require File.expand_path('../../test_helper', __FILE__) def set_content_type_header! @request.headers['Content-Type'] = JSONAPI::MEDIA_TYPE end class PostsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase def test_index get :index assert_response :success assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Array) end def test_exception_class_whitelist original_config = JSONAPI.configuration.dup JSONAPI.configuration.operations_processor = :error_raising # test that the operations processor rescues the error when it # has not been added to the exception_class_whitelist get :index assert_response 500 # test that the operations processor does not rescue the error when it # has been added to the exception_class_whitelist JSONAPI.configuration.exception_class_whitelist << PostsController::SpecialError get :index assert_response 403 ensure JSONAPI.configuration = original_config end def test_index_filter_with_empty_result get :index, {filter: {title: 'post that does not exist'}} assert_response :success assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Array) assert_equal 0, json_response['data'].size end def test_index_filter_by_id get :index, {filter: {id: '1'}} assert_response :success assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Array) assert_equal 1, json_response['data'].size end def test_index_filter_by_title get :index, {filter: {title: 'New post'}} assert_response :success assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Array) assert_equal 1, json_response['data'].size end def test_index_filter_by_ids get :index, {filter: {ids: '1,2'}} assert_response :success assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Array) assert_equal 2, json_response['data'].size end def test_index_filter_by_ids_and_include_related get :index, {filter: {id: '2'}, include: 'comments'} assert_response :success assert_equal 1, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 1, json_response['included'].size end def test_index_filter_by_ids_and_include_related_different_type get :index, {filter: {id: '1,2'}, include: 'author'} assert_response :success assert_equal 2, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 1, json_response['included'].size end def test_index_include_one_level_query_count count_queries do get :index, {include: 'author'} end assert_response :success assert_query_count(2) end def test_index_include_two_levels_query_count count_queries do get :index, {include: 'author,author.comments'} end assert_response :success assert_query_count(3) end def test_index_filter_by_ids_and_fields get :index, {filter: {id: '1,2'}, fields: {posts: 'id,title,author'}} assert_response :success assert_equal 2, json_response['data'].size # type, id, links, attributes, relationships assert_equal 5, json_response['data'][0].size assert json_response['data'][0].key?('type') assert json_response['data'][0].key?('id') assert json_response['data'][0]['attributes'].key?('title') assert json_response['data'][0].key?('links') end def test_index_filter_by_ids_and_fields_specify_type get :index, {filter: {id: '1,2'}, 'fields' => {'posts' => 'id,title,author'}} assert_response :success assert_equal 2, json_response['data'].size # type, id, links, attributes, relationships assert_equal 5, json_response['data'][0].size assert json_response['data'][0].key?('type') assert json_response['data'][0].key?('id') assert json_response['data'][0]['attributes'].key?('title') assert json_response['data'][0].key?('links') end def test_index_filter_by_ids_and_fields_specify_unrelated_type get :index, {filter: {id: '1,2'}, 'fields' => {'currencies' => 'code'}} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /currencies is not a valid resource./, json_response['errors'][0]['detail'] end def test_index_filter_by_ids_and_fields_2 get :index, {filter: {id: '1,2'}, fields: {posts: 'author'}} assert_response :success assert_equal 2, json_response['data'].size # type, id, links, relationships assert_equal 4, json_response['data'][0].size assert json_response['data'][0].key?('type') assert json_response['data'][0].key?('id') assert json_response['data'][0]['relationships'].key?('author') end def test_filter_association_single count_queries do get :index, {filter: {tags: '5,1'}} end assert_query_count(1) assert_response :success assert_equal 3, json_response['data'].size assert_match /New post/, response.body assert_match /JR Solves your serialization woes!/, response.body assert_match /JR How To/, response.body end def test_filter_associations_multiple count_queries do get :index, {filter: {tags: '5,1', comments: '3'}} end assert_query_count(1) assert_response :success assert_equal 1, json_response['data'].size assert_match /JR Solves your serialization woes!/, response.body end def test_filter_associations_multiple_not_found get :index, {filter: {tags: '1', comments: '3'}} assert_response :success assert_equal 0, json_response['data'].size end def test_bad_filter get :index, {filter: {post_ids: '1,2'}} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /post_ids is not allowed/, response.body end def test_bad_filter_value_not_integer_array get :index, {filter: {id: 'asdfg'}} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /asdfg is not a valid value for id/, response.body end def test_bad_filter_value_not_integer get :index, {filter: {id: 'asdfg'}} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /asdfg is not a valid value for id/, response.body end def test_bad_filter_value_not_found_array get :index, {filter: {id: '5412333'}} assert_response :not_found assert_match /5412333 could not be found/, response.body end def test_bad_filter_value_not_found get :index, {filter: {id: '5412333'}} assert_response :not_found assert_match /5412333 could not be found/, json_response['errors'][0]['detail'] end def test_field_not_supported get :index, {filter: {id: '1,2'}, 'fields' => {'posts' => 'id,title,rank,author'}} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /rank is not a valid field for posts./, json_response['errors'][0]['detail'] end def test_resource_not_supported get :index, {filter: {id: '1,2'}, 'fields' => {'posters' => 'id,title'}} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /posters is not a valid resource./, json_response['errors'][0]['detail'] end def test_index_filter_on_association get :index, {filter: {author: '1'}} assert_response :success assert_equal 3, json_response['data'].size end def test_sorting_asc get :index, {sort: 'title'} assert_response :success assert_equal "A First Post", json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['title'] end def test_sorting_desc get :index, {sort: '-title'} assert_response :success assert_equal "Update This Later - Multiple", json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['title'] end def test_sorting_by_multiple_fields get :index, {sort: 'title,body'} assert_response :success assert_equal '14', json_response['data'][0]['id'] end def test_invalid_sort_param get :index, {sort: 'asdfg'} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /asdfg is not a valid sort criteria for post/, response.body end def test_excluded_sort_param get :index, {sort: 'id'} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /id is not a valid sort criteria for post/, response.body end def test_show_single get :show, {id: '1'} assert_response :success assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Hash) assert_equal 'New post', json_response['data']['attributes']['title'] assert_equal 'A body!!!', json_response['data']['attributes']['body'] assert_nil json_response['included'] end def test_show_does_not_include_records_count_in_meta JSONAPI.configuration.top_level_meta_include_record_count = true get :show, { id: } assert_response :success assert_equal json_response['meta'], nil ensure JSONAPI.configuration.top_level_meta_include_record_count = false end def test_show_single_with_includes get :show, {id: '1', include: 'comments'} assert_response :success assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Hash) assert_equal 'New post', json_response['data']['attributes']['title'] assert_equal 'A body!!!', json_response['data']['attributes']['body'] assert_nil json_response['data']['relationships']['tags']['data'] assert matches_array?