first api_delete :destroy, :id => response.status.should == 204 lambda { return_authorization.reload }.should raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end it "can add a new return authorization to an existing order" do api_post :create, :return_autorization => { :order_id => order.number, :amount => 14.22, :reason => "Defective" } response.status.should == 201 json_response.should have_attributes(attributes) json_response["state"].should_not be_blank end end context "as just another user" do it "cannot add a return authorization to the order" do api_post :create, :return_autorization => { :order_id => order.number, :amount => 14.22, :reason => "Defective" } assert_unauthorized! end it "cannot update a return authorization on the order" do FactoryGirl.create(:return_authorization, :order => order) return_authorization = order.return_authorizations.first api_put :update, :id =>, :return_authorization => { :amount => 19.99 } assert_unauthorized! return_authorization.reload.amount.should_not == 19.99 end it "cannot delete a return authorization on the order" do FactoryGirl.create(:return_authorization, :order => order) return_authorization = order.return_authorizations.first api_delete :destroy, :id => assert_unauthorized! lambda { return_authorization.reload }.should_not raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end end end