# Changelog ## Master (Unreleased) ## 2.11.1 (2022-05-18) * Fix a regression in `RSpec/ExpectChange` flagging chained method calls. ([@pirj][]) ## 2.11.0 (2022-05-18) * Drop Ruby 2.5 support. ([@ydah][]) * Add new `RSpec/ChangeByZero` cop. ([@ydah][]) * Improve `RSpec/ExpectChange` to detect namespaced and top-level constants. ([@M-Yamashita01][]) * Introduce an amendment to `Metrics/BlockLength` to exclude spec files. ([@luke-hill][]) ## 2.10.0 (2022-04-19) * Fix a false positive for `RSpec/EmptyExampleGroup` when expectations in case statement. ([@ydah][]) * Add `RSpec/VerifiedDoubleReference` cop. ([@t3h2mas][]) * Make `RSpec/BeNil` cop configurable with a `be_nil` style and a `be` style. ([@bquorning][]) * Fix `Capybara/CurrentPathExpectation` autocorrect incompatible with `Style/TrailingCommaInArguments` autocorrect. ([@ydah][]) ## 2.9.0 (2022-02-28) * Add new `RSpec/BeNil` cop. ([@bquorning][]) * Add new `RSpec/BeEq` cop. ([@bquorning][]) ## 2.8.0 (2022-01-24) * Fix `RSpec/FactoryBot/SyntaxMethods` and `RSpec/Capybara/FeatureMethods` to inspect shared groups. ([@pirj][]) * Fix `RSpec/LeadingSubject` failure in non-spec code. ([@pirj][]) * Add bad example to `RSpec/SubjectStub` cop. ([@oshiro3][]) * Replace non-styleguide cops `StyleGuide` attribute with `Reference`. ([@pirj][]) * Fix `RSpec/SubjectStub` to disallow stubbing of subjects defined in parent example groups. ([@pirj][]) ## 2.7.0 (2021-12-26) * Add new `RSpec/FactoryBot/SyntaxMethods` cop. ([@leoarnold][]) * Exclude `task` type specs from `RSpec/DescribeClass` cop. ([@harry-graham][]) ## 2.6.0 (2021-11-08) * Fix merging RSpec DSL configuration from third-party gems. ([@pirj][]) * Fix `RSpec/ExcessiveDocstringSpacing` false positive for multi-line indented strings. ([@G-Rath][]) * Fix `Include` configuration for sub-departments. ([@pirj][]) * Ignore heredocs in `RSpec/ExcessiveDocstringSpacing`. ([@G-Rath][]) * Stop `RSpec/ExampleWording` from trying to correct heredocs. ([@G-Rath][]) * Add autocorrect support for `RSpec/VariableDefinition`. ([@r7kamura][]) ## 2.5.0 (2021-09-21) * Declare autocorrect as unsafe for `ExpectChange`. ([@francois-ferrandis][]) * Fix each example for `RSpec/HookArgument`. ([@lokhi][]) * Exclude unrelated Rails directories from `RSpec/DescribeClass`. ([@MothOnMars][]) * Add `RSpec/ExcessiveDocstringSpacing` cop. ([@G-Rath][]) * Add `RSpec/SubjectDeclaration` cop. ([@dswij][]) * Fix excessive whitespace removal in `RSpec/EmptyHook` autocorrection. ([@pirj][]) * Bump RuboCop requirement to v1.19.0. ([@pirj][]) * Fix false positive in `RSpec/IteratedExpectation` when there is single, non-expectation statement in the block body. ([@Darhazer][]) ## 2.4.0 (2021-06-09) * Update `RSpec/FilePath` to check suffix when given a non-constant top-level node (e.g. features). ([@topalovic][]) * Add missing documentation for `single_statement_only` style of `RSpec/ImplicitSubject` cop. ([@tejasbubane][]) * Fix an exception in `DescribedClass` when accessing a constant on a variable in a spec that is nested in a namespace. ([@rrosenblum][]) * Add new `RSpec/IdenticalEqualityAssertion` cop. ([@tejasbubane][]) * Add `RSpec/Rails/AvoidSetupHook` cop. ([@paydaylight][]) * Fix false negative in `RSpec/ExpectChange` cop with block style and chained method call. ([@tejasbubane][]) ## 2.3.0 (2021-04-28) * Allow `RSpec/ContextWording` to accept multi-word prefixes. ([@hosamaly][]) * Drop support for ruby 2.4. ([@bquorning][]) * Add `CountAsOne` configuration option to `RSpec/ExampleLength`. ([@stephannv][]) * Fix a false positive for `RSpec/RepeatedExampleGroupBody` when `pending` or `skip` have argument(s). ([@Tietew][]) ## 2.2.0 (2021-02-02) * Fix `HooksBeforeExamples`, `LeadingSubject`, `LetBeforeExamples` and `ScatteredLet` autocorrection to take into account inline comments and comments immediately before the moved node. ([@Darhazer][]) * Improve rubocop-rspec performance. ([@Darhazer][], [@bquorning][]) * Include `Enabled: true` to prevent a mismatched configuration parameter warning when `RSpec` cops are explicitly enabled in the user configuration. ([@pirj][]) ## 2.1.0 (2020-12-17) * Fix `RSpec/FilePath` false positive for relative file path runs with long namespaces. ([@ahukkanen][]) * Update `RSpec/Focus` to have auto-correction. ([@dvandersluis][]) ## 2.0.1 (2020-12-02) * Fixed infinite loop in `RSpec/ExpectActual` autocorrection when both expected and actual values are