module Avo module Fields class BaseField extend ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker prepend Avo::Concerns::HasItemType prepend Avo::Concerns::IsResourceItem include Avo::Concerns::IsVisible include Avo::Concerns::VisibleInDifferentViews include Avo::Fields::Concerns::HasFieldName include Avo::Fields::Concerns::HasDefault include Avo::Fields::Concerns::HasHTMLAttributes include Avo::Fields::Concerns::HandlesFieldArgs include Avo::Fields::Concerns::IsReadonly include Avo::Fields::Concerns::IsDisabled include Avo::Fields::Concerns::IsRequired include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper delegate :app, to: ::Avo::Current delegate :view_context, to: :app delegate :context, to: :app delegate :simple_format, :content_tag, to: :view_context delegate :main_app, to: :view_context delegate :avo, to: :view_context delegate :t, to: ::I18n attr_reader :id attr_reader :block attr_reader :required attr_reader :readonly attr_reader :sortable attr_reader :nullable attr_reader :null_values attr_reader :format_using attr_reader :autocomplete attr_reader :help attr_reader :default attr_reader :as_avatar attr_reader :stacked attr_reader :for_presentation_only # Private options attr_reader :computable # if allowed to be computable attr_reader :computed # if block is present attr_reader :computed_value # the value after computation # Hydrated payload attr_accessor :record attr_accessor :action attr_accessor :user attr_accessor :panel_name class_attribute :field_name_attribute def initialize(id, **args, &block) @id = id @name = args[:name] @translation_key = args[:translation_key] @block = block @required = args.dig(:required) # Value if :required present on args, nil otherwise @readonly = args[:readonly] || false @disabled = args[:disabled] || false @sortable = args[:sortable] || false @nullable = args[:nullable] || false @null_values = args[:null_values] || [nil, ""] @format_using = args[:format_using] || nil @update_using = args[:update_using] || nil @placeholder = args[:placeholder] @autocomplete = args[:autocomplete] || nil @help = args[:help] || nil @default = args[:default] || nil @visible = args[:visible] @as_avatar = args[:as_avatar] || false @html = args[:html] || nil @view = args[:view] || nil @value = args[:value] || nil @stacked = args[:stacked] || nil @for_presentation_only = args[:for_presentation_only] || false @resource = args[:resource] @args = args @computable = true @computed = block.present? @computed_value = nil post_initialize if respond_to?(:post_initialize) end def translation_key @translation_key || "avo.field_translations.#{@id}" end def translated_name(default:) t(translation_key, count: 1, default: default).capitalize end def translated_plural_name(default:) t(translation_key, count: 2, default: default).capitalize end # Getting the name of the resource (user/users, post/posts) # We'll first check to see if the user passed a name # Secondly we'll try to find a translation key # We'll fallback to humanizing the id def name return @name if custom_name? if translation_key translated_name default: default_name else default_name end end def plural_name default = name.pluralize if translation_key translated_plural_name default: default else default end end def table_header_label name end def custom_name? !@name.nil? end def default_name @id.to_s.humanize(keep_id_suffix: true) end def placeholder @placeholder || name, record: record, resource: @resource, view: @view).handle end def value(property = nil) return @value if @value.present? property ||= id # Get record value final_value = record.send(property) if is_model?(record) && record.respond_to?(property) # On new views and actions modals we need to prefill the fields with the default value if should_fill_with_default_value? && default.present? final_value = computed_default_value end # Run computable callback block if present if computable && block.present? final_value = target: block, record: record, resource: @resource, view: @view, field: self, include: self.class.included_modules ).handle end # Run the value through resolver if present if format_using.present? final_value = target: format_using, value: final_value, record: record, resource: resource, view: view, field: self, include: self.class.included_modules ).handle end final_value end # Fills the record with the received value on create and update actions. def fill_field(record, key, value, params) return record unless record.methods.include? key.to_sym if @update_using.present? value = target: @update_using, record: record, key: key, value: value, resource: resource, field: self ).handle end record.public_send("#{key}=", value) record end # Try to see if the field has a different database ID than it's name def database_id foreign_key rescue id end def has_own_panel? false end def resolve_attribute(value) value end def to_permitted_param id.to_sym end def view_component_name "#{type.camelize}Field" end # For custom components the namespace will be different than Avo::Fields so we should take that into account. def view_component_namespace "#{self.class.to_s.deconstantize}::#{view_component_name}" end # Try and build the component class or fallback to a blank one def component_for_view(view = :index) # Use the edit variant for all "update" views view = :edit if [:new, :create, :update] component_class = "#{view_component_namespace}::#{view.to_s.camelize}Component" component_class.constantize rescue unless Rails.env.test? "Failed to find component for the `#{self.class}` field on the `#{view}` view." end # When returning nil, a race condition happens and throws an error in some environments. # See ::Avo::BlankFieldComponent end def record_errors return {} if record.nil? record.errors end def type"_field", "") end def custom? !method(:initialize).source_location.first.include?("lib/avo/field") rescue true end def visible_in_reflection? true end def hidden_in_reflection? !visible_in_reflection? end def options_for_filter options end def updatable !is_disabled? && visible? end # Used by Avo to fill the record with the default value on :new and :edit views def assign_value(record:, value:) id = type == "belongs_to" ? foreign_key : database_id if record.send(id).nil? record.send("#{id}=", value) end end private def model_or_class(model) if model.instance_of?(String) "class" else "model" end end def is_model?(model) model_or_class(model) == "model" end def should_fill_with_default_value? on_create? || in_action? end def on_create?[:new, :create]) end def in_action? @action.present? end end end end