require 'spec_helper' describe DynportTools::Differ do let(:differ) { } def uncolor(str) str.gsub(/\e\[(\d+)m/, '') end describe "#initialize" do it "sets diff_all to true by default" do == true end it "sets diff_all to false when initialized with that option" do => false).diff_all.should == false end end describe "#diff_strings" do it "diffs two strings" do a = %("#!/bin/sh\nssh some.server 'cd /path/to/project && script/runner -e production_slave \"do something\"") b = %("#!/bin/sh\nssh some.server \"cd /path/to/project && ./script/runner -e production 'do something'\") uncolor(differ.diff_strings(a, b)).should == %("#!/bin/sh\nssh some.server <'|">cd /path/to/project && <|./>script/runner -e production<_slave|> <"|'>do something<"|'>") end it "diffes simple strings" do a = %(-e production_slave "something) b = %(-e production "something) uncolor(differ.diff_strings(a, b)).should == %(-e production<_slave|> "something) end it "diffs a little bit more complicated string" do a = %(-e production_slave "something) b = %(-e production 'something) uncolor(differ.diff_strings(a, b)).should == %(-e production<_slave|> <"|'>something) end it "diffs an edge case correctly" do a = "#!/bin/sh\nssh s7 \"cd /opt/simfy/app/simfy_production/current && ./script/runner -e production \\\"Importer.import_catalog('kontor')\\\"\"" b = "cd /opt/simfy/app/simfy_production/current && ./script/runner -e production \"Importer.import_catalog('kontor')\"" pending "fix me" end end describe "diffing two hashes" do it "returns true when both hashes are equal" do hash = { :a => 1 } differ.diff(hash, hash).should be_nil end it "works with nil and false values when using symbolize_keys" do differ.symbolize_keys = true differ.diff({"test" => false}, { :test => false}).should be_nil end it "returns true when symbolize_keys is set to true and comparing hashes with symbols and strings" do differ.symbolize_keys = true differ.diff({ :a => 1 }, { "a" => 1 }).should be_nil end it "returns false when symbolize_keys is set to false and comparing hashes with symbols and strings" do differ.symbolize_keys = nil differ.diff({ :a => 1 }, { "a" => 1 }).should_not be_nil end it "returns the diff when there is one" do a = { :a => 1, :b => 2 } b = { :a => 1, :b => 3 } differ.diff(a, b).should == { :b => [2, 3] } end it "returns nested diffs" do a = { :a => 1, :b => { :c => 1 } } b = { :a => 1, :b => { :c => 2 } } differ.diff(a, b).should == { :b => { :c => [1, 2] } } end end describe "#diff" do it "returns an array with both values when not equal" do differ.diff("a", "b").should == ["a", "b"] end it "returns nil when equal" do differ.diff("a", "a").should be_nil end describe "with first one being a hash" do let(:a) { { :a => 1 } } let(:b) { { :a => 2 } } it "returns a hash when first value is a hash" do differ.diff(a, b).should be_an_instance_of(Hash) end it "returns an array when first is a hash and second is string" do differ.diff(a, "a").should == [a, "a"] end it "returns an array when first is a string and second is hash" do differ.diff("a", a).should == ["a", a] end it "returns the correct diff" do differ.diff(a, b).should == { :a => [1, 2] } end it "sets nil as value when equal" do differ.diff(a, a).should be_nil end it "sets the correct diff when b has more keys then a" do differ.diff({ :a => 1 }, { :b => 2 }).should == { :a => [1, nil], :b => [nil, 2] } end it "only uses b's keys when diff_all is true" do differ.diff_all = false differ.diff({ :a => 1 }, { :a => 2, :b => 3 }).should == { :a => [1, 2] } end end describe "with two arrays given" do let(:a) { [1, 2] } let(:b) { [1, 3] } it "returns an empty hash when equal" do differ.diff(a, a).should be_nil end it "sets the correct diff when there is one" do differ.diff(a, b).should == { 1 => [2, 3] } end it "sets the correct diff when second array is bigger" do differ.diff(a, [1, 2, 3]).should == { 2 => [nil, 3] } end end end describe "diff_to_message_lines" do it "returns an empty array when diff is nil" do differ.diff_to_message_lines(nil).should == [] end it "uses inspect when key is a hash" do differ.diff_to_message_lines({ { :a => 1 } => [1, 2]}).should == ["expected {:a=>1} to be <1> but was <2>"] end it "returns a message for array" do differ.diff_to_message_lines([1, 2]).should == ["expected <1> to be <2>"] end it "returns the correct message for a simple hash" do differ.diff_to_message_lines({ :a => [1, 2]}).should == ["expected a to be <1> but was <2>"] end it "uses return instead of be" do differ.use_return = true differ.diff_to_message_lines({ :a => [1, 2]}).should == ["expected a to return <1> but did <2>"] end it "returns the correctly nested diff" do differ.diff_to_message_lines({ :a => { :b => [3, 4] } }).should == ["expected a/b to be <3> but was <4>"] end it "returns the correctly nested even complexer diff" do differ.diff_to_message_lines({ :a => { :b => { { :c => 1 } => [3, 4] } } }).should == ["expected a/b/{:c=>1} to be <3> but was <4>"] end end describe "#each_diff" do it "calls dummy with correct attributes" do d = double("to be called") d.should_receive(:called).with([:a, :b], 3, 4) d.should_receive(:called).with([:a, :c], nil, 1) differ.each_diff({ :a => { :b => [3, 4], :c => [nil, 1] } }) do |path, old, new| d.called(path, old, new) end end end end