/* Styles for Top Bar, Title Bar */ .logo{ width: 131px; padding: $base-padding*.75 0; @include breakpoint(large){ padding: $base-padding*.75 0 $base-padding*.75 $base-padding; } } .header{ position: fixed; top: 0; width: 100%; z-index: 9999; &--absolute-mobile{ @include breakpoint(medium down){ position: absolute; } } } .top-bar{ @extend .show-for-large; height: $top-bar-height; background: $white; &__logo{ @extend .logo; &--roadreports{ @extend .logo; width: 260px; } } &__item{ @include breakpoint(large){ height: $top-bar-height; &--highlighted{ @extend .top-bar__item; background: $brand-blue-light; } } } &__link--highlighted{ @include breakpoint(large){ color: $white; } } .submenu{ border: none; li{ background: $cerulean; &:nth-child(1){ margin-top: -$base-margin/2; } &:hover{ background: lighten($cerulean, 5%); } } a{ color: $white; } } } .off-canvas-wrapper{ /* for some reason foundation sets this to hidden for off-canvas by default, which causes issues with the cart's window.scrollTop in webkit So if something blows up with off-canvas, start by deleting this. */ backface-visibility: visible; } .top-nav-offset{ margin-top: $top-bar-height; } .title-bar{ height: $top-bar-height; @include breakpoint (medium down){ padding: 0 $base-padding; } &__logo{ @extend .logo; @include horizontal-center; &--roadreports{ @extend .logo; @include horizontal-center; width: 260px; } } } .menu-icon{ @include vertical-center; cursor: pointer; width: 20px; height: 16px; &::after{ position: absolute; display: block; width: 100%; height: 3px; background: $cerulean; box-shadow: 0 7px 0 $cerulean, 0 14px 0 $cerulean; //This creates the menu icon content: ''; top: 0; left: 0; } &--pin{ color: $cerulean; font-size: $base-font-size*2; padding-top: $base-padding*0.7; top: 0; right: 0; @extend .fa; @extend .fa-map-marker; } } .page-header{ margin-bottom: $base-margin; overflow: auto; background: $brand-blue-light; &__heading{ @extend .heading; background: $brand-blue-light; &--split{ @extend .page-header__heading; @include small-6; } } &__sub-text{ @extend .heading; @include small-6; background: $brand-blue-light; font-style: italic; font-size: 1.25rem; text-align: right; } }