# encoding: utf-8 # === Usage === # # Run gem bundle for installation. You have to have bundler gem installed. # http://github.com/wycats/bundler # http://litanyagainstfear.com/blog/2009/10/14/gem-bundler-is-the-future # http://yehudakatz.com/2009/11/03/using-the-new-gem-bundler-today # http://www.engineyard.com/blog/2009/using-the-rubygems-bundler-for-your-app # === Shared Gems === # # Specify a dependency on rango. When the bundler downloads gems, # it will download rango as well as all of rango' dependencies gem "rango"#, git: "git://github.com/botanicus/rango.git" gem "rack"#, git: "git://github.com/rack/rack.git" # router <% case @router %> <% when "usher" %> gem "usher"#, git: "git://github.com/joshbuddy/usher.git" <% when "rack-mount" %> gem "rack-mount"#, git: "git://github.com/josh/rack-mount.git" <% when "rack-router" %> gem "rack-router"#, git: "git://github.com/carllerche/rack-router.git" <% end %> # template engine <% case @template_engine %> <% when "haml" %> gem "haml"#, git: "git://github.com/nex3/haml.git" <% when "erubis" %> gem "erubis"#, git: "git://github.com/genki/erubis.git" <% end %> # ORM <% case @orm %> <% when "datamapper" %> gem "dm-core"#, git: "git://github.com/datamapper/dm-core.git" gem "dm-timestamps"#, git: "git://github.com/datamapper/dm-more.git" gem "dm-aggregates"#, git: "git://github.com/datamapper/dm-more.git" # for count etc <% when "sequel" %> gem "sequel"#, git: "git://github.com/jeremyevans/sequel.git" <% end %> gem "thin", require_as: nil#, git: "git://github.com/macournoyer/thin.git" # there seems to be some problems with latest thin #gem "unicorn", require_as: nil#, git: "git://repo.or.cz/unicorn.git" gem "racksh", require_as: nil#, git: "git://github.com/sickill/racksh.git" <% if @warden %> gem "warden" <% end %> # === Environment-Specific Setup === # only(:development) do gem "shotgun", require_as: nil#, git: "git://github.com/rtomayko/shotgun.git" end except(:stage, :production) do <% case @orm %> <% when "datamapper" %> gem "do_sqlite3"#, git: "git://github.com/datamapper/do.git" <% end %> end only(:stage, :production) do <% case @orm %> <% when "datamapper" %> gem "do_mysql"#, git: "git://github.com/datamapper/do.git" <% else %> # TODO: db adapters etc <% end %> end only(:test, :cucumber) do gem "rspec"#, git: "git://github.com/dchelimsky/rspec.git" gem "rack-test", require_as: "rack/test"#, git: "git://github.com/brynary/rack-test.git" gem "webrat"#, git: "git://github.com/brynary/webrat.git" end only(:cucumber) do gem "cucumber"#, git: "git://github.com/aslakhellesoy/cucumber.git" end # === Bundler Setup === # # Specify where the bundled gems should be stashed. This directory will # be a gem repository where all gems are downloaded to and installed to. # # This is an optional setting. # The default is: vendor/gems bundle_path "gems" # Specify where gem executables should be copied to. # # This is an optional setting. # The default is: bin bin_path "bin" # Specify that rubygems should be completely disabled. This means that it # will be impossible to require it and that available gems will be # limited exclusively to gems that have been bundled. # # The default is to automatically require rubygems. There is also a # `disable_system_gems` option that will limit available rubygems to # the ones that have been bundled. disable_rubygems