([{'type' => 'comments', 'id' => '1'}, {'type' => 'comments', 'id' => '2'}], json_response['data']['relationships']['comments']['data']) assert_equal 2, json_response['included'].size end def test_show_single_with_fields get :show, {id: '1', fields: {posts: 'author'}} assert_response :success assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Hash) assert_nil json_response['data']['attributes'] assert_equal '1', json_response['data']['relationships']['author']['data']['id'] end def test_show_single_with_fields_string get :show, {id: '1', fields: 'author'} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /Fields must specify a type./, json_response['errors'][0]['detail'] end def test_show_single_invalid_id_format get :show, {id: 'asdfg'} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /asdfg is not a valid value for id/, response.body end def test_show_single_missing_record get :show, {id: '5412333'} assert_response :not_found assert_match /record identified by 5412333 could not be found/, response.body end def test_show_malformed_fields_not_list get :show, {id: '1', 'fields' => ''} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /Fields must specify a type./, json_response['errors'][0]['detail'] end def test_show_malformed_fields_type_not_list get :show, {id: '1', 'fields' => {'posts' => ''}} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /nil is not a valid field for posts./, json_response['errors'][0]['detail'] end def test_create_simple set_content_type_header! post :create, { data: { type: 'posts', attributes: { title: 'JR is Great', body: 'JSONAPIResources is the greatest thing since unsliced bread.' }, relationships: { author: {data: {type: 'people', id: '3'}} } } } assert_response :created assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Hash) assert_equal '3', json_response['data']['relationships']['author']['data']['id'] assert_equal 'JR is Great', json_response['data']['attributes']['title'] assert_equal 'JSONAPIResources is the greatest thing since unsliced bread.', json_response['data']['attributes']['body'] end def test_create_link_to_missing_object set_content_type_header! post :create, { data: { type: 'posts', attributes: { title: 'JR is Great', body: 'JSONAPIResources is the greatest thing since unsliced bread.' }, relationships: { author: {data: {type: 'people', id: '304567'}} } } } assert_response :unprocessable_entity # TODO: check if this validation is working assert_match /author - can't be blank/, response.body end def test_create_extra_param set_content_type_header! post :create, { data: { type: 'posts', attributes: { asdfg: 'aaaa', title: 'JR is Great', body: 'JSONAPIResources is the greatest thing since unsliced bread.' }, relationships: { author: {data: {type: 'people', id: '3'}} } } } assert_response :bad_request assert_match /asdfg is not allowed/, response.body end def test_create_with_invalid_data set_content_type_header! post :create, { data: { type: 'posts', attributes: { title: 'JSONAPIResources is the greatest thing...', body: 'JSONAPIResources is the greatest thing since unsliced bread.' }, relationships: { author: nil } } } assert_response :unprocessable_entity assert_equal "/author", json_response['errors'][0]['path'] assert_equal "can't be blank", json_response['errors'][0]['detail'] assert_equal "author - can't be blank", json_response['errors'][0]['title'] assert_equal "/title", json_response['errors'][1]['path'] assert_equal "is too long (maximum is 35 characters)", json_response['errors'][1]['detail'] assert_equal "title - is too long (maximum is 35 characters)", json_response['errors'][1]['title'] end def test_create_multiple set_content_type_header! post :create, { data: [ { type: 'posts', attributes: { title: 'JR is Great', body: 'JSONAPIResources is the greatest thing since unsliced bread.' }, relationships: { author: {data: {type: 'people', id: '3'}} } }, { type: 'posts', attributes: { title: 'Ember is Great', body: 'Ember is the greatest thing since unsliced bread.' }, relationships: { author: {data: {type: 'people', id: '3'}} } } ] } assert_response :created assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Array) assert_equal json_response['data'].size, 2 assert_equal json_response['data'][0]['relationships']['author']['data']['id'], '3' assert_match /JR is Great/, response.body assert_match /Ember is Great/, response.body end def test_create_multiple_wrong_case set_content_type_header! post :create, { data: [ { type: 'posts', attributes: { Title: 'JR is Great', body: 'JSONAPIResources is the greatest thing since unsliced bread.' }, relationships: { author: {data: {type: 'people', id: '3'}} } }, { type: 'posts', attributes: { title: 'Ember is Great', BODY: 'Ember is the greatest thing since unsliced bread.' }, relationships: { author: {data: {type: 'people', id: '3'}} } } ] } assert_response :bad_request assert_match /Title/, json_response['errors'][0]['detail'] end def test_create_simple_missing_posts set_content_type_header! post :create, { data_spelled_wrong: { type: 'posts', attributes: { title: 'JR is Great', body: 'JSONAPIResources is the greatest thing since unsliced bread.' }, relationships: { author: {data: {type: 'people', id: '3'}} } } } assert_response :bad_request assert_match /The required parameter, data, is missing./, json_response['errors'][0]['detail'] end def test_create_simple_wrong_type set_content_type_header! post :create, { data: { type: 'posts_spelled_wrong', attributes: { title: 'JR is Great', body: 'JSONAPIResources is the greatest thing since unsliced bread.' }, relationships: { author: {data: {type: 'people', id: '3'}} } } } assert_response :bad_request assert_match /posts_spelled_wrong is not a valid resource./, json_response['errors'][0]['detail'] end def test_create_simple_missing_type set_content_type_header! post :create, { data: { attributes: { title: 'JR is Great', body: 'JSONAPIResources is the greatest thing since unsliced bread.' }, relationships: { author: {data: {type: 'people', id: '3'}} } } } assert_response :bad_request assert_match /The required parameter, type, is missing./, json_response['errors'][0]['detail'] end def test_create_simple_unpermitted_attributes set_content_type_header! post :create, { data: { type: 'posts', attributes: { subject: 'JR is Great', body: 'JSONAPIResources is the greatest thing since unsliced bread.' }, relationships: { author: {data: {type: 'people', id: '3'}} } } } assert_response :bad_request assert_match /subject/, json_response['errors'][0]['detail'] end def test_create_with_links_has_many_type_ids set_content_type_header! post :create, { data: { type: 'posts', attributes: { title: 'JR is Great', body: 'JSONAPIResources is the greatest thing since unsliced bread.' }, relationships: { author: {data: {type: 'people', id: '3'}}, tags: {data: [{type: 'tags', id: 3}, {type: 'tags', id: 4}]} } } } assert_response :created assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Hash) assert_equal '3', json_response['data']['relationships']['author']['data']['id'] assert_equal 'JR is Great', json_response['data']['attributes']['title'] assert_equal 'JSONAPIResources is the greatest thing since unsliced bread.', json_response['data']['attributes']['body'] end def test_create_with_links_has_many_array set_content_type_header! post :create, { data: { type: 'posts', attributes: { title: 'JR is Great', body: 'JSONAPIResources is the greatest thing since unsliced bread.' }, relationships: { author: {data: {type: 'people', id: '3'}}, tags: {data: [{type: 'tags', id: 3}, {type: 'tags', id: 4}]} } } } assert_response :created assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Hash) assert_equal '3', json_response['data']['relationships']['author']['data']['id'] assert_equal 'JR is Great', json_response['data']['attributes']['title'] assert_equal 'JSONAPIResources is the greatest thing since unsliced bread.', json_response['data']['attributes']['body'] end def test_create_with_links_include_and_fields set_content_type_header! post :create, { data: { type: 'posts', attributes: { title: 'JR is Great!', body: 'JSONAPIResources is the greatest thing since unsliced bread!' }, relationships: { author: {data: {type: 'people', id: '3'}}, tags: {data: [{type: 'tags', id: 3}, {type: 'tags', id: 4}]} } }, include: 'author,author.posts', fields: {posts: 'id,title,author'} } assert_response :created assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Hash) assert_equal '3', json_response['data']['relationships']['author']['data']['id'] assert_equal 'JR is Great!', json_response['data']['attributes']['title'] assert_not_nil json_response['included'].size end def test_update_with_links set_content_type_header! javascript = Section.find_by(name: 'javascript') put :update, { id: 3, data: { id: '3', type: 'posts', attributes: { title: 'A great new Post' }, relationships: { section: {data: {type: 'sections', id: "#{}"}}, tags: {data: [{type: 'tags', id: 3}, {type: 'tags', id: 4}]} } }, include: 'tags' } assert_response :success assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Hash) assert_equal '3', json_response['data']['relationships']['author']['data']['id'] assert_equal, json_response['data']['relationships']['section']['data']['id'] assert_equal 'A great new Post', json_response['data']['attributes']['title'] assert_equal 'AAAA', json_response['data']['attributes']['body'] assert matches_array?