require 'rails_helper' # Specs in this file have access to a helper object that includes # the ApplicationHelper. module SocialColorsRails RSpec.describe ApplicationHelper, type: :helper do let(:default_fa) { content_tag(:i, nil, class: "fa fa-facebook") } let(:default_tag) { content_tag(:a, default_fa, class: "icon-stack stack-circle facebook", target: "_blank", rel: "external nofollow", href: "#") } let(:social) { social_tag } let(:brand) { social_tag "twitter", "" } describe 'social_tag' do context "without params" do it 'include all default classes' do expect( social ).to have_tag('a', with: { class: "icon-stack stack-circle" }) expect( social ).to have_tag('a[target="_blank"]') expect( social ).to have_tag('a[href="#"]') expect( social ).to have_tag('i', with: { class: "fa" }) end it 'generate a nofollow external link' do expect( social ).to have_tag('a[rel="external nofollow"]') end it 'use circle style' do expect( social ).to have_tag('a.stack-circle') end it 'use facebook' do expect( social ).to have_tag('a.facebook') expect( social ).to have_tag('i.fa-facebook') end end context "with name" do it 'generate specific tags' do expect( brand ).to have_tag('a.twitter') expect( brand ).to have_tag('i.fa-twitter') end end context "with name & href" do it 'generate correct url link' do expect( brand ).not_to have_tag('a[href=""].twitter') end end context "dofollow" do it 'generate dofollow link' do expect( social_tag nofollow: false ).to have_tag('a[rel="external"]') end end context "not external" do it 'generate internal dofollow link' do expect( social_tag external: false ).not_to have_tag('a[rel]') end end context "squared" do it 'generate squared stack style' do expect( social_tag style: "square" ).to have_tag('a.stack-square') end end context "resized" do it 'generate resised stack' do expect( social_tag size: "3x" ).to have_tag('a.stack-3x') end end context "with url" do it 'generate correct link' do expect( social_tag url: "" ).to have_tag('a[href=""]') end end end end end