# Puppet::ResourceApi [![TravisCI Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/puppetlabs/puppet-resource_api.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/puppetlabs/puppet-resource_api) [![Appveyor Build status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/8o9s1ax0hs8lm5fd/branch/master?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/puppetlabs/puppet-resource-api/branch/master) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/puppetlabs/puppet-resource_api/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/puppetlabs/puppet-resource_api) This is an implementation of the [Resource API](https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet-specifications/blob/master/language/resource-api/README.md) specification. Find a working example of a new-style providers in the [Palo Alto Firewall module](https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-panos/): [base provider](https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-panos/blob/master/lib/puppet/provider/panos_provider.rb), [type](https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-panos/blob/master/lib/puppet/type/panos_address.rb), [actual provider with validation and xml processing](https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-panos/blob/master/lib/puppet/provider/panos_address/panos_address.rb), and [new unit tests](https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-panos/blob/master/spec/unit/puppet/provider/panos_provider_spec.rb) for 100% coverage. ## Deployment The `puppet-resource_api` gem is part of the [Puppet 6 Platform](https://puppet.com/blog/introducing-puppet-6). With older versions of Puppet, you can use the [puppetlabs-resource_api module](https://forge.puppet.com/puppetlabs/resource_api) to install the gem on your servers and agents. ## Getting Started 1. Download the [Puppet Development Kit](https://puppet.com/download-puppet-development-kit) (PDK) appropriate to your operating system and architecture. 2. Create a [new module](https://puppet.com/docs/pdk/latest/pdk_generating_modules.html) with the PDK, or work with an existing PDK-enabled module. To create a new module, run `pdk new module ` from the command line, specifying the name of the module. Respond to the dialog questions. 3. To add the `puppet-resource_api` gem and enable "modern" rspec-style mocking, open the `.sync.yml` file in your editor, and add the following content: ``` # .sync.yml --- Gemfile: optional: ':development': - gem: 'puppet-resource_api' spec/spec_helper.rb: mock_with: ':rspec' ``` 4. Apply these changes by running `pdk update` You will get the following response: ``` $ pdk update pdk (INFO): Updating david-example using the default template, from 1.4.1 to 1.4.1 ----------Files to be modified---------- Gemfile spec/spec_helper.rb ---------------------------------------- You can find a report of differences in update_report.txt. Do you want to continue and make these changes to your module? Yes ------------Update completed------------ 2 files modified. $ ``` 5. Create the required files for a new type and provider in the module by running `pdk new provider ` You will get the following response: ``` $ pdk new provider foo pdk (INFO): Creating '.../example/lib/puppet/type/foo.rb' from template. pdk (INFO): Creating '.../example/lib/puppet/provider/foo/foo.rb' from template. pdk (INFO): Creating '.../example/spec/unit/puppet/provider/foo/foo_spec.rb' from template. pdk (INFO): Creating '.../example/spec/unit/puppet/type/foo_spec.rb' from template. $ ``` The four generated files are the type, the implementation, and the unit tests. The default template contains an example that demonstrates the basic workings of the Resource API. This allows the unit tests to run immediately after creating the provider, which will look like this: ``` $ pdk test unit [✔] Preparing to run the unit tests. [✔] Running unit tests. Evaluated 5 tests in 0.012065973 seconds: 0 failures, 0 pending. [✔] Cleaning up after running unit tests. $ ``` ### Writing the Type The type contains the shape of your resources. The template provides the necessary `name` and `ensure` attributes. You can modify their description and the name's type to match your resource. Add more attributes as you need. ```ruby # lib/puppet/type/foo.rb require 'puppet/resource_api' Puppet::ResourceApi.register_type( name: 'foo', docs: <<-EOS, This type provides Puppet with the capabilities to manage ... EOS attributes: { ensure: { type: 'Enum[present, absent]', desc: 'Whether this apt key should be present or absent on the target system.', default: 'present', }, name: { type: 'String', desc: 'The name of the resource you want to manage.', behaviour: :namevar, }, }, ) ``` The following keys are available for defining attributes: * `type`: the Puppet 4 data type allowed in this attribute. You can use all [data types](https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/latest/lang_data_abstract.html#parent-types) matching `Scalar` and `Data`. * `desc`: a string describing this attribute. This is used in creating the automated API docs with [puppet-strings](https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet-strings). * `default`: a default value used by the runtime environment; when the caller does not specify a value for this attribute. * `behaviour`/`behavior`: