module JdbcSpec module Sybase def self.adapter_selector [/sybase/i, lambda{|cfg,adapt| adapt.extend(JdbcSpec::Sybase)}] end def add_limit_offset!(sql, options) # :nodoc: @limit = options[:limit] @offset = options[:offset] if use_temp_table? # Use temp table to hack offset with Sybase sql.sub!(/ FROM /i, ' INTO #artemp FROM ') elsif zero_limit? # "SET ROWCOUNT 0" turns off limits, so we havesy # to use a cheap trick. if sql =~ /WHERE/i sql.sub!(/WHERE/i, 'WHERE 1 = 2 AND ') elsif sql =~ /ORDER\s+BY/i sql.sub!(/ORDER\s+BY/i, 'WHERE 1 = 2 ORDER BY') else sql << 'WHERE 1 = 2' end end end # If limit is not set at all, we can ignore offset; # if limit *is* set but offset is zero, use normal select # with simple SET ROWCOUNT. Thus, only use the temp table # if limit is set and offset > 0. def use_temp_table? !@limit.nil? && !@offset.nil? && @offset > 0 end def zero_limit? !@limit.nil? && @limit == 0 end end end