#********************************************************************** #* * #* RmThemeGen - a ruby script to create random, usable themes for * #* text editors. Currently supports RubyMine 3.X.X * #* * #* By David Heitzman, 2011 * #* * #********************************************************************** #this is a version of the software that should work with ruby 1.8.7 #originally it was written and tested for ruby 1.9.2 require 'rubygems' require 'color' require 'xmlsimple' require 'textpow' require 'uv' #ultraviolet require 'plist' require File.dirname(__FILE__)+"/token_list" require File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/rgb_contrast_methods' require File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/rmthemegen_to_css' require File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/rmtg187_new_textmate.rb' require File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/uv_addons.rb' require File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/rmthemegen_parent' require File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/plist_to_tokenlist' module RMThemeGen class ThemeRubyMine < RMThemeParent attr_reader :xml_save, :themename attr_reader :xmlout #a huge structure of xml that can be given to XmlSimple.xml_out() to create that actual color theme file def initialize super #"EFFECT-TYPE" s: # 3 ==> cross-out # 1 ==> underline # 2 == >squiggle underline # 5 => blockey underline # 0 ==> box around word # -1 ==> seems to have no effect # if the element name contains a string from the following arrays it makes that element # eligible for bold, italic or both. This allows elements from multiple languages to all # be exposed equally to # underline not implemented yet. There are several font decorations in rubymine, # probably should be used sparingly. @bold_chance = 0.4 @underline_chance = 0.3 @italic_candidates = ["STRING", "SYMBOL", "REQUIRE"] @bold_candidates = ["KEYWORD","RUBY_SPECIFIC_CALL", "CONSTANT", "COMMA", "PAREN","RUBY_ATTR_ACCESSOR_CALL", "RUBY_ATTR_READER_CALL" ,"RUBY_ATTR_WRITER_CALL", "IDENTIFIER"] # with code inspections we don't color the text, we just put a line or something under it . @code_inspections = ["ERROR","WARNING_ATTRIBUTES","DEPRECATED", "TYPO","WARNING_ATTRIBUTES", "BAD_CHARACTER", "CUSTOM_INVALID_STRING_ESCAPE_ATTRIBUTES","ERRORS_ATTRIBUTES", "MATCHED_BRACE_ATTRIBUTES"] @cross_out = ["DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTES" ] @unders = %w(-1 0 1 2 5 ) @underline_candidates = ["STRING"] @italic_chance = 0.2 end def set_doc_colors newopt = [] @@doc_color_keys.each do |o| if o == "CARET_ROW_COLOR" then @caret_row_color = randcolor(:bg_rgb=>@backgroundcolor,:min_cont=>0.05,:max_cont => 0.08,:shade_of_grey=>false) newopt << {:name=> o, :value => @caret_row_color } @document_globals[:CARET_ROW_COLOR] = @caret_row_color elsif o.include?("SELECTION_BACKGROUND") then @selection_background = randcolor(:bg_rgb=>@backgroundcolor,:min_cont=>0.07,:max_cont => 0.09,:shade_of_grey=>false) newopt << {:name=> o, :value => @selection_background } @document_globals[:SELECTION_BACKGROUND] = @selection_background elsif o.include?("SELECTION_FOREGROUND") then newopt << {:name=> o } elsif o.include?("GUTTER_BACKGROUND") then newopt << {:name=> o, :value => @backgroundcolor } elsif o.include?("CARET_COLOR") then newopt << {:name=> o, :value => (@caret_color = randcolor(:bg_rgb=>@backgroundcolor, :min_cont=>0.30,:max_cont=>0.7,:shade_of_grey=>true) )} @document_globals[:CARET_COLOR] = @caret_color elsif o.include?("READONLY_BACKGROUND") then newopt << {:name=> o, :value => randcolor(:bg_rgb=>@backgroundcolor, :min_cont=>0.03,:max_cont=>0.09,:shade_of_grey=>@background_grey) } elsif o.include?("READONLY_FRAGMENT_BACKGROUND") then newopt << {:name=> o, :value => randcolor(:bg_rgb=>@backgroundcolor, :min_cont=>0.03,:max_cont=>0.09,:shade_of_grey=>@background_grey) } elsif o.include?