([{'type' => 'tags', 'id' => '3'}, {'type' => 'tags', 'id' => '4'}], json_response['data']['relationships']['tags']['data']) end def test_update_with_internal_server_error set_content_type_header! post_object = Post.find(3) title = post_object.title put :update, { id: 3, data: { id: '3', type: 'posts', attributes: { title: 'BOOM' } } } assert_response 500 post_object = Post.find(3) assert_equal title, post_object.title end def test_update_remove_links set_content_type_header! put :update, { id: 3, data: { id: '3', type: 'posts', attributes: { title: 'A great new Post' }, relationships: { section: {data: {type: 'sections', id: 1}}, tags: {data: [{type: 'tags', id: 3}, {type: 'tags', id: 4}]} } }, include: 'tags' } assert_response :success put :update, { id: 3, data: { type: 'posts', id: 3, attributes: { title: 'A great new Post' }, relationships: { section: nil, tags: [] } }, include: 'tags' } assert_response :success assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Hash) assert_equal '3', json_response['data']['relationships']['author']['data']['id'] assert_equal nil, json_response['data']['relationships']['section']['data'] assert_equal 'A great new Post', json_response['data']['attributes']['title'] assert_equal 'AAAA', json_response['data']['attributes']['body'] assert matches_array?([], json_response['data']['relationships']['tags']['data']) end def test_update_relationship_has_one set_content_type_header! ruby = Section.find_by(name: 'ruby') post_object = Post.find(4) assert_not_equal, post_object.section_id put :update_association, {post_id: 4, association: 'section', data: {type: 'sections', id: "#{}"}} assert_response :no_content post_object = Post.find(4) assert_equal, post_object.section_id end def test_update_relationship_has_one_invalid_links_hash_keys_ids set_content_type_header! put :update_association, {post_id: 3, association: 'section', data: {type: 'sections', ids: 'foo'}} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /Invalid Links Object/, response.body end def test_update_relationship_has_one_invalid_links_hash_count set_content_type_header! put :update_association, {post_id: 3, association: 'section', data: {type: 'sections'}} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /Invalid Links Object/, response.body end def test_update_relationship_has_many_not_array set_content_type_header! put :update_association, {post_id: 3, association: 'tags', data: {type: 'tags', id: 2}} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /Invalid Links Object/, response.body end def test_update_relationship_has_one_invalid_links_hash_keys_type_mismatch set_content_type_header! put :update_association, {post_id: 3, association: 'section', data: {type: 'comment', id: '3'}} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /Type Mismatch/, response.body end def test_update_nil_has_many_links set_content_type_header! put :update, { id: 3, data: { type: 'posts', id: 3, relationships: { tags: nil } } } assert_response :bad_request assert_match /Invalid Links Object/, response.body end def test_update_bad_hash_has_many_links set_content_type_header! put :update, { id: 3, data: { type: 'posts', id: 3, relationships: { tags: {data: {typ: 'bad link', idd: 'as'}} } } } assert_response :bad_request assert_match /Invalid Links Object/, response.body end def test_update_other_has_many_links set_content_type_header! put :update, { id: 3, data: { type: 'posts', id: 3, relationships: { tags: 'bad link' } } } assert_response :bad_request assert_match /Invalid Links Object/, response.body end def test_update_other_has_many_links_data_nil set_content_type_header! put :update, { id: 3, data: { type: 'posts', id: 3, relationships: { tags: {data: nil} } } } assert_response :bad_request assert_match /Invalid Links Object/, response.body end def test_update_relationship_has_one_singular_param_id_nil set_content_type_header! ruby = Section.find_by(name: 'ruby') post_object = Post.find(3) post_object.section = ruby! put :update_association, {post_id: 3, association: 'section', data: {type: 'sections', id: nil}} assert_response :no_content assert_equal nil, post_object.reload.section_id end def test_update_relationship_has_one_data_nil set_content_type_header! ruby = Section.find_by(name: 'ruby') post_object = Post.find(3) post_object.section = ruby! put :update_association, {post_id: 3, association: 'section', data: nil} assert_response :no_content assert_equal nil, post_object.reload.section_id end def test_remove_relationship_has_one set_content_type_header! ruby = Section.find_by(name: 'ruby') post_object = Post.find(3) post_object.section_id =! put :destroy_association, {post_id: 3, association: 'section'} assert_response :no_content post_object = Post.find(3) assert_equal nil, post_object.section_id end def test_update_relationship_has_one_singular_param set_content_type_header! ruby = Section.find_by(name: 'ruby') post_object = Post.find(3) post_object.section_id = nil! put :update_association, {post_id: 3, association: 'section', data: {type: 'sections', id: "#{}"}} assert_response :no_content post_object = Post.find(3) assert_equal, post_object.section_id end def test_update_relationship_has_many_join_table_single set_content_type_header! put :update_association, {post_id: 3, association: 'tags', data: []} assert_response :no_content post_object = Post.find(3) assert_equal 0, post_object.tags.length put :update_association, {post_id: 3, association: 'tags', data: [{type: 'tags', id: 2}]} assert_response :no_content post_object = Post.find(3) assert_equal 1, post_object.tags.length put :update_association, {post_id: 3, association: 'tags', data: [{type: 'tags', id: 5}]} assert_response :no_content post_object = Post.find(3) tags = post_object.tags.collect { |tag| } assert_equal 1, tags.length assert matches_array? [5], tags end def test_update_relationship_has_many set_content_type_header! put :update_association, {post_id: 3, association: 'tags', data: [{type: 'tags', id: 2}, {type: 'tags', id: 3}]} assert_response :no_content post_object = Post.find(3) assert_equal 2, post_object.tags.collect { |tag| }.length assert matches_array? [2, 3], post_object.tags.collect { |tag| } end def test_create_relationship_has_many_join_table set_content_type_header! put :update_association, {post_id: 3, association: 'tags', data: [{type: 'tags', id: 2}, {type: 'tags', id: 3}]} assert_response :no_content post_object = Post.find(3) assert_equal 2, post_object.tags.collect { |tag| }.length assert matches_array? [2, 3], post_object.tags.collect { |tag| } post :create_association, {post_id: 3, association: 'tags', data: [{type: 'tags', id: 5}]} assert_response :no_content post_object = Post.find(3) assert_equal 3, post_object.tags.collect { |tag| }.length assert matches_array? [2, 3, 5], post_object.tags.collect { |tag| } end def test_create_relationship_has_many_mismatched_type set_content_type_header! post :create_association, {post_id: 3, association: 'tags', data: [{type: 'comments', id: 5}]} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /Type Mismatch/, response.body end def test_create_relationship_has_many_missing_id set_content_type_header! post :create_association, {post_id: 3, association: 'tags', data: [{type: 'tags', idd: 5}]} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /Data is not a valid Links Object./, response.body end def test_create_relationship_has_many_not_array set_content_type_header! post :create_association, {post_id: 3, association: 'tags', data: {type: 'tags', id: 5}} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /Data is not a valid Links Object./, response.body end def test_create_relationship_has_many_missing_data set_content_type_header! post :create_association, {post_id: 3, association: 'tags'} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /The required parameter, data, is missing./, response.body end def test_create_relationship_has_many_join set_content_type_header! post :create_association, {post_id: 4, association: 'tags', data: [{type: 'tags', id: 1}, {type: 'tags', id: 2}, {type: 'tags', id: 3}]} assert_response :no_content end def test_create_relationship_has_many_join_table_record_exists set_content_type_header! put :update_association, {post_id: 3, association: 'tags', data: [{type: 'tags', id: 2}, {type: 'tags', id: 3}]} assert_response :no_content post_object = Post.find(3) assert_equal 2, post_object.tags.collect { |tag| }.length assert matches_array? [2, 3], post_object.tags.collect { |tag| } post :create_association, {post_id: 3, association: 'tags', data: [{type: 'tags', id: 2}, {type: 'tags', id: 5}]} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /The relation to 2 already exists./, response.body end def test_update_relationship_has_many_missing_tags set_content_type_header! put :update_association, {post_id: 3, association: 'tags'} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /The required parameter, data, is missing./, response.body end def test_delete_relationship_has_many set_content_type_header! put :update_association, {post_id: 14, association: 'tags', data: [{type: 'tags', id: 2}, {type: 'tags', id: 3}]} assert_response :no_content p = Post.find(14) assert_equal [2, 3], p.tag_ids delete :destroy_association, {post_id: 14, association: 