literals. ([@Darhazer][]) ## 2.0.0 (2020-11-06) * Remove deprecated class `::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Cop`. ([@bquorning][]) * Retire `RSpec/InvalidPredicateMatcher` cop. ([@pirj][]) * Remove the code responsible for filtering files to inspect. ([@pirj][]) * Make RSpec language elements configurable. ([@sl4vr][]) * Remove `CustomIncludeMethods` `RSpec/EmptyExampleGroup` option in favour of the new RSpec DSL configuration. ([@pirj][]) * Enabled pending cop (`RSpec/StubbedMock`). ([@pirj][]) ## 2.0.0.pre (2020-10-22) * Update RuboCop dependency to v1.0.0. ([@bquorning][]) * Change namespace of several cops (`Capybara/*` -> `RSpec/Capybara/*`, `FactoryBot/*` -> `RSpec/FactoryBot/*`, `Rails/*` -> `RSpec/Rails/*`). ([@pirj][], [@bquorning][]) ## 1.44.1 (2020-10-20) * Relax `rubocop-ast` version constraint. ([@PhilCoggins][]) ## 1.44.0 (2020-10-20) * Move our documentation from rubocop-rspec.readthedocs.io to docs.rubocop.org/rubocop-rspec. ([@bquorning][]) * Add `RSpec/RepeatedIncludeExample` cop. ([@biinari][]) * Add `RSpec/StubbedMock` cop. ([@bquorning][], [@pirj][]) * Add `IgnoredMetadata` configuration option to `RSpec/DescribeClass`. ([@Rafix02][]) * Fix false positives in `RSpec/EmptyExampleGroup`. ([@pirj][]) * Fix a false positive for `RSpec/EmptyExampleGroup` when example is defined in an `if` branch. ([@koic][]) ## 1.43.2 (2020-08-25) * Fix `RSpec/FilePath` when checking a file with a shared example. ([@pirj][]) * Fix subject nesting detection in `RSpec/LeadingSubject`. ([@pirj][]) ## 1.43.1 (2020-08-17) * Fix `RSpec/FilePath` when checking a file defining e.g. an empty class. ([@bquorning][]) ## 1.43.0 (2020-08-17) * Add a new base cop class `::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Base`. The old base class `::RuboCop::Cop::RSpec::Cop` is deprecated, and will be removed in the next major release. ([@bquorning][]) * Add support for subject detection after includes and example groups in `RSpec/LeadingSubject`. ([@pirj][]) * Ignore trailing punctuation in context description prefix. ([@elliterate][]) * Relax `RSpec/VariableDefinition` cop so interpolated and multiline strings are accepted even when configured to enforce the `symbol` style. ([@bquorning][]) * Fix `RSpec/EmptyExampleGroup` to flag example groups with examples in invalid scopes. ([@mlarraz][]) * Fix `RSpec/EmptyExampleGroup` to ignore examples groups with examples defined inside iterators. ([@pirj][]) * Improve `RSpec/NestedGroups`, `RSpec/FilePath`, `RSpec/DescribeMethod`, `RSpec/MultipleDescribes`, `RSpec/DescribeClass`'s top-level example group detection. ([@pirj][]) * Add detection of `let!` with a block-pass or a string literal to `RSpec/LetSetup`. ([@pirj][]) * Add `IgnoredPatterns` configuration option to `RSpec/VariableName`. ([@jtannas][]) * Add `RSpec/MultipleMemoizedHelpers` cop. ([@mockdeep][]) ## 1.42.0 (2020-07-09) * Update RuboCop dependency to 0.87.0 because of changes to internal APIs. ([@bquorning][], [@Darhazer][]) ## 1.41.0 (2020-07-03) * Extend the list of Rails spec types for `RSpec/DescribeClass`. ([@pirj][]) * Fix `FactoryBot/AttributeDefinedStatically` to allow `#traits_for_enum` without a block. ([@harrylewis][]) * Improve the performance of `FactoryBot/AttributeDefinedStatically`, `RSpec/InstanceVariable`, `RSpec/LetSetup`, `RSpec/NestedGroups` and `RSpec/ReturnFromStub`. ([@andrykonchin][]) ## 1.40.0 (2020-06-11) * Add new `RSpec/VariableName` cop. ([@tejasbubane][]) * Add new `RSpec/VariableDefinition` cop. ([@tejasbubane][]) * Expand `Capybara/VisibilityMatcher` to support more than just `have_selector`. ([@twalpole][]) * Add new `SpecSuffixOnly` option to `RSpec/FilePath` cop. ([@zdennis][]) * Allow `RSpec/RepeatedExampleGroupBody` to differ only by described_class. ([@robotdana][]) * Fix `RSpec/FilePath` detection across sibling directories. ([@rolfschmidt][]) * Improve the performance of `RSpec/SubjectStub` by an order of magnitude. ([@andrykonchin][]) ## 1.39.0 (2020-05-01) * Fix `RSpec/FilePath` detection when absolute path includes test subject. ([@eitoball][]) * Add new `Capybara/VisibilityMatcher` cop. ([@aried3r][]) * Ignore String constants by `RSpec/Describe`. ([@AlexWayfer][]) * Drop support for ruby 2.3. ([@bquorning][]) * Fix multiple cops to detect `let` with proc argument. ([@tejasbubane][]) * Add autocorrect support for `RSpec/ScatteredLet`. ([@Darhazer][]) * Add new `RSpec/EmptyHook` cop. ([@tejasbubane][]) ## 