// jQuery / Underscore version of this script: // https://gist.github.com/fisch0920/37bac5e741eaec60e983 // by Travis Fischer (https://gist.github.com/fisch0920) // Inspired by this article: // http://www.benknowscode.com/2014/01/resizing-images-in-browser-using-canvas.html (function() { var NUM_LOBES = 3 var lanczos = lanczosGenerator(NUM_LOBES) var $timeout = _.delay; // resize via lanczos-sinc convolution window.resizeImage = function (img, width, height) { var self = { } self.type = "image/png" self.quality = 1.0 self.resultD = $.Deferred() self.canvas = document.createElement('canvas') self.ctx = getContext(self.canvas) self.ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = true self.ctx.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = true self.ctx.oImageSmoothingEnabled = true if (img.naturalWidth <= width || img.naturalHeight <= height) { console.log("FAST resizing image", img.naturalWidth, img.naturalHeight, "=>", width, height) self.canvas.width = width self.canvas.height = height self.ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, width, height) resolveLanczos(self) } else { console.log("SLOW resizing image", img.naturalWidth, img.naturalHeight, "=>", width, height) self.canvas.width = img.naturalWidth self.canvas.height = img.naturalHeight self.ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, self.canvas.width, self.canvas.height) self.img = img self.src = self.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, self.canvas.width, self.canvas.height) self.dest = { width: width, height: height } self.dest.data = new Array(self.dest.width * self.dest.height * 4) self.ratio = img.naturalWidth / width self.rcpRatio = 2 / self.ratio self.range2 = Math.ceil(self.ratio * NUM_LOBES / 2) self.cacheLanc = {} self.center = {} self.icenter = {} $timeout(function () { applyLanczosColumn(self, 0) }) } return self.resultD.promise() } function applyLanczosColumn (self, u) { self.center.x = (u + 0.5) * self.ratio self.icenter.x = self.center.x | 0 for (var v = 0; v < self.dest.height; v++) { self.center.y = (v + 0.5) * self.ratio self.icenter.y = self.center.y | 0 var a, r, g, b a = r = g = b = 0 var norm = 0 var idx for (var i = self.icenter.x - self.range2; i <= self.icenter.x + self.range2; i++) { if (i < 0 || i >= self.src.width) continue var fX = (1000 * Math.abs(i - self.center.x)) | 0 if (!self.cacheLanc[fX]) { self.cacheLanc[fX] = {} } for (var j = self.icenter.y - self.range2; j <= self.icenter.y + self.range2; j++) { if (j < 0 || j >= self.src.height) continue var fY = (1000 * Math.abs(j - self.center.y)) | 0 if (self.cacheLanc[fX][fY] === undefined) { self.cacheLanc[fX][fY] = lanczos(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(fX * self.rcpRatio, 2) + Math.pow(fY * self.rcpRatio, 2)) / 1000) } var weight = self.cacheLanc[fX][fY] if (weight > 0) { idx = (j * self.src.width + i) * 4 norm += weight r += weight * self.src.data[idx + 0] g += weight * self.src.data[idx + 1] b += weight * self.src.data[idx + 2] a += weight * self.src.data[idx + 3] } } } idx = (v * self.dest.width + u) * 4 self.dest.data[idx + 0] = r / norm self.dest.data[idx + 1] = g / norm self.dest.data[idx + 2] = b / norm self.dest.data[idx + 3] = a / norm } if (++u < self.dest.width) { if (u % 16 === 0) { $timeout(function () { applyLanczosColumn(self, u) }) } else { applyLanczosColumn(self, u) } } else { $timeout(function () { finalizeLanczos(self) }) } } function finalizeLanczos (self) { self.canvas.width = self.dest.width self.canvas.height = self.dest.height //self.ctx.drawImage(self.img, 0, 0, self.dest.width, self.dest.height) self.src = self.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, self.dest.width, self.dest.height) var idx for (var i = 0; i < self.dest.width; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < self.dest.height; j++) { idx = (j * self.dest.width + i) * 4 self.src.data[idx + 0] = self.dest.data[idx + 0] self.src.data[idx + 1] = self.dest.data[idx + 1] self.src.data[idx + 2] = self.dest.data[idx + 2] self.src.data[idx + 3] = self.dest.data[idx + 3] } } self.ctx.putImageData(self.src, 0, 0) resolveLanczos(self); } function resolveLanczos (self) { var result = new Image() result.onload = function () { self.resultD.resolve(result) } result.onerror = function (err) { self.resultD.reject(err) } result.src = self.canvas.toDataURL(self.type, self.quality) } // resize by stepping down window.resizeImageStep = function (img, width, height, quality) { quality = quality || 1.0 // var resultD = $q.defer() var resultD = $.Deferred() var canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' ) var context = getContext(canvas) var type = "image/png" var cW = img.naturalWidth var cH = img.naturalHeight var dst = new Image() var tmp = null //resultD.resolve(img) //return resultD.promise function stepDown () { cW = Math.max(cW / 2, width) | 0 cH = Math.max(cH / 2, height) | 0 canvas.width = cW canvas.height = cH context.drawImage(tmp || img, 0, 0, cW, cH) dst.src = canvas.toDataURL(type, quality) if (cW <= width || cH <= height) { resultD.resolve(dst) } if (!tmp) { tmp = new Image() tmp.onload = stepDown } tmp.src = dst.src } if (cW <= width || cH <= height || cW / 2 < width || cH / 2 < height) { canvas.width = width canvas.height = height context.drawImage(img, 0, 0, width, height) dst.src = canvas.toDataURL(type, quality) resultD.resolve(dst) } else { stepDown() } return resultD.promise() } function getContext (canvas) { var context = canvas.getContext('2d') context.imageSmoothingEnabled = true context.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = true context.oImageSmoothingEnabled = true return context } // returns a function that calculates lanczos weight function lanczosGenerator (lobes) { var recLobes = 1.0 / lobes return function (x) { if (x > lobes) return 0 x *= Math.PI if (Math.abs(x) < 1e-16) return 1 var xx = x * recLobes return Math.sin(x) * Math.sin(xx) / x / xx } } })()