require 'rubygems' require 'bundler/setup' require 'engineyard-serverside-adapter' require 'pp' module ArgumentsHelpers def valid_options { :app => 'rackapp', :environment_name => 'rackapp_production', :account_name => 'ey', :framework_env => 'production', :instances => [{:hostname => 'localhost', :roles => %w[han solo], :name => 'chewie'}], :ref => 'master', :repo => '', :stack => 'nginx_unicorn', } end def valid_arguments() arguments_without() end # without nothing --> valid :) def arguments_with(fields) arguments = valid_arguments fields.each do |field, value| arguments.send("#{field}=", value) end arguments end def arguments_without(*fields) arguments = valid_options.each do |field, value| arguments.send("#{field}=", value) unless fields.include?(field) end arguments end def all_commands(adapter) end def last_command(adapter) all_commands(adapter).last end end module RequiredFieldHelpers def it_should_require(field) context "field #{field}" do it "is just fine when #{field} is there" do lambda { => valid_arguments) }.should_not raise_error end it "raises an error if #{field} is missing" do lambda { => arguments_without(field)) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end def it_should_ignore_requirement_for_version(field, version) context "field #{field} on version #{version}" do it "is does not require #{field}" do arguments = arguments_without(field) arguments.serverside_version = version lambda { => arguments) }.should_not raise_error end it "it does not include #{field} in the command, even if it is set" do arguments = valid_arguments arguments.serverside_version = version action = => arguments) commands = all_commands(action) commands.last.should_not include(, :string).to_switch) end end end end RSpec.configure do |config| config.include ArgumentsHelpers config.extend RequiredFieldHelpers shared_examples_for "it installs engineyard-serverside" do it "checks for and installs engineyard-serverside before invoking it" do adapter = => valid_arguments) all_commands(adapter).size.should == 2 installation_command = all_commands(adapter).first # of course, the only way to be sure is to actually run it, but # this gives us regression-proofing version = EY::Serverside::Adapter::ENGINEYARD_SERVERSIDE_VERSION escaped_version = version.gsub(/\./, '\\.') installation_command.should == "(gem list engineyard-serverside | grep 'engineyard-serverside ' | egrep -q '#{escaped_version}[,)]') || (sudo sh -c 'cd `mktemp -d` && gem install engineyard-serverside --no-rdoc --no-ri -v #{version}')" installation_command.should =~ /gem list engineyard-serverside/ installation_command.should =~ /egrep -q / installation_command.should =~ /gem install engineyard-serverside.*-v #{Regexp.quote EY::Serverside::Adapter::ENGINEYARD_SERVERSIDE_VERSION}/ end end shared_examples_for "it accepts verbose" do context "the --verbose arg" do it "is present when you set verbose to true" do adapter = => arguments_with(:verbose => true)) last_command(adapter).should =~ /--verbose/ end it "is absent when you set verbose to false" do adapter = => arguments_with(:verbose => false)) last_command(adapter).should_not =~ /--verbose/ end it "is absent when you omit verbose" do adapter = => valid_arguments) last_command(adapter).should_not =~ /--verbose/ end end end { :app => '--app', :environment_name => '--environment-name', :account_name => '--account-name', :stack => '--stack', :framework_env => '--framework-env', :ref => '--ref', :repo => '--repo', :migrate => '--migrate', }.each do |arg, switch| shared_examples_for "it accepts #{arg}" do it "puts the #{switch} arg in the command line" do adapter = => arguments_with(arg => 'word')) last_command(adapter).should =~ /#{switch} word/ end it "handles arguments that need to be escaped" do adapter = => arguments_with(arg => 'two words')) last_command(adapter).should =~ /#{switch} 'two words'/ end end shared_examples_for "it treats #{arg} as optional" do it "omits #{switch} when you don't give it #{arg}" do adapter = => arguments_without(arg)) last_command(adapter).should_not include(switch) end end end shared_examples_for "it treats config as optional" do it "omits --config when you don't give it config" do adapter = => arguments_without(:config)) last_command(adapter).should_not include('--config') end end shared_examples_for "it accepts serverside_version" do it "puts the _VERSION_ command part in the command line" do adapter = => arguments_with(:serverside_version => '1.2.3')) last_command(adapter).should =~ /engineyard-serverside _1.2.3_/ end end shared_examples_for "it accepts instances" do context "given an unnamed instance" do it "puts the instance in the command line" do adapter = => arguments_with( :instances => [{:hostname => 'localhost', :roles => %w[han solo], :name => nil}] )) command = last_command(adapter) command.should =~ /--instances localhost/ command.should =~ /--instance-roles localhost:han,solo/ command.should_not =~ /--instance-names/ end end context "given a named instance" do it "puts the instance in the command line" do adapter = => arguments_with( :instances => [{:hostname => 'localhost', :roles => %w[han solo], :name => 'chewie'}] )) command = last_command(adapter) command.should =~ /--instances localhost/ command.should =~ /--instance-roles localhost:han,solo/ command.should =~ /--instance-names localhost:chewie/ end end context "given multiple instances" do it "puts the instance in the command line" do adapter = => arguments_with({ :instances => [ {:hostname => 'localhost', :roles => %w[wookie], :name => 'chewie'}, {:hostname => 'crazy-ass-amazon-1243324321.domain', :roles => %w[bounty-hunter], :name => nil}, {:hostname => 'simpler.domain', :roles => %w[pilot scruffy-lookin-nerf-herder], :name => 'han'}, ] })) command = last_command(adapter) command.should =~ /--instances crazy-ass-amazon-1243324321.domain localhost simpler.domain/ command.should =~ /--instance-roles crazy-ass-amazon-1243324321.domain:bounty-hunter localhost:wookie simpler.domain:pilot,scruffy-lookin-nerf-herder/ command.should =~ /--instance-names localhost:chewie simpler.domain:han/ end end end end