1.38.1 (2020-02-15) * Fix `RSpec/RepeatedDescription` to detect descriptions with interpolation and methods. ([@lazycoder9][]) ## 1.38.0 (2020-02-11) * Fix `RSpec/InstanceVariable` detection inside custom matchers. ([@pirj][]) * Fix `RSpec/ScatteredSetup` to distinguish hooks with different metadata. ([@pirj][]) * Add autocorrect support for `RSpec/ExpectActual` cop. ([@dduugg][], [@pirj][]) * Add `RSpec/RepeatedExampleGroupBody` cop. ([@lazycoder9][]) * Add `RSpec/RepeatedExampleGroupDescription` cop. ([@lazycoder9][]) * Add block name and other lines to `RSpec/ScatteredSetup` message. ([@elebow][]) * Fix `RSpec/RepeatedDescription` to take into account example metadata. ([@lazycoder9][]) ## 1.37.1 (2019-12-16) * Improve message and description of `FactoryBot/FactoryClassName`. ([@ybiquitous][]) * Fix `FactoryBot/FactoryClassName` to ignore `Hash` and `OpenStruct`. ([@jfragoulis][]) ## 1.37.0 (2019-11-25) * Implement `RSpec/DescribedClassModuleWrapping` to disallow RSpec statements within a module. ([@kellysutton][]) * Fix documentation rake task to support Rubocop 0.75. ([@nickcampbell18][]) * Fix `RSpec/SubjectStub` to detect implicit subjects stubbed. ([@QQism][]) * Fix `RSpec/Pending` not flagging `skip` with string values. ([@pirj][]) * Add `AllowedExplicitMatchers` config option for `RSpec/PredicateMatcher`. ([@mkrawc][]) * Add `FactoryBot/FactoryClassName` cop. ([@jfragoulis][]) ## 1.36.0 (2019-09-27) * Fix `RSpec/DescribedClass`'s error when `described_class` is used as part of a constant. ([@pirj][]) * Fix `RSpec/ExampleWording` autocorrect of multi-line docstrings. ([@pirj][]) * Add `RSpec/ContextMethod` cop, to detect method names in `context`. ([@geniou][]) * Update RuboCop dependency to 0.68.1 with support for children matching node pattern syntax. ([@pirj][]) * Add `RSpec/EmptyLineAfterExample` cop to check that there is an empty line after example blocks. ([@pirj][]) * Fix `Capybara/CurrentPathExpectation` auto-corrector, to include option `ignore_query: true`. ([@onumis][]) * Fix `RSpec/Focus` detecting mixed array/hash metadata. ([@dgollahon][]) * Fix `RSpec/Focus` to also detect `pending` examples. ([@dgollahon][]) ## 1.35.0 (2019-08-02) * Add `RSpec/ImplicitBlockExpectation` cop. ([@pirj][]) ## 1.34.1 (2019-07-31) * Fix `RSpec/DescribedClass`'s error when a local variable is part of the namespace. ([@pirj][]) ## 1.34.0 (2019-07-23) * Remove `AggregateFailuresByDefault` config option of `RSpec/MultipleExpectations`. ([@pirj][]) * Add `RSpec/LeakyConstantDeclaration` cop. ([@jonatas][], [@pirj][]) * Improve `aggregate_failures` metadata detection of `RSpec/MultipleExpectations`. ([@pirj][]) * Improve `RSpec/SubjectStub` detection and message. ([@pirj][]) * Change message of `RSpec/LetSetup` cop to be more descriptive. ([@foton][]) * Improve `RSpec/ExampleWording` to handle interpolated example messages. ([@nc-holodakg][]) * Improve detection by allowing the use of `RSpec` as a top-level constant. ([@pirj][]) * Fix `RSpec/DescribedClass`'s incorrect detection. ([@pirj][]) * Improve `RSpec/DescribedClass`'s ability to detect inside modules and classes. ([@pirj][]) ## 1.33.0 (2019-05-13) * Let `RSpec/DescribedClass` pass `Struct` instantiation closures. ([@schmijos][]) * Fixed `RSpec/ContextWording` missing `context`s with metadata. ([@pirj][]) * Fix `FactoryBot/AttributeDefinedStatically` not working with an explicit receiver. ([@composerinteralia][]) * Add `RSpec/Dialect` enforces custom RSpec dialects. ([@gsamokovarov][]) * Fix redundant blank lines in `RSpec/MultipleSubjects`'s autocorrect. ([@pirj][]) * Drop support for ruby `2.2`. ([@bquorning][]) ## 1.32.0 (2019-01-27) * Add `RSpec/Yield` cop, suggesting using the `and_yield` method when stubbing a method, accepting a block. ([@Darhazer][]) * Fix `FactoryBot/CreateList` autocorrect crashing when the factory is called with a block=. ([@Darhazer][]) * Fixed `RSpec/Focus` not flagging some cases of `RSpec.describe` with `focus: true`. ([@Darhazer][]) * Fixed `RSpec/Pending` not flagging some cases of `RSpec.describe` with `:skip`. ([@Darhazer][]) * Fix false positive in `RSpec/ReceiveCounts` when method name `exactly`, `at_least` or `at_most` is used along with `times`, without being an RSpec API. ([@Darhazer][]) ## 1.31.0 (2019-01-02) * Add `IgnoreSharedExamples` option for `RSpec/NamedSubject`. ([@RST-J][]) * Add autocorrect support for `Capybara/CurrentPathExpectation` cop. ([@ypresto][]) * Add