Feature: Navigation menu Scenario: Open Dashboard page Given I should logged in When I click on the button Dashboard of the navigation menu Then element having css "#content .dashboard" should be present Scenario Outline: Open page using navigation bar Given I should logged in When I click on the button of the navigation menu Then the list should be present And the button of the navigation menu should be active And other button except the button of the navigation menu should be not active Examples: | btn | box | | Users | User | | Groups | Group | | Hosts | Host | | Layers | Layer | | Variables | Variable | | Policies | Policy | Scenario: Open Audit page Given I should logged in When I click on the button Audit of the navigation menu Then element having css "#content .audit h3" should be present And the Audit button of the navigation menu should be active And other button except the Audit button of the navigation menu should be not active Scenario: Close the browser Then I close browser