how the attribute behaves. The current available values include: * `namevar`: marks an attribute as part of the "primary key" or "identity" of the resource. A given set of `namevar` values needs to distinctively identify an instance. * `init_only`: this attribute can only be set during the creation of the resource. Its value will be reported going forward, but trying to change it later leads to an error. For example, the base image for a VM or the UID of a user. * `read_only`: values for this attribute will be returned by `get()`, but `set()` is not able to change them. Values for this should never be specified in a manifest. For example, the checksum of a file, or the MAC address of a network interface. * `parameter`: these attributes influence how the provider behaves, and cannot be read from the target system. For example, the target file on inifile, or the credentials to access an API. ### Writing the Provider The provider is the most important part of your new resource, as it reads and enforces state. Here is the example generated by `pdk new provider`: ```ruby require 'puppet/resource_api' require 'puppet/resource_api/simple_provider' # Implementation for the foo type using the Resource API. class Puppet::Provider::Foo::Foo < Puppet::ResourceApi::SimpleProvider def get(_context) [ { name: 'foo', ensure: 'present', }, { name: 'bar', ensure: 'present', }, ] end def create(context, name, should) context.notice("Creating '#{name}' with #{should.inspect}") end def update(context, name, should) context.notice("Updating '#{name}' with #{should.inspect}") end def delete(context, name) context.notice("Deleting '#{name}'") end end ``` The optional `initialize` method can be used to set up state that is available throughout the execution of the catalog. This is most often used for establishing a connection, when talking to a service (e.g. when managing a database). The `get(context)` method returns a list of hashes describing the resources that are currently on the target system. The basic example would always return an empty list. Here is an example of resources that could be returned from this: ```ruby [ { name: 'a', ensure: 'present', }, { name: 'b', ensure: 'present', }, ] ``` The `create`/`update`/`delete` methods get called by the `SimpleProvider` base-class to change the system as requested by the catalog. The `name` argument is the name of the resource that is being processed. `should` contains the attribute hash - in the same format as `get` returns - with the values in the catalog. ### Unit testing The generated unit tests in `spec/unit/puppet/provider/foo_spec.rb` get automatically evaluated with `pdk test unit`. ## Remote resources Support for remote resources is enabled through a `transport` class. A transport class contains the code for managing connections and processing information to and from the remote resource. For information on how to create a transport class, see the [Resource API specification](https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet-specifications/tree/master/language/resource-api#transport). An example of a transport class: ```ruby # lib/puppet/transport/device_type.rb module Puppet::Transport # The main connection class to a PAN-OS API endpoint class DeviceType def initialize(context, connection_info) # Initialization eg. validate connection_info end def verify(context) # Test that transport can talk to the remote target end def facts(context) # Access target, return a Facter facts hash end def close(context) # Close connection, free up resources end end end ``` An example of a corresponding schema: ```ruby # lib/puppet/transport/device_type.rb Puppet::ResourceAPI.register_transport( name: 'device_type', # points at class Puppet::Transport::DeviceType desc: 'Connects to a device_type', # features: [], # future extension points connection_info: { host: { type: 'String', desc: 'The host to connect to.', }, user: { type: 'String', desc: 'The user.', }, password: { type: 'String', sensitive: true, desc: 'The password to connect.', }, enable_password: { type: 'String', sensitive: true, desc: 'The password escalate to enable access.', }, port: { type: 'Integer', desc: 'The port to connect to.', }, }, ) ``` ### Transport Schema keywords To align with [Bolt's inventory file](https://puppet.com/docs/bolt/latest/inventory_file.html), a transport schema prefers the following keywords (when relevant): * `uri`: use when you need to specify a specific URL to connect to. Bolt will compute the following keys from the `uri` when possible. In the future more url parts may be computed from the URI. * `protocol`: use to specify which protocol the transport should use for example `http`, `https`, `ssh` or `tcp`. * `host`: use to specify an IP or address to connect to. * `port`: the port the transport should connect to. * `user`: the user the transport should connect as. * `password`: the password for the specified user. Do not use the following keywords when writing a schema: * `implementations`: reserved by Bolt. * `name`: transports should use `uri` instead of name. * `path`: reserved as a uri part. * `query`: reserved as a uri part. * `remote-*`: any key starting with `remote-` is reserved for future use. * `remote-transport`: determines which transport to load. It is always the transport class named "declassified". * `run-on`: Bolt uses this keyword to determine which target to proxy to. Transports should not rely on this key. > Note: Bolt inventory requires you to set a name for every target and always use it for the URI. This means that there is no way to specify `host` separately from the host section of the `name` when parsed as a URI. After the device class, transport class and transport schema have been implemented, `puppet device` will be able to use the new provider, and supply it (through the device class) with the URL specified in the [`device.conf`](https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/5.3/config_file_device.html). #### Transport/device specific providers To allow modules to deal with different backends independently, the Resource API implements a mechanism to use different API providers side by side. For a given transport/device class (see above), the Resource API will first try to load a `Puppet::Provider::TypeName::` class from `lib/puppet/provider/type_name/device_type.rb`, before falling back to the regular provider at `Puppet::Provider::TypeName::TypeName`. ### Puppet backwards compatibility To connect to a remote resource through `puppet device`, you must provide a device shim to maintain compatibility with Puppet. The device shim needs to interface the transport to puppet's config and runtime expectations. In the simplest case you can use the provided `Puppet::ResourceApi::Transport::Wrapper` like this: ```ruby # lib/puppet/util/network_device/device_type/device.rb require 'puppet' require 'puppet/resource_api/transport/wrapper' # force registering the transport schema require 'puppet/transport/schema/device_type' module Puppet::Util::NetworkDevice::Device_type class Device < Puppet::ResourceApi::Transport::Wrapper def initialize(url_or_config, _options = {}) super('device_type', url_or_config) end end end ``` ## Further reading The [Resource API](https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet-specifications/blob/master/language/resource-api/README.md) describes details of all the capabilities of this gem. The [hue_rsapi module](https://github.com/da-ar/hue_rsapi) is a very simple example for using the Resource API for remote resources. The [meraki module](https://github.com/meraki/puppet-module) is a full example for using the Resource API for remote resources. This [Introduction to Testing Puppet Modules](https://www.netways.de/index.php?id=3445#c44135) talk describes rspec usage in more detail. The [RSpec docs](https://relishapp.com/rspec) provide an overview of the capabilities of rspec. Read [betterspecs](http://www.betterspecs.org/) for general guidelines on what is considered good specs. ## Known Issues This gem is still under heavy development. This section is a living document of what is already done, and what items are still outstanding. Currently working: * Basic type and provider definition, using `name`, `desc`, and `attributes`. * Scalar puppet 4 [data types](https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/5.3/lang_data_type.html#core-data-types): * String, Enum, Pattern * Integer, Float, Numeric * Boolean * Array * Optional * Variant * The `canonicalize`, `simple_get_filter`, and `remote_resource` features. * All the logging facilities. * Executing the new provider under the following commands: * `puppet apply` * `puppet resource` * `puppet agent` * `puppet device` (if applicable) There are still a few notable gaps between the implementation and the specification: * Complex data types, like Hash, Tuple or Struct are not yet implemented. * Only a single runtime environment (the Puppet commands) is currently implemented. Restrictions of puppet: * `supports_noop` is not effective, as puppet doesn't call into the type under noop at all. * Attributes cannot be called `title`, `provider`, or any of the [metaparameters](https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/5.5/metaparameter.html), as those are reserved by puppet itself. Future possibilities: * [Multiple Providers](https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/PDK-530) * [Commands API](https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/PDK-847) ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet-resource_api. ### Cutting a release In some cases we need to manually cut a release outside of the regular puppet agent process. To do so, follow these instructions from a current `master` checkout: * Start the release branch with `git checkout -b release-prep` * Update `lib/puppet/resource_api/version.rb` to the new version * Update the CHANGELOG * Have a [CHANGELOG_GITHUB_TOKEN](https://github.com/skywinder/github-changelog-generator#github-token) set in your environment * run `rake changelog` * double check the PRs to make sure they're all tagged correctly (using the new CHANGELOG for cross-checking) * Check README and other materials for up-to-date-ness * Commit changes with title "Release prep for \" * Upload and PR the release-prep branch to the puppetlabs GitHub repo * Check that CI is green and merge the PR * Run `rake release[upstream]` to release from your checkout * make sure to use the name of your git remote pointing to the puppetlabs GitHub repo * Remove the release-prep branch * Send the release announcements using the template in [misc/ANNOUNCEMENT_TEMPLATE.md](misc/ANNOUNCEMENT_TEMPLATE.md)