= Nether My first attempt at a rails gem, Nether is an engine for easily adding endless page functionality to content paginated by will_paginate in your rails 3.1 application. It uses jquery.pageless[https://github.com/jney/jquery.pageless] and is based heavily on their demo application. == Requirements Currently only supports apps using the assets pipeline and will_paginate. == Installation Add the following to your Gemfile and run the bundle command. gem 'nether' Once the gem is installed execute the generator to install the js files and images. rails generate nether:install == Usage Endless page functionality is handled by a helper function that takes three arguments by default. The total number of pages undergoing pagination, the path to get more content and the css id of the dom object to render. There is also an optional fourth argument for specifying the dom object containing the content to be rendered. To use the helper add the following to your view after the will paginate helper, replacing variables as necessary. <%= nether(@articles.total_pages, articles_path, "#content" %> You must also add a helper to the action handling the pagination. The helper takes the partial to render as an argument and an optional argument to delay rendering. render_nether("articles/article") == Help You will find an example app at nether_example[https://github.com/maecro/nether_example]. == Todo * Remove dependancy on assets pipeline. * Compatability with other pagination solutions. * Test, test, test.