require 'net/http' require 'json' require 'uri' require 'date' require 'time' require 'net/https' require 'open-uri' require 'itrp' require 'itrp/client/version' require 'itrp/client/response' require 'itrp/client/multipart' require 'itrp/client/attachments' # cherry-pick some core extensions from active support require 'active_support/core_ext/module/aliasing.rb' require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank' require 'active_support/core_ext/object/try.rb' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/indifferent_access' module Itrp class Client MAX_PAGE_SIZE = 100 DEFAULT_HEADER = {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'} # Create a new ITRP Client # # Shared configuration for all ITRP Clients: # Itrp.configure do |config| # config.api_token = 'd41f5868feb65fc87fa2311a473a8766ea38bc40' # config.account = 'my-sandbox' # ... # end # # Override configuration per ITRP Client: # itrp = 'trusted-sandbox') # # All options available: # - logger: The Ruby Logger instance, default: # - host: The ITRP API host, default: '' # - api_version: The ITRP API version, default: 'v1' # - api_token: *required* The ITRP API token # - account: Specify a different (trusted) account to work with # @see # - source: The Source used when creating new records # @see # # - max_retry_time: maximum nr of seconds to wait for server to respond (default = 5400 = 1.5 hours) # the sleep time between retries starts at 2 seconds and doubles after each retry # retry times: 2, 6, 18, 54, 162, 486, 1458, 4374, 13122, ... seconds # one retry will always be performed unless you set the value to -1 # - read_timeout: HTTP GET read timeout in seconds (default = 25) # - block_at_rate_limit: Set to +true+ to block the request until the rate limit is lifted, default: +false+ # @see # # - proxy_host: Define in case HTTP traffic needs to go through a proxy # - proxy_port: Port of the proxy, defaults to 8080 # - proxy_user: Proxy user # - proxy_password: Proxy password def initialize(options = {}) @options = Itrp.configuration.current.merge(options) [:host, :api_version, :api_token].each do |required_option| raise"Missing required configuration option #{required_option}") if option(required_option).blank? end @ssl, @domain, @port = ssl_domain_port_path(option(:host)) @ssl_verify_none = options[:ssl_verify_none] @logger = @options[:logger] end # Retrieve an option def option(key) @options[key] end # Yield all retrieved resources one-by-one for the given (paged) API query. # Raises an ::Itrp::Exception with the response retrieved from ITRP is invalid # Returns total nr of resources yielded (for logging) def each(path, params = {}, header = {}, &block) # retrieve the resources using the max page size (least nr of API calls) next_path = expand_path(path, {per_page: MAX_PAGE_SIZE, page: 1}.merge(params)) size = 0 while next_path # retrieve the records (with retry and optionally wait for rate-limit) response = get(next_path, {}, header) # raise exception in case the response is invalid raise unless response.valid? # yield the resources response.json.each{ |resource| yield resource } size += response.json.size # go to the next page next_path = response.pagination_relative_link(:next) end size end # send HTTPS GET request and return instance of Itrp::Response def get(path, params = {}, header = {}) _send(, params), expand_header(header))) end # send HTTPS DELETE request and return instance of Itrp::Response def delete(path, params = {}, header = {}) _send(, params), expand_header(header))) end # send HTTPS PATCH request and return instance of Itrp::Response def put(path, data = {}, header = {}) _send(json_request(Net::HTTP::Patch, path, data, header)) end alias_method :patch, :put # send HTTPS POST request and return instance of Itrp::Response def post(path, data = {}, header = {}) _send(json_request(Net::HTTP::Post, path, data, header)) end # upload a CSV file to import # @param csv: The CSV File or the location of the CSV file # @param type: The type, e.g. person, organization, people_contact_details # @raise Itrp::UploadFailed in case the file could was not accepted by ITRP and +block_until_completed+ is +true+ # @raise Itrp::Exception in case the import progress could not be monitored def import(csv, type, block_until_completed = false) csv =, 'rb') unless csv.respond_to?(:path) && csv.respond_to?(:read) data, headers = Itrp::Multipart::Post.prepare_query(type: type, file: csv) request ='/import'), expand_header(headers)) request.body = data response = _send(request) { "Import file '#{csv.path}' successfully uploaded with token '#{response[:token]}'." } if response.valid? if block_until_completed raise"Failed to queue #{type} import. #{response.message}") unless response.valid? token = response[:token] while true response = get("/import/#{token}") raise"Unable to monitor progress for #{type} import. #{response.message}") unless response.valid? # wait 30 seconds while the response is OK and import is still busy break unless ['queued', 'processing'].include?(response[:state]) @logger.debug { "Import of '#{csv.path}' is #{response[:state]}. Checking again in 30 seconds." } sleep(30) end end response end # Export CSV files # @param types: The types to export, e.g. person, organization, people_contact_details # @param from: Retrieve all files since a given data and time # @param block_until_completed: Set to true to monitor the export progress # @raise Itrp::Exception in case the export progress could not be monitored def export(types, from = nil, block_until_completed = false) data = {type: [types].flatten.join(',')} data[:from] = from unless from.blank? response = post('/export', data) if response.valid? if response.raw.code.to_s == '204' { "No changed records for '#{data[:type]}' since #{data[:from]}." } return response end { "Export for '#{data[:type]}' successfully queued with token '#{response[:token]}'." } end if block_until_completed raise"Failed to queue '#{data[:type]}' export. #{response.message}") unless response.valid? token = response[:token] while true response = get("/export/#{token}") raise"Unable to monitor progress for '#{data[:type]}' export. #{response.message}") unless response.valid? # wait 30 seconds while the response is OK and export is still busy break unless ['queued', 'processing'].include?