support for built-in `exists` matcher for `RSpec/PredicateMatcher` cop. ([@mkenyon][]) * `SingleArgumentMessageChain` no longer reports an array as it's only argument as an offense. ([@Darhazer][]) ## 1.30.1 (2018-11-01) * `FactoryBot/CreateList` now ignores `times` blocks with an argument. ([@Darhazer][]) ## 1.30.0 (2018-10-08) * Add config to `RSpec/VerifiedDoubles` to enforcement of verification on unnamed doubles. ([@BrentWheeldon][]) * Fix `FactoryBot/AttributeDefinedStatically` not working when there is a non-symbol key. ([@vzvu3k6k][]) * Fix false positive in `RSpec/ImplicitSubject` when `is_expected` is used inside `its()` block. ([@Darhazer][]) * Add `single_statement_only` style to `RSpec/ImplicitSubject` as a more relaxed alternative to `single_line_only`. ([@Darhazer][]) * Add `RSpec/UnspecifiedException` as a default cop to encourage more-specific `expect{}.to raise_error(ExceptionType)`, or `raise_exception` style handling of exceptions. ([@daveworth][]) ## 1.29.1 (2018-09-01) * Fix false negative in `FactoryBot/AttributeDefinedStatically` when attribute is defined on `self`. ([@Darhazer][]) * `RSpec/FactoryBot` cops will now also inspect the `spec/factories.rb` path by default. ([@bquorning][]) ## 1.29.0 (2018-08-25) * `RSpec/InstanceVariable` - Recommend local variables in addition to `let`. ([@jaredbeck][]) * Add `RSpec/ImplicitSubject` cop. ([@Darhazer][]) * Add `RSpec/HooksBeforeExamples` cop. ([@Darhazer][]) ## 1.28.0 (2018-08-14) * Add `RSpec/ReceiveNever` cop enforcing usage of `not_to receive` instead of `never` matcher. ([@Darhazer][]) * Fix false positive in `RSpec/EmptyLineAfterExampleGroup` cop when example is inside `if`. ([@Darhazer][]) * Add `RSpec/MissingExampleGroupArgument` to enforce first argument for an example group. ([@geniou][]) * Drop support for ruby `2.1`. ([@bquorning][]) * Add `FactoryBot/AttributeDefinedStatically` cop to help FactoryBot users with the deprecation of static attributes. ([@composerinteralia][], [@seanpdoyle][]) * Remove `FactoryBot/DynamicAttributeDefinedStatically` and `FactoryBot/StaticAttributeDefinedDynamically` cops. ([@composerinteralia][]) ## 1.27.0 (2018-06-14) * `RSpec/LeadingSubject` now enforces subject to be before any examples, hooks or let declarations. ([@Darhazer][]) * Fix `RSpec/NotToNot` to highlight only the selector (`not_to` or `to_not`), so it works also on `expect { ... }` blocks. ([@bquorning][]) * Add `RSpec/EmptyLineAfterHook` cop. ([@bquorning][]) * Add `RSpec/EmptyLineAfterExampleGroup` cop to check that there is an empty line after example group blocks. ([@bquorning][]) * Fix `RSpec/DescribeClass` crashing on `RSpec.describe` without arguments. ([@Darhazer][]) * Bump RuboCop requirement to v0.56.0. ([@bquorning][]) * Fix `RSpec/OverwritingSetup` crashing if a variable is used as an argument for `let`. ([@Darhazer][]) ## 1.26.0 (2018-06-06) * Fix false positive in `RSpec/EmptyExampleGroup` cop when methods named like a RSpec method are used. ([@Darhazer][]) * Fix `Capybara/FeatureMethods` not working when there is require before the spec. ([@Darhazer][]) * Fix `RSpec/EmptyLineAfterFinalLet`: allow a comment to be placed after latest let, requiring empty line after the comment. ([@Darhazer][]) * Add `RSpec/ReceiveCounts` cop to enforce usage of :once and :twice matchers. ([@Darhazer][]) ## 1.25.1 (2018-04-10) * Fix false positive in `RSpec/Pending` cop when pending is used as a method name. ([@Darhazer][]) * Fix `FactoryBot/DynamicAttributeDefinedStatically` false positive when using symbol proc argument for a sequence. ([@tdeo][]) ## 1.25.0 (2018-04-07) * Add `RSpec/SharedExamples` cop to enforce consistent usage of string to titleize shared examples. ([@anthony-robin][]) * Add `RSpec/Be` cop to enforce passing argument to the generic `be` matcher. ([@Darhazer][]) * Fix false positives in `StaticAttributeDefinedDynamically` and `ReturnFromStub` when a const is used in an array or hash. ([@Darhazer][]) * Add `RSpec/Pending` cop to enforce no existing pending or skipped examples. This is disabled by default. ([@patrickomatic][]) * Fix `RSpec/NestedGroups` cop support --auto-gen-config. ([@walf443][]) * Fix false positives in `Capybara/FeatureMethods` when feature methods are used as property names in a factory. ([@Darhazer][]) * Allow configuring enabled methods in `Capybara/FeatureMethods`. ([@Darhazer][]) * Add `FactoryBot/CreateList` cop. ([@Darhazer][]) ## 1.24.0 (2018-03-06) * Compatibility with RuboCop v0.53.0. ([@bquorning][]) * The `Rails/HttpStatus` cop is unavailable if the `rack` gem cannot be loaded. ([@bquorning][]) * Fix `Rails/HttpStatus` not working with custom HTTP status codes. ([@bquorning][]) * Fix `FactoryBot/StaticAttributeDefinedDynamically` to handle empty block. ([@abrom][]) * Fix false positive in `FactoryBot/DynamicAttributeDefinedStatically` when a before/after callback has a symbol proc argument. ([@abrom][]) ## 1.23.0 (2018-02-23) * Add `RSpec/Rails/HttpStatus` cop to enforce consistent usage of the status format (numeric or symbolic). ([@anthony-robin][], [@jojos003][]) * Fix false negative in `RSpec/ReturnFromStub` when a constant is being returned by the stub. ([@Darhazer][]) * Fix `FactoryBot/DynamicAttributeDefinedStatically` to handle dynamic attributes inside arrays/hashes. ([@abrom][]) * Add `FactoryBot/StaticAttributeDefinedDynamically` (based on dynamic attribute cop). ([@abrom][]) ## 1.22.2 (2018-02-01) * Fix error in `RSpec/DescribedClass` when working on an empty `describe` block. ([@bquorning][]) ## 1.22.1 (2018-01-17) * Fix false positives in `RSpec/ReturnFromStub`. ([@Darhazer][]) ## 1.22.0 (2018-01-10) * Updates `describe_class` to account for RSpecs `:system` wrapper of rails system tests. ([@EliseFitz15][]) * Add `RSpec/ExpectChange` cop to enforce consistent usage of the change matcher. ([@Darhazer][]) * Add autocorrect support to `RSpec/LetBeforeExamples`. ([@Darhazer][]) * Fix `RSpec/InstanceVariable` flagging instance variables inside dynamically defined class. ([@Darhazer][]) * Add autocorrect support for `RSpec/ReturnFromStub` cop. ([@bquorning][]) * Add `RSpec/ExampleWithoutDescription` cop. ([@Darhazer][]) ## 1.21.0 (2017-12-13) * Compatibility with RuboCop v0.52.0. ([@bquorning][]) * Improve performance when user does not override default RSpec Pattern config. ([@walf443][]) * Add `AggregateFailuresByDefault` configuration for `RSpec/MultipleExpectations` cop. ([@onk][]) ## 1.20.1 (2017-11-15) * Add "without" to list of default allowed prefixes for `RSpec/ContextWording`. ([@bquorning][]) ## 1.20.0 (2017-11-09) * Rename namespace `FactoryGirl` to `FactoryBot` following original library update. ([@walf443][]) * Fix exception in `RSpec/ReturnFromStub` on empty block. ([@yevhene][]) * Add `RSpec/ContextWording` cop. ([@pirj][], [@telmofcosta][]) * Fix `RSpec/SubjectStub` cop matches receive message inside all matcher. ([@walf443][]) ## 1.19.0 (2017-10-18) Compatibility release so users can upgrade RuboCop to 0.51.0. No new features. ## 1.18.0 (2017-09-29) * Fix false positive in `Capybara/FeatureMethods`. ([@Darhazer][]) * Add `RSpec/Capybara/CurrentPathExpectation` cop for feature specs, disallowing setting expectations on `current_path`. ([@timrogers][]) * Fix false positive in `RSpec/LetBeforeExamples` cop when example group contains single let. ([@Darhazer][]) ## 1.17.1 (2017-09-20) * Improved `RSpec/ReturnFromStub` to handle string interpolation, hashes and do..end blocks. ([@Darhazer][]) * Fixed compatibility with JRuby. ([@zverok][]) ## 1.17.0 (2017-09-14) * Add `RSpec/Capybara` namespace including the first cop for feature specs: `Capybara/FeatureMethods`. ([@rspeicher][]) * Update to RuboCop 0.50.0. ([@bquorning][]) ## 1.16.0 (2017-09-06) * Add `RSpec/FactoryGirl` namespace including the first cop for factories: `FactoryGirl/DynamicAttributeDefinedStatically`. ([@jonatas][]) * Add disabled by default `RSpec/AlignLeftLetBrace`. ([@backus][]) * Add disabled by default `RSpec/AlignRightLetBrace`. ([@backus][]) * Add `RSpec/LetBeforeExamples` cop. ([@Darhazer][]) * Add `RSpec/MultipleSubjects` cop. ([@backus][]) * Add `RSpec/ReturnFromStub` cop. ([@Darhazer][]) * Add `RSpec/VoidExpect` cop. ([@pocke][]) * Add `RSpec/InvalidPredicateMatcher` cop. ([@pocke][]) * Change HookArgument cop to detect when hook has a receiver. ([@pocke][]) * Add `RSpec/PredicateMatcher` cop. ([@pocke][]) * Add `RSpec/ExpectInHook` cop. ([@pocke][]) * `RSpec/MultipleExpectations` now detects usage of expect_any_instance_of. ([@Darhazer][]) * `RSpec/MultipleExpectations` now detects usage of is_expected. ([@bmorrall][]) ## 1.15.1 (2017-04-30) * Fix the handling of various edge cases in the `RSpec/ExampleWording` cop, including one that would cause autocorrect to crash. ([@dgollahon][]) * Fix `RSpec/IteratedExpectation` crashing when there is an