# The main SmartMachine Apps Rails driver module SmartMachine class Apps class Rails < SmartMachine::Base def initialize end def start(appname, container_path, container_path_with_version) return unless File.exist? "#{container_path_with_version}/bin/rails" logger.formatter = proc do |severity, datetime, progname, message| severity_text = { "DEBUG" => "\u{1f527} #{severity}:", "INFO" => " \u{276f}", "WARN" => "\u{2757} #{severity}:", "ERROR" => "\u{274c} #{severity}:", "FATAL" => "\u{2b55} #{severity}:", "UNKNOWN" => "\u{2753} #{severity}:" } "\t\t\t\t#{severity_text[severity]} #{message}\n" end logger.info "Ruby on Rails application detected." # Setup rails env env_path = "#{container_path}/env" system("grep -q '^## Rails' #{env_path} || echo '## Rails' >> #{env_path}") system("grep -q '^MALLOC_ARENA_MAX=' #{env_path} || echo '# MALLOC_ARENA_MAX=2' >> #{env_path}") system("grep -q '^RAILS_ENV=' #{env_path} || echo 'RAILS_ENV=production' >> #{env_path}") system("grep -q '^RACK_ENV=' #{env_path} || echo 'RACK_ENV=production' >> #{env_path}") system("grep -q '^RAILS_LOG_TO_STDOUT=' #{env_path} || echo 'RAILS_LOG_TO_STDOUT=enabled' >> #{env_path}") system("grep -q '^RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES=' #{env_path} || echo 'RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES=enabled' >> #{env_path}") system("grep -q '^LANG=' #{env_path} || echo 'LANG=en_US.UTF-8' >> #{env_path}") system("grep -q '^RAILS_MASTER_KEY=' #{env_path} || echo 'RAILS_MASTER_KEY=yourmasterkey' >> #{env_path}") logger.warn "Please set your RAILS_MASTER_KEY env var for this rails app." if system("grep -q '^RAILS_MASTER_KEY=yourmasterkey' #{env_path}") # Setup app folders needed for volumes. If this is not created then docker will create it while running the container, # but the folder will have root user assigned instead of the current user. FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{container_path}/app/vendor/bundle") FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{container_path}/app/public/assets") FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{container_path}/app/public/packs") FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{container_path}/app/node_modules") FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{container_path}/app/storage") FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{container_path_with_version}/vendor/bundle") FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{container_path_with_version}/public/assets") FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{container_path_with_version}/public/packs") FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{container_path_with_version}/node_modules") FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{container_path_with_version}/storage") # Creating & Starting container container_id = `docker ps -a -q --filter='name=^#{appname}_1$' --filter='status=running'`.chomp new_container = container_id.empty? ? "#{appname}_1" : "#{appname}_2" old_container = container_id.empty? ? "#{appname}_2" : "#{appname}_1" SmartMachine::Apps::App.stop("#{new_container}") if system("docker create \ --name='#{new_container}' \ --env-file='#{container_path}/env' \ --user `id -u`:`id -g` \ --workdir /app \ --expose='3000' \ --volume='#{SmartMachine.config.user_home_path}/.smartmachine/config:#{SmartMachine.config.user_home_path}/.smartmachine/config' \ --volume='#{container_path_with_version}:/app' \ --volume='#{container_path}/app/vendor/bundle:/app/vendor/bundle' \ --volume='#{container_path}/app/public/assets:/app/public/assets' \ --volume='#{container_path}/app/public/packs:/app/public/packs' \ --volume='#{container_path}/app/node_modules:/app/node_modules' \ --volume='#{container_path}/app/storage:/app/storage' \ --restart='always' \ --init \ --network='nginx-network' \ smartmachine/buildpacks/rails:#{SmartMachine.version}", out: File::NULL) system("docker network connect elasticsearch-network #{new_container}") system("docker network connect minio-network #{new_container}") system("docker network connect mysql-network #{new_container}") if system("docker start --attach #{new_container}") logger.debug "Starting Web Server ..." if system("docker start #{new_container}", out: File::NULL) sleep 7 logger.info "Web Server started successfully." SmartMachine::Apps::App.stop(old_container) SmartMachine::Apps::App.clean_up(container_path) logger.info "Launched Application ... Success." exit 10 end else SmartMachine::Apps::App.stop("#{new_container}") end end logger.formatter = nil end def pack set_logger_formatter_arrow if File.exist? "tmp/smartmachine/packed" begin pid = File.read('tmp/smartmachine/packed').to_i Process.kill('QUIT', pid) rescue Errno::ESRCH # No such process end exec "bundle", "exec", "puma", "--config", "config/puma.rb" else if initial_setup? && bundle_install? && precompile_assets? && db_migrate? && test_web_server? logger.formatter = nil exit 0 else logger.error "Could not continue ... Launch Failed." logger.formatter = nil exit 1 end end end private # Perform initial_setup def initial_setup? logger.info "Performing initial setup ..." exit_status = nil # Fix for mysql2 gem to support sha256_password, until it is fixed in main mysql2 gem. # https://github.com/brianmario/mysql2/issues/1023 exit_status = system("mkdir -p ./lib/mariadb && ln -s /usr/lib/mariadb/plugin ./lib/mariadb/plugin") if exit_status return true else logger.error "Could not complete initial setup." return false end end # Perform bundle install def bundle_install? logger.info "Performing bundle install ..." set_logger_formatter_tabs unless system("bundle config set deployment 'true' && bundle config set clean 'true'") logger.error "Could not complete bundle config setting." return false end exit_status = nil Open3.popen2e("bundle", "install") do |stdin, stdout_and_stderr, wait_thr| stdout_and_stderr.each { |line| logger.info "#{line}" } exit_status = wait_thr.value.success? end set_logger_formatter_arrow if exit_status return true else logger.error "Could not complete bundle install." return false end end # Perform pre-compiling of assets def precompile_assets? logger.info "Installing Javascript dependencies & pre-compiling assets ..." set_logger_formatter_tabs exit_status = nil Open3.popen2e("bundle", "exec", "rails", "assets:precompile") do |stdin, stdout_and_stderr, wait_thr| stdout_and_stderr.each { |line| logger.info "#{line}" } exit_status = wait_thr.value.success? end set_logger_formatter_arrow if exit_status return true else logger.error "Could not install Javascript dependencies or pre-compile assets." return false end end # Perform db_migrate def db_migrate? return true # remove this line when you want to start using db_migrate? logger.info "Performing database migrations ..." set_logger_formatter_tabs exit_status = nil Open3.popen2e("bundle", "exec", "rails", "db:migrate") do |stdin, stdout_and_stderr, wait_thr| stdout_and_stderr.each { |line| logger.info "#{line}" } exit_status = wait_thr.value.success? end set_logger_formatter_arrow if exit_status return true else logger.error "Could not complete database migrations." return false end end # Perform testing of web server def test_web_server? logger.info "Setting up Web Server ..." # tmp folders FileUtils.mkdir_p("tmp/pids") FileUtils.mkdir_p("tmp/smartmachine") FileUtils.rm_f("tmp/smartmachine/packed") # Spawn Process pid = Process.spawn("bundle", "exec", "puma", "--config", "config/puma.rb", out: File::NULL) Process.detach(pid) # Sleep sleep 5 # Check PID running status = nil begin Process.kill(0, pid) system("echo '#{pid}' > tmp/smartmachine/packed") status = true rescue Errno::ESRCH # No such process logger.info "Web Server could not start" status = false end # Return status return status end def set_logger_formatter_arrow logger.formatter = proc do |severity, datetime, progname, message| severity_text = { "DEBUG" => "\u{1f527} #{severity}:", "INFO" => " \u{276f}", "WARN" => "\u{2757} #{severity}:", "ERROR" => "\u{274c} #{severity}:", "FATAL" => "\u{2b55} #{severity}:", "UNKNOWN" => "\u{2753} #{severity}:" } "\t\t\t\t#{severity_text[severity]} #{message}\n" end end def set_logger_formatter_tabs logger.formatter = proc do |severity, datetime, progname, message| "\t\t\t\t #{message}" end end end end end