(response[:state]) @logger.debug { "Export of '#{data[:type]}' is #{response[:state]}. Checking again in 30 seconds." } sleep(30) end end response end def logger @logger end private # create a request (place data in body if the request becomes too large) def json_request(request_class, path, data = {}, header = {})!(path, data) request =, expand_header(header)) body = {} data.each{ |k,v| body[k.to_s] = typecast(v, false) } request.body = body.to_json request end URI_ESCAPE_PATTERN ="[^#{URI::PATTERN::UNRESERVED}]") def uri_escape(value) URI.escape(value, URI_ESCAPE_PATTERN).gsub('.', '%2E') end # Expand the given header with the default header def expand_header(header = {}) header = DEFAULT_HEADER.merge(header) header['X-ITRP-Account'] = option(:account) if option(:account) header['AUTHORIZATION'] = 'Basic ' + ["#{option(:api_token)}:x"].pack('m*').gsub(/\s/, '') if option(:source) header['X-ITRP-Source'] = option(:source) header['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = option(:source) end header end # Expand the given path with the parameters # Examples: # person_id: 5 # :"updated_at=>" => yesterday # fields: ["id", "created_at", "sourceID"] def expand_path(path, params = {}) path = path.dup path = "/#{path}" unless path =~ /^\// # make sure path starts with / path = "/#{option(:api_version)}#{path}" unless path =~ /^\/v[\d.]+\// # preprend api version params.each do |key, value| path << (path['?'] ? '&' : '?') path << expand_param(key, value) end path end # Expand one parameter, e.g. (:"created_at=>", to "created_at=%3E22011-12-16T12:24:41+01:00" def expand_param(key, value) param = uri_escape(key.to_s).gsub('%3D', '=') # handle :"updated_at=>" or :"person_id!=" parameters param << '=' unless key['='] param << typecast(value) param end # Parameter value typecasting def typecast(value, escape = true) case when :NilClass then '' when :String then escape ? URI.escape(value) : value when :TrueClass then 'true' when :FalseClass then 'false' when :DateTime then value.new_offset(0).iso8601 when :Date then value.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") when :Time then value.strftime("%H:%M") # do not convert arrays in put/post requests as squashing arrays is only used in filtering when :Array then escape ?{ |v| typecast(v, escape) }.join(',') : value # TODO: temporary for special constructions to update contact details, see Request #1444166 when :Hash then escape ? value.to_s : value else escape ? value.to_json : value.to_s end end # Send a request to ITRP and wrap the HTTP Response in an Itrp::Response # Guaranteed to return a Response, thought it may be +empty?+ def _send(request, domain = @domain, port = @port, ssl = @ssl) @logger.debug { "Sending #{request.method} request to #{domain}:#{port}#{request.path}" } _response = begin http_with_proxy = option(:proxy_host).blank? ? Net::HTTP : Net::HTTP::Proxy(option(:proxy_host), option(:proxy_port), option(:proxy_user), option(:proxy_password)) http =, port) http.read_timeout = option(:read_timeout) http.use_ssl = ssl http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE if @ssl_verify_none http.start{ |_http| _http.request(request) } rescue ::Exception => e, :message, :code, :header).new(nil, "No Response from Server - #{e.message} for '#{domain}:#{port}#{request.path}'", 500, {}) end response =, _response) if response.valid? @logger.debug { "Response:\n#{JSON.pretty_generate(response.json)}" } elsif response.raw.body =~ /^\s*<\?xml/i @logger.debug { "XML response:\n#{response.raw.body}" } elsif '303' == response.raw.code.to_s @logger.debug { "Redirect: #{response.raw.header['Location']}" } else @logger.error { "Request failed: #{response.message}" } end response end # Wraps the _send method with retries when the server does not responsd, see +initialize+ option +:rate_limit_block+ def _send_with_rate_limit_block(request, domain = @domain, port = @port, ssl = @ssl) return _send_without_rate_limit_block(request, domain, port, ssl) unless option(:block_at_rate_limit) now = begin _response = _send_without_rate_limit_block(request, domain, port, ssl) @logger.warn { "Request throttled, trying again in 5 minutes: #{_response.message}" } and sleep(300) if _response.throttled? end while _response.throttled? && ( - now) < 3660 # max 1 hour and 1 minute _response end alias_method_chain :_send, :rate_limit_block # Wraps the _send method with retries when the server does not responsd, see +initialize+ option +:retries+ def _send_with_retries(request, domain = @domain, port = @port, ssl = @ssl) retries = 0 sleep_time = 2 total_retry_time = 0 begin _response = _send_without_retries(request, domain, port, ssl) @logger.warn { "Request failed, retry ##{retries += 1} in #{sleep_time} seconds: #{_response.message}" } and sleep(sleep_time) if _response.empty? && option(:max_retry_time) > 0 total_retry_time += sleep_time sleep_time *= 2 end while _response.empty? && total_retry_time < option(:max_retry_time) _response end alias_method_chain :_send, :retries # parse the given URI to [domain, port, ssl, path] def ssl_domain_port_path(uri) uri = URI.parse(uri) ssl = uri.scheme == 'https' [ssl,, uri.port, uri.path] end end end # HTTPS with certificate bundle module Net class HTTP alias_method :original_use_ssl=, :use_ssl= def use_ssl=(flag) self.ca_file = File.expand_path(Itrp.configuration.current[:ca_file], __FILE__) if flag self.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER self.original_use_ssl = flag end end end