'tags', keys: '3'} p.reload assert_response :no_content assert_equal [2], p.tag_ids end def test_delete_relationship_has_many_does_not_exist set_content_type_header! put :update_association, {post_id: 14, association: 'tags', data: [{type: 'tags', id: 2}, {type: 'tags', id: 3}]} assert_response :no_content p = Post.find(14) assert_equal [2, 3], p.tag_ids delete :destroy_association, {post_id: 14, association: 'tags', keys: '4'} p.reload assert_response :not_found assert_equal [2, 3], p.tag_ids end def test_delete_relationship_has_many_with_empty_data set_content_type_header! put :update_association, {post_id: 14, association: 'tags', data: [{type: 'tags', id: 2}, {type: 'tags', id: 3}]} assert_response :no_content p = Post.find(14) assert_equal [2, 3], p.tag_ids put :update_association, {post_id: 14, association: 'tags', data: [] } p.reload assert_response :no_content assert_equal [], p.tag_ids end def test_update_mismatched_keys set_content_type_header! javascript = Section.find_by(name: 'javascript') put :update, { id: 3, data: { type: 'posts', id: 2, attributes: { title: 'A great new Post' }, relationships: { section: {type: 'sections', id: "#{}"}, tags: [{type: 'tags', id: 3}, {type: 'tags', id: 4}] } } } assert_response :bad_request assert_match /The URL does not support the key 2/, response.body end def test_update_extra_param set_content_type_header! javascript = Section.find_by(name: 'javascript') put :update, { id: 3, data: { type: 'posts', id: '3', attributes: { asdfg: 'aaaa', title: 'A great new Post' }, relationships: { section: {type: 'sections', id: "#{}"}, tags: [{type: 'tags', id: 3}, {type: 'tags', id: 4}] } } } assert_response :bad_request assert_match /asdfg is not allowed/, response.body end def test_update_extra_param_in_links set_content_type_header! javascript = Section.find_by(name: 'javascript') put :update, { id: 3, data: { type: 'posts', id: '3', attributes: { title: 'A great new Post' }, relationships: { asdfg: 'aaaa', section: {type: 'sections', id: "#{}"}, tags: [{type: 'tags', id: 3}, {type: 'tags', id: 4}] } } } assert_response :bad_request assert_match /asdfg is not allowed/, response.body end def test_update_missing_param set_content_type_header! javascript = Section.find_by(name: 'javascript') put :update, { id: 3, data_spelled_wrong: { type: 'posts', attributes: { title: 'A great new Post' }, relationships: { section: {type: 'sections', id: "#{}"}, tags: [{type: 'tags', id: 3}, {type: 'tags', id: 4}] } } } assert_response :bad_request assert_match /The required parameter, data, is missing./, response.body end def test_update_missing_key set_content_type_header! put :update, { id: 3, data: { type: 'posts', attributes: { title: 'A great new Post' } } } assert_response :bad_request assert_match /The resource object does not contain a key/, response.body end def test_update_missing_type set_content_type_header! javascript = Section.find_by(name: 'javascript') put :update, { id: 3, data: { id: '3', type_spelled_wrong: 'posts', attributes: { title: 'A great new Post' }, relationships: { section: {type: 'sections', id: "#{}"}, tags: [{type: 'tags', id: 3}, {type: 'tags', id: 4}] } } } assert_response :bad_request assert_match /The required parameter, type, is missing./, response.body end def test_update_unknown_key set_content_type_header! javascript = Section.find_by(name: 'javascript') put :update, { id: 3, data: { id: '3', type: 'posts', body: 'asdfg', attributes: { title: 'A great new Post' }, relationships: { section: {type: 'sections', id: "#{}"}, tags: [{type: 'tags', id: 3}, {type: 'tags', id: 4}] } } } assert_response :bad_request assert_match /body is not allowed/, response.body end def test_update_multiple set_content_type_header! javascript = Section.find_by(name: 'javascript') put :update, { id: [3, 16], data: [ { type: 'posts', id: 3, attributes: { title: 'A great new Post QWERTY' }, relationships: { section: {data: {type: 'sections', id: "#{}"}}, tags: {data: [{type: 'tags', id: 3}, {type: 'tags', id: 4}]} } }, { type: 'posts', id: 16, attributes: { title: 'A great new Post ASDFG' }, relationships: { section: {data: {type: 'sections', id: "#{}"}}, tags: {data: [{type: 'tags', id: 3}, {type: 'tags', id: 4}]} } } ], include: 'tags' } assert_response :success assert_equal json_response['data'].size, 2 assert_equal json_response['data'][0]['relationships']['author']['data']['id'], '3' assert_equal json_response['data'][0]['relationships']['section']['data']['id'], assert_equal json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['title'], 'A great new Post QWERTY' assert_equal json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['body'], 'AAAA' assert matches_array?([{'type' => 'tags', 'id' => '3'}, {'type' => 'tags', 'id' => '4'}], json_response['data'][0]['relationships']['tags']['data']) assert_equal json_response['data'][1]['relationships']['author']['data']['id'], '3' assert_equal json_response['data'][1]['relationships']['section']['data']['id'], assert_equal json_response['data'][1]['attributes']['title'], 'A great new Post ASDFG' assert_equal json_response['data'][1]['attributes']['body'], 'Not First!!!!' assert matches_array?([{'type' => 'tags', 'id' => '3'}, {'type' => 'tags', 'id' => '4'}], json_response['data'][1]['relationships']['tags']['data']) end def test_update_multiple_missing_keys set_content_type_header! javascript = Section.find_by(name: 'javascript') put :update, { id: [3, 9], data: [ { type: 'posts', attributes: { title: 'A great new Post ASDFG' }, relationships: { section: {type: 'sections', id: "#{}"}, tags: [{type: 'tags', id: 3}, {type: 'tags', id: 4}] } }, { type: 'posts', attributes: { title: 'A great new Post QWERTY' }, relationships: { section: {type: 'sections', id: "#{}"}, tags: [{type: 'tags', id: 3}, {type: 'tags', id: 4}] } } ]} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /A key is required/, response.body end def test_update_mismatch_keys set_content_type_header! javascript = Section.find_by(name: 'javascript') put :update, { id: [3, 9], data: [ { type: 'posts', id: 3, attributes: { title: 'A great new Post ASDFG' }, relationships: { section: {data: {type: 'sections', id: "#{}"}}, tags: {data: [{type: 'tags', id: 3}, {type: 'tags', id: 4}]} } }, { type: 'posts', id: 8, attributes: { title: 'A great new Post QWERTY' }, relationships: { section: {data: {type: 'sections', id: "#{}"}}, tags: {data: [{type: 'tags', id: 3}, {type: 'tags', id: 4}]} } } ]} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /The URL does not support the key 8/, response.body end def test_update_multiple_count_mismatch set_content_type_header! javascript = Section.find_by(name: 'javascript') put :update, { id: [3, 9, 2], data: [ { type: 'posts', id: 3, attributes: { title: 'A great new Post QWERTY' }, relationships: { section: {type: 'sections', id: "#{}"}, tags: [{type: 'tags', id: 3}, {type: 'tags', id: 4}] } }, { type: 'posts', id: 9, attributes: { title: 'A great new Post ASDFG' }, relationships: { section: {type: 'sections', id: "#{}"}, tags: [{type: 'tags', id: 3}, {type: 'tags', id: 4}] } } ]} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /Count to key mismatch/, response.body end def test_update_unpermitted_attributes set_content_type_header! put :update, { id: 3, data: { type: 'posts', id: '3', attributes: { subject: 'A great new Post' }, relationships: { author: {type: 'people', id: '1'}, tags: [{type: 'tags', id: 3}, {type: 'tags', id: 4}] } } } assert_response :bad_request assert_match /author is not allowed./, response.body assert_match /subject is not allowed./, response.body end def test_update_bad_attributes set_content_type_header! put :update, { id: 3, data: { type: 'posts', attributes: { subject: 'A great new Post' }, linked_objects: { author: {type: 'people', id: '1'}, tags: [{type: 'tags', id: 3}, {type: 'tags', id: 4}] } } } assert_response :bad_request end def test_delete_single initial_count = Post.count delete :destroy, {id: '4'} assert_response :no_content assert_equal initial_count - 1, Post.count end def test_delete_multiple initial_count = Post.count delete :destroy, {id: '5,6'} assert_response :no_content assert_equal initial_count - 2, Post.count end def test_delete_multiple_one_does_not_exist initial_count = Post.count delete :destroy, {id: '5,6,99999'} assert_response :not_found assert_equal initial_count, Post.count end def test_delete_extra_param initial_count = Post.count delete :destroy, {id: '4', asdfg: 'aaaa'} assert_response :bad_request assert_equal initial_count, Post.count end def test_show_has_one_relationship get :show_association, {post_id: '1', association: 'author'} assert_response :success assert_hash_equals json_response, {data: { type: 'people', id: '1' }, links: { self: '', related: '' } } end def test_show_has_many_relationship get :show_association, {post_id: '2', association: 'tags'} assert_response :success assert_hash_equals json_response, { data: [ {type: 'tags', id: '5'} ], links: { self: '', related: '' } } end def test_show_has_many_relationship_invalid_id get :show_association, {post_id: '2,1', association: 'tags'} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /2,1 is not a valid value for id/, response.body end def test_show_has_one_relationship_nil get :show_association, {post_id: '17', association: 'author'} assert_response :success assert_hash_equals json_response, { data: nil, links: { self: '', related: '' } } end end class TagsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase def test_tags_index get :index, {filter: {id: '6,7,8,9'}, include: 'posts.tags,'} assert_response :success assert_equal 4, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 3, json_response['included'].size end def test_tags_show_multiple get :show, {id: '6,7,8,9'} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /6,7,8,9 is not a valid value for id/, response.body end def test_tags_show_multiple_with_include get :show, {id: '6,7,8,9', include: 'posts.tags,'} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /6,7,8,9 is not a valid value for id/, response.body end def test_tags_show_multiple_with_nonexistent_ids get :show, {id: '6,99,9,100'} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /6,99,9,100 is not a valid value for id/, response.body end def test_tags_show_multiple_with_nonexistent_ids_at_the_beginning get :show, {id: '99,9,100'} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /99,9,100 is not a valid value for id/, response.body end end class ExpenseEntriesControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase def setup JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :camelized_key end def test_text_error JSONAPI.configuration.use_text_errors = true get :index, {sort: 'not_in_record'} assert_response 400 assert_equal 'INVALID_SORT_CRITERIA', json_response['errors'][0]['code'] JSONAPI.configuration.use_text_errors = false end def test_expense_entries_index get :index assert_response :success assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Array) assert_equal 2, json_response['data'].size end def test_expense_entries_show get :show, {id: 1} assert_response :success assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Hash) end def test_expense_entries_show_include get :show, {id: 1, include: 'isoCurrency,employee'} assert_response :success assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Hash) assert_equal 2, json_response['included'].size end def test_expense_entries_show_bad_include_missing_association get :show, {id: 1, include: 'isoCurrencies,employees'} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /isoCurrencies is not a valid association of expenseEntries/, json_response['errors'][0]['detail'] assert_match /employees is not a valid association of expenseEntries/, json_response['errors'][1]['detail'] end def test_expense_entries_show_bad_include_missing_sub_association get :show, {id: 1, include: 'isoCurrency,'} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /post is not a valid association of people/, json_response['errors'][0]['detail'] end def test_expense_entries_show_fields get :show, {id: 1, include: 'isoCurrency,employee', 'fields' => {'expenseEntries' => 'transactionDate'}} assert_response :success assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Hash) assert json_response['data']['attributes'].key?('transactionDate') assert_equal 2, json_response['included'].size end def test_expense_entries_show_fields_type_many get :show, {id: 1, include: 'isoCurrency,employee', 'fields' => {'expenseEntries' => 'transactionDate', 'isoCurrencies' => 'id,name'}} assert_response :success assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Hash) assert json_response['data']['attributes'].key?('transactionDate') assert_equal 2, json_response['included'].size end def test_create_expense_entries_underscored set_content_type_header! JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :underscored_key post :create, { data: { type: 'expense_entries', attributes: { transaction_date: '2014/04/15', cost: 50.58 }, relationships: { employee: {data: {type: 'people', id: '3'}}, iso_currency: {data: {type: 'iso_currencies', id: 'USD'}} } }, include: 'iso_currency', fields: {expense_entries: 'id,transaction_date,iso_currency,cost,employee'} } assert_response :created assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Hash) assert_equal '3', json_response['data']['relationships']['employee']['data']['id'] assert_equal 'USD', json_response['data']['relationships']['iso_currency']['data']['id'] assert_equal '50.58', json_response['data']['attributes']['cost'] delete :destroy, {id: json_response['data']['id']} assert_response :no_content end def test_create_expense_entries_camelized_key set_content_type_header! JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :camelized_key post :create, { data: { type: 'expense_entries', attributes: { transactionDate: '2014/04/15', cost: 50.58 }, relationships: { employee: {data: {type: 'people', id: '3'}}, isoCurrency: {data: {type: 'iso_currencies', id: 'USD'}} } }, include: 'isoCurrency', fields: {expenseEntries: 'id,transactionDate,isoCurrency,cost,employee'} } assert_response :created assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Hash) assert_equal '3', json_response['data']['relationships']['employee']['data']['id'] assert_equal 'USD', json_response['data']['relationships']['isoCurrency']['data']['id'] assert_equal '50.58', json_response['data']['attributes']['cost'] delete :destroy, {id: json_response['data']['id']} assert_response :no_content end def test_create_expense_entries_dasherized_key set_content_type_header! JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :dasherized_key post :create, { data: { type: 'expense_entries', attributes: { 'transaction-date' => '2014/04/15', cost: 50.58 }, relationships: { employee: {data: {type: 'people', id: '3'}}, 'iso-currency' => {data: {type: 'iso_currencies', id: 'USD'}} } }, include: 'iso-currency', fields: {'expense-entries' => 'id,transaction-date,iso-currency,cost,employee'} } assert_response :created assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Hash) assert_equal '3', json_response['data']['relationships']['employee']['data']['id'] assert_equal 'USD', json_response['data']['relationships']['iso-currency']['data']['id'] assert_equal '50.58', json_response['data']['attributes']['cost'] delete :destroy, {id: json_response['data']['id']} assert_response :no_content end end class IsoCurrenciesControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase def after_teardown JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :camelized_key end def test_currencies_show get :show, {id: 'USD'} assert_response :success assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Hash) end def test_create_currencies_client_generated_id set_content_type_header! JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :underscored_route post :create, { data: { type: 'iso_currencies', id: 'BTC', attributes: { name: 'Bit Coin', 'country_name' => 'global', 'minor_unit' => 'satoshi' } } } assert_response :created assert_equal 'BTC', json_response['data']['id'] assert_equal 'Bit Coin', json_response['data']['attributes']['name'] assert_equal 'global', json_response['data']['attributes']['country_name'] assert_equal 'satoshi', json_response['data']['attributes']['minor_unit'] delete :destroy, {id: json_response['data']['id']} assert_response :no_content end def test_currencies_primary_key_sort get :index, {sort: 'id'} assert_response :success assert_equal 3, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'CAD', json_response['data'][0]['id'] assert_equal 'EUR', json_response['data'][1]['id'] assert_equal 'USD', json_response['data'][2]['id'] end def test_currencies_code_sort get :index, {sort: 'code'} assert_response :bad_request end def test_currencies_json_key_underscored_sort JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :underscored_key get :index, {sort: 'country_name'} assert_response :success assert_equal 3, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Canada', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['country_name'] assert_equal 'Euro Member Countries', json_response['data'][1]['attributes']['country_name'] assert_equal 'United States', json_response['data'][2]['attributes']['country_name'] # reverse sort get :index, {sort: '-country_name'} assert_response :success assert_equal 3, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'United States', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['country_name'] assert_equal 'Euro Member Countries', json_response['data'][1]['attributes']['country_name'] assert_equal 'Canada', json_response['data'][2]['attributes']['country_name'] end def test_currencies_json_key_dasherized_sort JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :dasherized_key get :index, {sort: 'country-name'} assert_response :success assert_equal 3, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Canada', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['country-name'] assert_equal 'Euro Member Countries', json_response['data'][1]['attributes']['country-name'] assert_equal 'United States', json_response['data'][2]['attributes']['country-name'] # reverse sort get :index, {sort: '-country-name'} assert_response :success assert_equal 3, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'United States', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['country-name'] assert_equal 'Euro Member Countries', json_response['data'][1]['attributes']['country-name'] assert_equal 'Canada', json_response['data'][2]['attributes']['country-name'] end def test_currencies_json_key_custom_json_key_sort JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :upper_camelized_key get :index, {sort: 'CountryName'} assert_response :success assert_equal 3, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Canada', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['CountryName'] assert_equal 'Euro Member Countries', json_response['data'][1]['attributes']['CountryName'] assert_equal 'United States', json_response['data'][2]['attributes']['CountryName'] # reverse sort get :index, {sort: '-CountryName'} assert_response :success assert_equal 3, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'United States', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['CountryName'] assert_equal 'Euro Member Countries', json_response['data'][1]['attributes']['CountryName'] assert_equal 'Canada', json_response['data'][2]['attributes']['CountryName'] end def test_currencies_json_key_underscored_filter JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :underscored_key get :index, {filter: {country_name: 'Canada'}} assert_response :success assert_equal 1, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Canada', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['country_name'] end def test_currencies_json_key_camelized_key_filter JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :camelized_key get :index, {filter: {'countryName' => 'Canada'}} assert_response :success assert_equal 1, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Canada', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['countryName'] end def test_currencies_json_key_custom_json_key_filter JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :upper_camelized_key get :index, {filter: {'CountryName' => 'Canada'}} assert_response :success assert_equal 1, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Canada', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['CountryName'] end end class PeopleControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase def setup JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :camelized_key end def test_create_validations set_content_type_header! post :create, { data: { type: 'people', attributes: { name: 'Steve Jobs', email: 'sj@email.zzz', dateJoined: DateTime.parse('2014-1-30 4:20:00 UTC +00:00') } } } assert_response :success end def test_update_link_with_dasherized_type JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :dasherized_key set_content_type_header! put :update, { id: 3, data: { id: '3', type: 'people', relationships: { 'hair-cut' => { data: { type: 'hair-cuts', id: '1' } } } } } assert_response :success end def test_create_validations_missing_attribute set_content_type_header! post :create, { data: { type: 'people', attributes: { email: 'sj@email.zzz' } } } assert_response :unprocessable_entity assert_equal 2, json_response['errors'].size assert_equal JSONAPI::VALIDATION_ERROR, json_response['errors'][0]['code'] assert_equal JSONAPI::VALIDATION_ERROR, json_response['errors'][1]['code'] assert_match /dateJoined - can't be blank/, response.body assert_match /name - can't be blank/, response.body end def test_update_validations_missing_attribute set_content_type_header! put :update, { id: 3, data: { id: '3', type: 'people', attributes: { name: '' } } } assert_response :unprocessable_entity assert_equal 1, json_response['errors'].size assert_equal JSONAPI::VALIDATION_ERROR, json_response['errors'][0]['code'] assert_match /name - can't be blank/, response.body end def test_delete_locked initial_count = Person.count delete :destroy, {id: '3'} assert_response :locked assert_equal initial_count, Person.count end def test_invalid_filter_value get :index, {filter: {name: 'L'}} assert_response :bad_request end def test_valid_filter_value get :index, {filter: {name: 'Joe Author'}} assert_response :success assert_equal json_response['data'].size, 1 assert_equal json_response['data'][0]['id'], '1' assert_equal json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['name'], 'Joe Author' end def test_get_related_resource JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :dasherized_key JSONAPI.configuration.route_format = :underscored_key get :get_related_resource, {post_id: '2', association: 'author', source:'posts'} assert_response :success assert_hash_equals( { data: { id: '1', type: 'people', attributes: { name: 'Joe Author', email: 'joe@xyz.fake', "date-joined" => '2013-08-07 16:25:00 -0400' }, links: { self: '' }, relationships: { comments: { links: { self: '', related: '' } }, posts: { links: { self: '', related: '' } }, preferences: { links: { self: '', related: '' }, data: { type: 'preferences', id: '1' } }, "hair-cut" => { "links" => { "self" => "", "related" => "" }, "data" => nil }, vehicles: { links: { self: "", related: "" } } } } }, json_response ) end def test_get_related_resource_nil get :get_related_resource, {post_id: '17', association: 'author', source:'posts'} assert_response :success assert_hash_equals json_response, { data: nil } end end class Api::V5::AuthorsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase def test_get_person_as_author get :index, {filter: {id: '1'}} assert_response :success assert_equal 1, json_response['data'].size assert_equal '1', json_response['data'][0]['id'] assert_equal 'authors', json_response['data'][0]['type'] assert_equal 'Joe Author', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['name'] assert_equal nil, json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['email'] end def test_get_person_as_author_by_name_filter get :index, {filter: {name: 'thor'}} assert_response :success assert_equal 3, json_response['data'].size assert_equal '1', json_response['data'][0]['id'] assert_equal 'Joe Author', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['name'] end end class BreedsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase # Note: Breed names go through the TitleValueFormatter def test_poro_index get :index assert_response :success assert_equal '0', json_response['data'][0]['id'] assert_equal 'Persian', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['name'] end def test_poro_show get :show, {id: '0'} assert_response :success assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Hash) assert_equal '0', json_response['data']['id'] assert_equal 'Persian', json_response['data']['attributes']['name'] end def test_poro_show_multiple get :show, {id: '0,2'} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /0,2 is not a valid value for id/, response.body end def test_poro_create_simple set_content_type_header! post :create, { data: { type: 'breeds', attributes: { name: 'tabby' } } } assert_response :accepted assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Hash) assert_equal 'Tabby', json_response['data']['attributes']['name'] end def test_poro_create_validation_error set_content_type_header! post :create, { data: { type: 'breeds', attributes: { name: '' } } } assert_equal 1, json_response['errors'].size assert_equal JSONAPI::VALIDATION_ERROR, json_response['errors'][0]['code'] assert_match /name - can't be blank/, response.body end def test_poro_create_update set_content_type_header! post :create, { data: { type: 'breeds', attributes: { name: 'CALIC' } } } assert_response :accepted assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Hash) assert_equal 'Calic', json_response['data']['attributes']['name'] put :update, { id: json_response['data']['id'], data: { id: json_response['data']['id'], type: 'breeds', attributes: { name: 'calico' } } } assert_response :success assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Hash) assert_equal 'Calico', json_response['data']['attributes']['name'] end def test_poro_delete initial_count = $breed_data.breeds.keys.count delete :destroy, {id: '3'} assert_response :no_content assert_equal initial_count - 1, $breed_data.breeds.keys.count end end class Api::V2::PreferencesControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase def test_show_singleton_resource_without_id get :show assert_response :success end end class Api::V1::PostsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase def test_show_post_namespaced get :show, {id: '1'} assert_response :success assert_equal '', json_response['data']['relationships']['writer']['links']['self'] end def