assignment in the iteration. ([@Darhazer][]) * Fix false positive in `RSpec/SingleArgumentMessageChain` cop when the single argument is a hash. ([@Darhazer][]) ## 1.15.0 (2017-03-24) * Add `RSpec/DescribeSymbol` cop. ([@rspeicher][]) * Fix error when `RSpec/OverwritingSetup` and `RSpec/ScatteredLet` analyzed empty example groups. ([@backus][]) ## 1.14.0 (2017-03-24) * Add `RSpec/OverwritingSetup` cop. ([@Darhazer][]) * Add autocorrect support for `RSpec/LeadingSubject` cop. ([@Darhazer][]) * Add `RSpec/ScatteredLet` cop. ([@Darhazer][]) * Add `RSpec/IteratedExpectation` cop. ([@Darhazer][]) * Add `RSpec/EmptyLineAfterSubject` cop. ([@Darhazer][]) * Add `RSpec/EmptyLineAfterFinalLet` cop. ([@Darhazer][]) ## 1.13.0 (2017-03-07) * Add repeated 'it' detection to `RSpec/ExampleWording` cop. ([@dgollahon][]) * Add [observed_nesting/max_nesting] info to `RSpec/NestedGroups` messages. ([@dgollahon][]) * Add `RSpec/ItBehavesLike` cop. ([@dgollahon][]) * Add `RSpec/SharedContext` cop. ([@Darhazer][]) * `RSpec/MultipleExpectations`: Count aggregate_failures block as single expectation. ([@Darhazer][]) * Fix `ExpectActual` cop flagging `rspec-rails` routing specs. ([@backus][]) * Fix `FilePath` cop not registering offenses for files like `spec/blog/user.rb` when it should be `spec/blog/user_spec.rb`. ([@backus][]) ## 1.12.0 (2017-02-21) * Add `RSpec/InstanceSpy` cop. ([@Darhazer][]) * Add `RSpec/BeforeAfterAll` for avoiding leaky global test setup. ([@cfabianski][]) ## 1.11.0 (2017-02-16) * Add `AroundBlock` cop. ([@Darhazer][]) * Add `EnforcedStyle` configuration for `RSpec/DescribedClass` cop. ([@Darhazer][]) * Fix false positive for `RSpec/RepeatedExample` cop. ([@redross][]) ## 1.10.0 (2017-01-15) * Fix false negative for `RSpec/MessageSpies` cop. ([@onk][]) * Fix internal dependencies on RuboCop to be compatible with 0.47 release. ([@backus][]) * Add autocorrect support for `SingleArgumentMessageChain` cop. ([@bquorning][]) * Rename `NestedGroups`' configuration key from `MaxNesting` to `Max` in order to be consistent with other cop configuration. ([@backus][]) * Add `RepeatedExample` cop for detecting repeated examples within example groups. ([@backus][]) * Add `ScatteredSetup` cop for enforcing that only one `before`, `around`, and `after` hook are used per example group scope. ([@backus][]) * Add `ExpectOutput` cop for recommending `expect { ... }.to output(...).to_stdout`. ([@backus][]) ## 1.9.1 (2017-01-02) * Fix unintentional regression change in `NestedGroups` reported in #270. ([@backus][]) * Change `MaxNesting` for `NestedGroups` from 2 to 3. ([@backus][]) ## 1.9.0 (2016-12-29) * Add `MessageSpies` cop for enforcing consistent style of either `expect(...).to have_received` or `expect(...).to receive`, intended as a replacement for the `MessageExpectation` cop. ([@bquorning][]) * Fix `DescribeClass` to not flag `describe` at the top of a block of shared examples. ([@clupprich][]) * Add `SingleArgumentMessageChain` cop for recommending use of `receive` instead of `receive_message_chain` where possible. ([@bquorning][]) * Add `RepeatedDescription` cop for detecting repeated example descriptions within example groups. ([@backus][]) ## 1.8.0 (2016-10-27) * Optionally ignore method names in the `describe` argument when running the `FilePath` cop. ([@bquorning][]) * Fix regression in how `FilePath` converts alphanumeric class names into paths. ([@bquorning][]) * Add `ImplicitExpect` cop for enforcing `should` vs. `is_expected.to`. ([@backus][]) * Disable `MessageExpectation` cop in the default configuration. ([@bquorning][]) ## 1.7.0 (2016-08-24) * Add support for checking all example groups with `ExampleLength`. ([@backus][]) * Add support for checking shared example groups for `DescribedClass`. ([@backus][]) * Add support for checking `its` from [rspec-its](https://github.com/rspec/rspec-its). ([@backus][]) * Add `EmptyExampleGroup` cop for detecting `describe`s and `context`s without any tests inside. ([@backus][]) * Add `CustomIncludeMethods` configuration option for `EmptyExampleGroup`. ([@backus][]) * Add `NestedGroups` cop for detecting excessive example group nesting. ([@backus][]) * Add `MaxNesting` configuration option for `NestedGroups` cop. ([@backus][]) * Add `ExpectActual` cop for detecting literal values within `expect(...)`. ([@backus][]) * Add `MultipleExpectations` cop for detecting multiple `expect(...)