("INDENT_GUIDE") then newopt << {:name=> o, :value => randcolor(:bg_rgb=>@backgroundcolor, :min_cont=>0.08,:max_cont=>0.22,:shade_of_grey=>@background_grey) } else newopt << {:name=> o, :value => randcolor(:bg_rgb=>@backgroundcolor, :min_cont=>@min_cont,:max_cont=>@max_cont,:shade_of_grey=>@background_grey).to_s } end end @xmlout[:scheme][0][:colors][0][:option] = newopt end def set_doc_options newopt = [] newopt << {:name => "LINE_SPACING",:value=>'1.0' } #:value=>'1.3' works all right newopt << {:name => "EDITOR_FONT_NAME",:value => "DejaVu Sans Mono" } newopt << {:name => "EDITOR_FONT_SIZE",:value => "12"} #:value = "14" is a safe default if you want to specify something newopt << {:name => "RANDOM_SEED",:value => @random_seed.to_s } @xmlout[:scheme][0][:option] = newopt end def set_element_colors newopt = [] newopt[0]={:option=>[]} ################ set the fonttype @@element_keys.each do |o| fonttype = 0 #bold: 1, #italic: 2, bold & italic: 3 @bold_candidates.each do |bc| if o.include? bc.to_s then if rand < @bold_chance then fonttype = 1 end end end @italic_candidates.each do |ic| if o.include? ic.to_s then if rand < @italic_chance then fonttype += 2 end end end #this block is for setting up special cases for the new color - ie, comments darker, #reserved words are yellowins, whatever fonttype = "" unless fonttype.is_a? Fixnum case when o.include?( "COMMENT") #comments -- this is done so that COMMENTED texts skew toward darker shades. newcol = randcolor(:bg_rgb=>@backgroundcolor, :min_cont=>0.25, :max_cont => 0.27) optblj=[{:option=>[ {:name => "FOREGROUND", :value => newcol}, # {:name => "BACKGROUND", :value =>@backgroundcolor}, {:name => "BACKGROUND"}, {:name => "EFFECT_COLOR" },{:name => "FONT_TYPE", :value=>fonttype.to_s }, {:name => "ERROR_STRIPE_COLOR", :value =>randcolor(:bg_rgb=>@backgroundcolor) }]}] #default text and background for whole document when ["TEXT","FOLDED_TEXT_ATTRIBUTES"].include?( o.to_s) newcol = randcolor(:bg_rgb=>@backgroundcolor ) optblj=[{:option=>[ {:name => "FOREGROUND", :value => newcol}, {:name => "BACKGROUND", :value =>@backgroundcolor}, {:name => "EFFECT_COLOR" },{:name => "FONT_TYPE", :value=>fonttype.to_s }, {:name => "ERROR_STRIPE_COLOR", :value => (randcolor(:bg_rgb=>@backgroundcolor) ) }]}] @document_globals[:TEXT] = newcol when @code_inspections.include?(o.to_s) newcol = randcolor(:bg_rgb=>@backgroundcolor) optblj=[{:option=>[ {:name => "FOREGROUND"}, {:name => "BACKGROUND"}, {:name => "EFFECT_COLOR", :value =>newcol},{:name => "FONT_TYPE", :value=>fonttype.to_s }, {:name => "EFFECT_TYPE", :value=>@unders.shuffle[0].to_s }, {:name => "ERROR_STRIPE_COLOR", :value =>randcolor(:bg_rgb=>@backgroundcolor) }]}] when @cross_out.include?(o.to_s) newcol = randcolor(:bg_rgb=>@backgroundcolor) optblj=[{:option=>[ {:name => "FOREGROUND"}, {:name => "BACKGROUND"}, {:name => "EFFECT_COLOR", :value =>newcol},{:name => "FONT_TYPE", :value=>fonttype.to_s }, {:name => "EFFECT_TYPE", :value=>"3" }, {:name => "ERROR_STRIPE_COLOR", :value =>randcolor(:bg_rgb=>@backgroundcolor)}]}] else newcol=randcolor(:bg_rgb=>@backgroundcolor) optblj=[{:option=>[ {:name => "FOREGROUND", :value => newcol}, {:name => "BACKGROUND"}, {:name => "EFFECT_COLOR" },{:name => "FONT_TYPE", :value=>fonttype.to_s }, {:name => "ERROR_STRIPE_COLOR", :value =>randcolor(:bg_rgb=>@backgroundcolor) }]}] end newopt[0][:option] << {:name =>o.to_s , :value=>optblj} tmphash = {} optblj[0][:option].each do |siing| tmphash[ siing[:name].to_sym ] = siing[:value] end @textmate_hash[o.to_sym] = tmphash end @xmlout[:scheme][0][:attributes] = newopt end def make_rm_theme_file(outputdir = ENV["PWD"], bg_color_style=:dark, colorsets=[], rand_seed=nil) make_theme_file(outputdir, bg_color_style, colorsets, rand_seed) end def make_tm_theme_file(outputdir = ENV["PWD"], bg_color_style=:dark, colorsets=[], rand_seed=nil) create_textmate_theme(outputdir, bg_color_style, colorsets, rand_seed) end # (output directory, bg_color_style, colorsets []) def make_theme_file(outputdir = ENV["PWD"], bg_color_style=:dark, colorsets=[], rand_seed=nil) #bg_color_style: 0 = blackish, 1 = whitish, 2 = any color, from #000000 to #FFFFFF handle_rand_seed(rand_seed) @theme_successfully_created=false before_create(outputdir, bg_color_style, colorsets, rand_seed) @xmlout = {:scheme=> [{ :attributes => [{:option=>[ {:name=>"2ABSTRACT_CLASS_NAME_ATTRIBUTES", :value=>[{:option=>{:name=>"foreground",:value=>"red"}}] }, {:name=>"4ABSTRACT_CLASS_NAME_ATTRIBUTES", :value=>[{:option=>{:name=>"foreground",:value=>"red"}}] } ] }], :colors => [{ :option => [{:name=>"foreground",:value => "yellow"},{:name=>"background",:value => "black"} ], :option =>[{:name=>"pencil length",:value=>"48 cm"},{:name => "Doowop level", :value=>"medium"}] }], :name => @themename,:version=>@themeversion,:parent_scheme=>"Default", :author=>"David Heitzman, http://rmthemegen.com" }] } @savefile = randfilename(@themename) @outf = File.new(@opts[:outputdir]+"/"+@savefile, "w+") set_element_colors set_doc_colors set_doc_options XmlSimple.xml_out(@xmlout,{:keeproot=>true,:xmldeclaration=>true,:outputfile=> @outf, :rootname => "scheme"}) @outf.close @theme_successfully_created = true return File.expand_path(@outf.path) end end #class end #module