test_show_post_namespaced_include get :show, {id: '1', include: 'writer'} assert_response :success assert_equal '1', json_response['data']['relationships']['writer']['data']['id'] assert_nil json_response['data']['relationships']['tags'] assert_equal '1', json_response['included'][0]['id'] assert_equal 'writers', json_response['included'][0]['type'] assert_equal 'joe@xyz.fake', json_response['included'][0]['attributes']['email'] end def test_index_filter_on_association_namespaced get :index, {filter: {writer: '1'}} assert_response :success assert_equal 3, json_response['data'].size end def test_sorting_desc_namespaced get :index, {sort: '-title'} assert_response :success assert_equal "Update This Later - Multiple", json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['title'] end def test_create_simple_namespaced set_content_type_header! post :create, { data: { type: 'posts', attributes: { title: 'JR - now with Namespacing', body: 'JSONAPIResources is the greatest thing since unsliced bread now that it has namespaced resources.' }, relationships: { writer: { data: {type: 'writers', id: '3'}} } } } assert_response :created assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Hash) assert_equal '3', json_response['data']['relationships']['writer']['data']['id'] assert_equal 'JR - now with Namespacing', json_response['data']['attributes']['title'] assert_equal 'JSONAPIResources is the greatest thing since unsliced bread now that it has namespaced resources.', json_response['data']['attributes']['body'] end end class FactsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase def setup JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :camelized_key end def test_type_formatting get :show, {id: '1'} assert_response :success assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Hash) assert_equal 'Jane Author', json_response['data']['attributes']['spouseName'] assert_equal 'First man to run across Antartica.', json_response['data']['attributes']['bio'] assert_equal 23.89/45.6, json_response['data']['attributes']['qualityRating'] assert_equal '47000.56', json_response['data']['attributes']['salary'] assert_equal '2013-08-07T20:25:00Z', json_response['data']['attributes']['dateTimeJoined'] assert_equal '1965-06-30', json_response['data']['attributes']['birthday'] assert_equal '2000-01-01T20:00:00Z', json_response['data']['attributes']['bedtime'] assert_equal 'abc', json_response['data']['attributes']['photo'] assert_equal false, json_response['data']['attributes']['cool'] end end class Api::V2::BooksControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase def setup JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :dasherized_key $test_user = Person.find(1) end def after_teardown Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :offset end def test_books_offset_pagination_no_params Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :offset get :index assert_response :success assert_equal 10, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Book 0', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['title'] end def test_books_record_count_in_meta Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :offset JSONAPI.configuration.top_level_meta_include_record_count = true get :index, {include: 'book-comments'} JSONAPI.configuration.top_level_meta_include_record_count = false assert_response :success assert_equal 901, json_response['meta']['record-count'] assert_equal 10, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Book 0', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['title'] end def test_books_record_count_in_meta_custom_name Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :offset JSONAPI.configuration.top_level_meta_include_record_count = true JSONAPI.configuration.top_level_meta_record_count_key = 'total_records' get :index, {include: 'book-comments'} JSONAPI.configuration.top_level_meta_include_record_count = false JSONAPI.configuration.top_level_meta_record_count_key = :record_count assert_response :success assert_equal 901, json_response['meta']['total-records'] assert_equal 10, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Book 0', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['title'] end def test_books_offset_pagination_no_params_includes_query_count_one_level Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :offset count_queries do get :index, {include: 'book-comments'} end assert_response :success assert_equal 10, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Book 0', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['title'] assert_query_count(3) end def test_books_offset_pagination_no_params_includes_query_count_two_levels Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :offset count_queries do get :index, {include: 'book-comments,'} end assert_response :success assert_equal 10, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Book 0', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['title'] assert_query_count(4) end def test_books_offset_pagination Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :offset get :index, {page: {offset: 50, limit: 12}} assert_response :success assert_equal 12, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Book 50', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['title'] end def test_books_offset_pagination_bad_page_param Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :offset get :index, {page: {offset_bad: 50, limit: 12}} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /offset_bad is not an allowed page parameter./, json_response['errors'][0]['detail'] end def test_books_offset_pagination_bad_param_value_limit_to_large Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :offset get :index, {page: {offset: 50, limit: 1000}} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /Limit exceeds maximum page size of 20./, json_response['errors'][0]['detail'] end def test_books_offset_pagination_bad_param_value_limit_too_small Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :offset get :index, {page: {offset: 50, limit: -1}} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /-1 is not a valid value for limit page parameter./, json_response['errors'][0]['detail'] end def test_books_offset_pagination_bad_param_offset_less_than_zero Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :offset get :index, {page: {offset: -1, limit: 20}} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /-1 is not a valid value for offset page parameter./, json_response['errors'][0]['detail'] end def test_books_offset_pagination_invalid_page_format Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :offset get :index, {page: 50} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /Invalid Page Object./, json_response['errors'][0]['detail'] end def test_books_paged_pagination_no_params Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :paged get :index assert_response :success assert_equal 10, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Book 0', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['title'] end def test_books_paged_pagination_no_page Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :paged get :index, {page: {size: 12}} assert_response :success assert_equal 12, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Book 0', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['title'] end def test_books_paged_pagination Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :paged get :index, {page: {number: 3, size: 12}} assert_response :success assert_equal 12, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Book 24', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['title'] end def test_books_paged_pagination_bad_page_param Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :paged get :index, {page: {number_bad: 50, size: 12}} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /number_bad is not an allowed page parameter./, json_response['errors'][0]['detail'] end def test_books_paged_pagination_bad_param_value_limit_to_large Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :paged get :index, {page: {number: 50, size: 1000}} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /size exceeds maximum page size of 20./, json_response['errors'][0]['detail'] end def test_books_paged_pagination_bad_param_value_limit_too_small Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :paged get :index, {page: {number: 50, size: -1}} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /-1 is not a valid value for size page parameter./, json_response['errors'][0]['detail'] end def test_books_paged_pagination_invalid_page_format_incorrect Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :paged get :index, {page: 'qwerty'} assert_response :bad_request assert_match /0 is not a valid value for number page parameter./, json_response['errors'][0]['detail'] end def test_books_paged_pagination_invalid_page_format_interpret_int Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :paged get :index, {page: 3} assert_response :success assert_equal 10, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Book 20', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['title'] end def test_books_included_paged Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :offset count_queries do get :index, {filter: {id: '0'}, include: 'book-comments'} end assert_response :success assert_equal 1, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Book 0', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['title'] assert_query_count(3) end def test_books_banned_non_book_admin $test_user = Person.find(1) Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :offset count_queries do JSONAPI.configuration.top_level_meta_include_record_count = true get :index, {page: {offset: 50, limit: 12}} JSONAPI.configuration.top_level_meta_include_record_count = false end assert_response :success assert_equal 12, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Book 50', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['title'] assert_equal 901, json_response['meta']['record-count'] assert_query_count(2) end def test_books_banned_non_book_admin_includes_switched $test_user = Person.find(1) Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :offset count_queries do JSONAPI.configuration.top_level_meta_include_record_count = true get :index, {page: {offset: 0, limit: 12}, include: 'book-comments'} JSONAPI.configuration.top_level_meta_include_record_count = false end assert_response :success assert_equal 12, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 130, json_response['included'].size assert_equal 'Book 0', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['title'] assert_equal 26, json_response['data'][0]['relationships']['book-comments']['data'].size assert_equal 'book-comments', json_response['included'][0]['type'] assert_equal 901, json_response['meta']['record-count'] assert_query_count(3) end def test_books_banned_non_book_admin_includes_nested_includes $test_user = Person.find(1) Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :offset count_queries do JSONAPI.configuration.top_level_meta_include_record_count = true get :index, {page: {offset: 0, limit: 12}, include: ''} JSONAPI.configuration.top_level_meta_include_record_count = false end assert_response :success assert_equal 12, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 131, json_response['included'].size assert_equal 'Book 0', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['title'] assert_equal 901, json_response['meta']['record-count'] assert_query_count(4) end def test_books_banned_admin $test_user = Person.find(5) Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :offset query_count = count_queries do JSONAPI.configuration.top_level_meta_include_record_count = true get :index, {page: {offset: 50, limit: 12}, filter: {banned: 'true'}} JSONAPI.configuration.top_level_meta_include_record_count = false end assert_response :success assert_equal 12, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Book 651', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['title'] assert_equal 99, json_response['meta']['record-count'] assert_query_count(2) end def test_books_not_banned_admin $test_user = Person.find(5) Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :offset count_queries do JSONAPI.configuration.top_level_meta_include_record_count = true get :index, {page: {offset: 50, limit: 12}, filter: {banned: 'false'}} JSONAPI.configuration.top_level_meta_include_record_count = false end assert_response :success assert_equal 12, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Book 50', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['title'] assert_equal 901, json_response['meta']['record-count'] assert_query_count(2) end def test_books_banned_non_book_admin_overlapped $test_user = Person.find(1) Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :offset count_queries do JSONAPI.configuration.top_level_meta_include_record_count = true get :index, {page: {offset: 590, limit: 20}} JSONAPI.configuration.top_level_meta_include_record_count = false end assert_response :success assert_equal 20, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Book 590', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['title'] assert_equal 901, json_response['meta']['record-count'] assert_query_count(2) end def test_books_included_exclude_unapproved $test_user = Person.find(1) Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :none count_queries do get :index, {filter: {id: '0,1,2,3,4'}, include: 'book-comments'} end assert_response :success assert_equal 5, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Book 0', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['title'] assert_equal 130, json_response['included'].size assert_equal 26, json_response['data'][0]['relationships']['book-comments']['data'].size assert_query_count(2) end def test_books_included_all_comments_for_admin $test_user = Person.find(5) Api::V2::BookResource.paginator :none get :index, {filter: {id: '0,1,2,3,4'}, include: 'book-comments'} assert_response :success assert_equal 5, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Book 0', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['title'] assert_equal 255, json_response['included'].size assert_equal 51, json_response['data'][0]['relationships']['book-comments']['data'].size end def test_books_filter_by_book_comment_id_limited_user $test_user = Person.find(1) get :index, {filter: {book_comments: '0,52' }} assert_response :success assert_equal 1, json_response['data'].size end def test_books_filter_by_book_comment_id_admin_user $test_user = Person.find(5) get :index, {filter: {book_comments: '0,52' }} assert_response :success assert_equal 2, json_response['data'].size end end class Api::V2::BookCommentsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase def setup JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :dasherized_key Api::V2::BookCommentResource.paginator :none $test_user = Person.find(1) end def test_book_comments_all_for_admin $test_user = Person.find(5) count_queries do get :index end assert_response :success assert_equal 255, json_response['data'].size assert_query_count(1) end def test_book_comments_unapproved_context_based $test_user = Person.find(5) count_queries do get :index, {filter: {approved: 'false'}} end assert_response :success assert_equal 125, json_response['data'].size assert_query_count(1) end def test_book_comments_exclude_unapproved_context_based $test_user = Person.find(1) count_queries do get :index end assert_response :success assert_equal 130, json_response['data'].size assert_query_count(1) end end class Api::V4::BooksControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase def setup JSONAPI.configuration.json_key_format = :camelized_key end def test_books_offset_pagination_meta JSONAPI.configuration.operations_processor = :counting_active_record Api::V4::BookResource.paginator :offset get :index, {page: {offset: 50, limit: 12}} assert_response :success assert_equal 12, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Book 50', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['title'] assert_equal 901, json_response['meta']['totalRecords'] JSONAPI.configuration.operations_processor = :active_record end def test_books_operation_links JSONAPI.configuration.operations_processor = :counting_active_record Api::V4::BookResource.paginator :offset get :index, {page: {offset: 50, limit: 12}} assert_response :success assert_equal 12, json_response['data'].size assert_equal 'Book 50', json_response['data'][0]['attributes']['title'] assert_equal 5, json_response['links'].size assert_equal '', json_response['links']['spec'] JSONAPI.configuration.operations_processor = :active_record end end class CategoriesControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase def test_index_default_filter get :index assert_response :success assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Array) assert_equal 3, json_response['data'].size end def test_index_default_filter_override get :index, { filter: { status: 'inactive' } } assert_response :success assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Array) assert_equal 4, json_response['data'].size end end class Api::V1::PlanetsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase def test_save_model_callbacks set_content_type_header! post :create, { data: { type: 'planets', attributes: { name: 'Zeus', description: 'The largest planet in the solar system. Discovered in 2015.' } } } assert_response :created assert json_response['data'].is_a?(Hash) assert_equal 'Zeus', json_response['data']['attributes']['name'] end def test_save_model_callbacks_fail set_content_type_header! post :create, { data: { type: 'planets', attributes: { name: 'Pluto', description: 'Yes, it is a planet.' } } } assert_response :unprocessable_entity assert_match /Save failed or was cancelled/, json_response['errors'][0]['detail'] end end