` calls within one example. ([@backus][]) * Add `Max` configuration option for `MultipleExpectations`. ([@backus][]) * Add `SubjectStub` cop for testing stubbed test subjects. ([@backus][]) * Add `LetSetup` cop for detecting cases where `let!` is used for test setup. ([@backus][]) * Change all cops to only inspect files with names following rspec convention (`*/spec/*` and/or `_spec.rb`). ([@backus][]) * Add `AllCops/RSpec` configuration option for specifying custom spec file patterns. ([@backus][]) * Add `AssignmentOnly` configuration option for `RSpec/InstanceVariable` cop. ([@backus][]) * Add `BeEql` cop which looks for expectations that can use `be(...)` instead of `eql(...)`. ([@backus][]) * Add autocorrect support for `BeEql` cop. ([@backus][]) * Add `MessageExpectation` cop for enforcing consistent style of either `expect(...).to receive` or `allow(...).to receive`. ([@backus][]) * Add `MessageChain` cop. ([@bquorning][]) ## 1.6.0 (2016-08-03) * Add `SkipBlocks` option for `DescribedClass` cop. ([@backus][]) ## 1.5.3 (2016-08-02) * Add `RSpec/NamedSubject` cop. ([@backus][]) ## 1.5.2 (2016-08-01) * Drop support for ruby `2.0.0` and `2.1.0`. ([@backus][]) * Internal refactorings and improved test coverage. ([@backus][]) ## 1.5.1 (2016-07-20) * Fix `unrecognized parameter RSpec/VerifiedDoubles:IgnoreSymbolicNames` warning. ([@jeffreyc][]) * Update to rubocop 0.41.2. ([@backus][]) ## 1.5.0 (2016-05-17) * Expand `VerifiedDoubles` cop to check for `spy` as well as `double`. ([@andyw8][]) * Enable `VerifiedDoubles` cop by default. ([@andyw8][]) * Add `IgnoreSymbolicNames` option for `VerifiedDoubles` cop. ([@andyw8][]) * Add `RSpec::ExampleLength` cop. ([@andyw8][]) * Handle alphanumeric class names in `FilePath` cop. ([@andyw8][]) * Skip `DescribeClass` cop for view specs. ([@andyw8][]) * Skip `FilePath` cop for Rails routing specs. ([@andyw8][]) * Add cop to check for focused specs. ([@renanborgescampos][], [@jaredmoody][]) * Clean-up `RSpec::NotToNot` to use same configuration semantics as other Rubocop cops, add autocorrect support for `RSpec::NotToNot`. ([@baberthal][]) * Update to rubocop 0.40.0. ([@nijikon][]) ## 1.4.1 (2016-04-03) * Ignore routing specs for DescribeClass cop. ([@nijikon][]) * Move rubocop dependency to runtime. ([@nijikon][]) * Update to rubocop 0.39.0. ([@nijikon][]) ## 1.4.0 (2016-02-15) * Update to rubocop 0.37.2. ([@nijikon][]) * Update ruby versions we test against. ([@nijikon][]) * Add `RSpec::NotToNot` cop. ([@miguelfteixeira][]) * Add `RSpec/AnyInstance` cop. ([@mlarraz][]) ## 1.3.1 * Fix auto correction issue - syntax had changed in RuboCop v0.31. ([@bquorning][]) * Add RuboCop clone to vendor folder - see #39 for details. ([@bquorning][]) ## 1.3.0 * Ignore non string arguments for FilePathCop - thanks to @deivid-rodriguez. ([@geniou][]) * Skip DescribeMethod cop for tagged specs. ([@deivid-rodriguez][]) * Skip DescribeClass cop for feature/request specs. ([@deivid-rodriguez][]) ## 1.2.2 * Make `RSpec::ExampleWording` case insensitive. ([@geniou][]) ## 1.2.1 * Add `RSpec::VerifiedDoubles` cop. ([@andyw8][]) ## 1.2.0 * Drop support of ruby `1.9.2`. ([@geniou][]) * Update to RuboCop `~> 0.24`. ([@geniou][]) * Add `autocorrect` to `RSpec::ExampleWording`. This experimental - use with care and check the changes. ([@geniou][]) * Fix config loader debug output. ([@geniou][]) * Rename `FileName` cop to `FilePath` as a workaround - see [#19](https://github.com/nevir/rubocop-rspec/issues/19). ([@geniou][]) ## 1.1.0 * Add `autocorrect` to `RSpec::DescribedClass` cop. ([@geniou][]) ## 1.0.1 * Add `config` folder to gemspec. ([@pstengel][]) ## 1.0.rc3 * Update to RuboCop `>= 0.23`. ([@geniou][]) * Add configuration option for `CustomTransformation` to `FileName` cop. ([@geniou][]) ## 1.0.rc2 * Gem is no longer 20MB (sorry!). ([@nevir][]) * `RspecFileName` cop allows for method specs to organized into directories by class and type. ([@nevir][]) ## 1.0.rc1 * Update code to work with rubocop `>= 0.19`. ([@geniou][]) * Split `UnitSpecNaming` cop into `RSpecDescribeClass`, `RSpecDescribeMethod` and `RSpecFileName` and enabled them all by default. ([@geniou][]) * Add `RSpecExampleWording` cop to prevent to use of should at the beginning of the spec description. ([@geniou][]) * Fix `RSpecFileName` cop for non-class specs. ([@geniou][]) * Adapt `RSpecFileName` cop to commen naming convention and skip spec with multiple top level describes. ([@geniou][]) * Add `RSpecMultipleDescribes` cop to check for multiple top level describes. ([@geniou][]) * Add `RSpecDescribedClass` to promote the use of `described_class`. ([@geniou][]) * Add `RSpecInstanceVariable` cop to check for the usage of instance variables. ([@geniou][]) [@andyw8]: https://github.com/andyw8 [@backus]: https://github.com/backus [@bquorning]: https://github.com/bquorning [@deivid-rodriguez]: https://github.com/deivid-rodriguez [@geniou]: https://github.com/geniou [@jaredbeck]: https://github.com/jaredbeck [@jawshooah]: https://github.com/jawshooah [@nevir]: https://github.com/nevir [@nijikon]: https://github.com/nijikon [@pstengel]: https://github.com/pstengel [@miguelfteixeira]: https://github.com/miguelfteixeira [@mlarraz]: https://github.com/mlarraz [@renanborgescampos]: https://github.com/renanborgescampos [@jaredmoody]: https://github.com/jaredmoody [@baberthal]: https://github.com/baberthal [@jeffreyc]: https://github.com/jeffreyc [@clupprich]: https://github.com/clupprich [@onk]: https://github.com/onk [@Darhazer]: https://github.com/Darhazer [@redross]: https://github.com/redross [@cfabianski]: https://github.com/cfabianski [@dgollahon]: https://github.com/dgollahon [@rspeicher]: https://github.com/rspeicher [@jonatas]: https://github.com/jonatas [@pocke]: https://github.com/pocke [@bmorrall]: https://github.com/bmorrall [@zverok]: https://github.com/zverok [@timrogers]: https://github.com/timrogers [@yevhene]: https://github.com/yevhene [@walf443]: https://github.com/walf443 [@pirj]: https://github.com/pirj [@telmofcosta]: https://github.com/telmofcosta [@EliseFitz15]: https://github.com/EliseFitz15 [@anthony-robin]: https://github.com/anthony-robin [@jojos003]: https://github.com/jojos003 [@abrom]: https://github.com/abrom [@patrickomatic]: https://github.com/patrickomatic [@tdeo]: https://github.com/tdeo [@composerinteralia]: https://github.com/composerinteralia [@seanpdoyle]: https://github.com/seanpdoyle [@vzvu3k6k]: https://github.com/vzvu3k6k [@BrentWheeldon]: https://github.com/BrentWheeldon [@daveworth]: https://github.com/daveworth [@RST-J]: https://github.com/RST-J [@ypresto]: https://github.com/ypresto [@mkenyon]: https://github.com/mkenyon [@gsamokovarov]: https://github.com/gsamokovarov [@schmijos]: https://github.com/schmijos [@foton]: https://github.com/foton [@nc-holodakg]: https://github.com/nc-holodakg [@onumis]: https://github.com/onumis [@nickcampbell18]: https://github.com/nickcampbell18 [@QQism]: https://github.com/QQism [@kellysutton]: https://github.com/kellysutton [@mkrawc]: https://github.com/mkrawc [@jfragoulis]: https://github.com/jfragoulis [@ybiquitous]: https://github.com/ybiquitous [@dduugg]: https://github.com/dduugg [@lazycoder9]: https://github.com/lazycoder9 [@elebow]: https://github.com/elebow [@eitoball]: https://github.com/eitoball [@aried3r]: https://github.com/aried3r [@AlexWayfer]: https://github.com/AlexWayfer [@tejasbubane]: https://github.com/tejasbubane [@twalpole]: https://github.com/twalpole [@zdennis]: https://github.com/zdennis [@robotdana]: https://github.com/robotdana [@rolfschmidt]: https://github.com/rolfschmidt [@andrykonchin]: https://github.com/andrykonchin [@harrylewis]: https://github.com/harrylewis [@elliterate]: https://github.com/elliterate [@jtannas]: https://github.com/jtannas [@mockdeep]: https://github.com/mockdeep [@biinari]: https://github.com/biinari [@koic]: https://github.com/koic [@Rafix02]: https://github.com/Rafix02 [@PhilCoggins]: https://github.com/PhilCoggins [@sl4vr]: https://github.com/sl4vr [@ahukkanen]: https://github.com/ahukkanen [@dvandersluis]: https://github.com/dvandersluis [@hosamaly]: https://github.com/hosamaly [@stephannv]: https://github.com/stephannv [@Tietew]: https://github.com/Tietew [@rrosenblum]: https://github.com/rrosenblum [@paydaylight]: https://github.com/paydaylight [@topalovic]: https://github.com/topalovic [@lokhi]: https://github.com/lokhi [@MothOnMars]: https://github.com/MothOnMars [@G-Rath]: https://github.com/G-Rath [@dswij]: https://github.com/dswij [@francois-ferrandis]: https://github.com/francois-ferrandis [@r7kamura]: https://github.com/r7kamura [@leoarnold]: https://github.com/leoarnold [@harry-graham]: https://github.com/harry-graham [@oshiro3]: https://github.com/oshiro3 [@ydah]: https://github.com/ydah [@t3h2mas]: https://github.com/t3h2mas [@M-Yamashita01]: https://github.com/M-Yamashita01 [@luke-hill]: https://github.com/luke-hill