describe_fake MediaWiki::Gateway::Pages do describe "#get" do describe "for an existing wiki page" do it "returns raw page content" do @gateway.get("Main Page").should == "Content" end end describe "for an existing empty wiki page" do it "returns an empty string" do @gateway.get("Empty").should == "" end end describe "for a missing wiki page" do it "returns nil" do @gateway.get("page/missing").should be_nil end end describe "for root (/)" do it "returns nil" do @gateway.get("").should be_nil end end describe "when wiki returns 503" do before do @log = double(:debug => nil, :warn => nil) @fail_gateway =, maxlag: -1, retry_delay: 0) allow(@fail_gateway).to receive(:log) { @log } end it "should retry twice and fail" do lambda { @fail_gateway.get("") }.should raise_error @log.should have_received(:warn).with("503 Service Unavailable: Maxlag exceeded. Retry in 0 seconds.").twice end end it "should pass options to RestClient::Request" do gateway =, {}, verify_ssl: false) RestClient::Request.should receive(:execute).with(hash_including(:verify_ssl => false)).and_return([double(:elements => {})]) gateway.get("").should be_nil end end describe "#render" do describe "for an existing wiki page" do before do @pages = @gateway.render('Main Page') end it "should return the page content" do expected = 'Sample HTML content.' @pages.to_s.should == expected end it "should raise an ArgumentError on illegal options" do lambda do @gateway.render("Main Page", :doesnotexist => :at_all) end.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end describe "with option" do it "should strip img tags" do @pages = @gateway.render('Foopage', :noimages => true) expected = 'Sample HTML content.'\ '[edit]'\ 'interpreted language' @pages.to_s.should == expected end it "should strip edit sections" do @pages = @gateway.render('Foopage', :noeditsections => true) expected = 'Sample HTML content.' \ 'Ruby logo.svg' \ 'interpreted language' @pages.to_s.should == expected end it "should make all links absolute" do @pages = @gateway.render('Foopage', :linkbase => "") expected = 'Sample HTML content.' \ 'Ruby logo.svg' \ '[edit]'\ 'interpreted language' @pages.to_s.should == expected end end end describe "for a missing wiki page" do before do @pages = @gateway.render('Invalidpage') end it "should return nil" do @pages.should == nil end end end describe "#create" do before do @gateway.login('atlasmw', 'wombat') end describe "when creating a new page" do before do @page = @gateway.create("A New Page", "Some content") end it "should create the page" do expected = <<-XML XML expect(@page.to_s).to be_equivalent_to(expected) end end describe "when creating a page that already exists" do before do $fake_media_wiki.reset end describe "and the 'overwrite' option is set" do before do @new_page = @gateway.create("Main Page", "Some new content", :summary => "The summary", :overwrite => true) end it "should overwrite the existing page" do expected = <<-XML XML expect(@new_page.to_s).to be_equivalent_to(expected) end end describe "and the 'overwrite' option is not set" do it "should raise an error" do lambda do @gateway.create("Main Page", "Some new content") end.should raise_error(MediaWiki::APIError) end end end end describe "#edit" do before do $fake_media_wiki.reset @edit_page = @gateway.edit("Main Page", "Some new content") end it "should overwrite the existing page" do expected = <<-XML XML expect(@edit_page.to_s).to be_equivalent_to(expected) end end describe "#delete" do before do title, content = 'Deletable Page', 'Some content' @gateway.send_request( 'action' => 'edit', 'title' => title, 'text' => content, 'summary' => '', 'createonly' => '', 'token' => @gateway.send(:get_token, 'edit', title) ) end describe "when logged in as admin" do describe "and the page exists" do def delete_response <<-XML XML end before do @gateway.login("atlasmw", "wombat") @page = @gateway.delete("Deletable Page") end it "should delete the page" do expect(@page.to_s).to be_equivalent_to(delete_response) end end describe "and the page does not exist" do before do @gateway.login("atlasmw", "wombat") end it "should raise an error" do lambda do @gateway.delete("Missing Page") end.should raise_error(MediaWiki::APIError) end end end describe "when not logged in" do it "should raise an error" do lambda do @gateway.delete("Deletable Page") end.should raise_error(MediaWiki::Unauthorized) end end end describe "#undelete" do describe "when logged in as admin" do before do $fake_media_wiki.reset @gateway.login("atlasmw", "wombat") end describe "and the page no longer exists" do before do @revs = @gateway.undelete("Sandbox:Undeleted") end it "should recreate the given page" do @gateway.list("Sandbox:Undeleted").should == [ "Sandbox:Undeleted" ] end it "should report one undeleted revision" do @revs.should == 1 end end describe "but the page exists" do before do @revs = @gateway.undelete("Main Page") end it "should report zero undeleted revisions" do @revs.should == 0 end end end describe "when not logged in" do it "should raise an error" do lambda do @gateway.undelete("Undeletable Page") end.should raise_error(MediaWiki::APIError) end end end describe "#list" do before do $fake_media_wiki.reset end describe "with an empty key" do before do @list = @gateway.list("") end it "should list all pages" do @list.sort.should == [ "Book:Italy", "Empty", "Foopage", "Level/Level/Index", "Main 2", "Main Page", "Redirect" ] end end describe "with a namespace as the key" do before do @list = @gateway.list("Book:") end it "should list all pages in the namespace" do @list.should == [ "Book:Italy" ] end end describe "with a partial title as the key" do before do @list = @gateway.list("Main") end it "should list all pages in the main namespace that start with key" do @list.sort.should == [ "Main 2", "Main Page" ] end end end describe "#redirect?" do describe "for an existing redirect page" do it "returns true" do @gateway.redirect?("Redirect").should == true end end describe "for an existing non-redirect page" do it "returns false" do @gateway.redirect?("Main Page").should == false end end describe "for a missing wiki page" do it "returns false" do @gateway.redirect?("page/missing").should == false end end end end