require File.expand_path("../spec_helper", __FILE__) describe "Keen IO API" do let(:project_id) { ENV['KEEN_PROJECT_ID'] } let(:write_key) { ENV['KEEN_WRITE_KEY'] } def wait_for_count(event_collection, count) attempts = 0 while attempts < 30 break if Keen.count(event_collection, {:timeframe => "this_2_hours"}) == count attempts += 1 sleep(1) end end describe "publishing" do let(:collection) { "User" } let(:event_properties) { { "name" => "Bob" } } let(:api_success) { { "created" => true } } describe "success" do it "should return a created status for a valid post" do expect(Keen.publish(collection, event_properties)).to eq(api_success) end end describe "failure" do it "should raise a not found error if an invalid project id" do client = => "riker", :write_key => "whatever") expect { client.publish(collection, event_properties) }.to raise_error(Keen::NotFoundError) end it "should succeed if a non-url-safe event collection is specified" do expect(Keen.publish("infinite possibilities", event_properties)).to eq(api_success) end end describe "async" do # no TLS support in EventMachine on jRuby unless defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) it "should publish the event and trigger callbacks" do { Keen.publish_async(collection, event_properties).callback { |response| begin expect(response).to eq(api_success) ensure EM.stop end }.errback { |error| EM.stop fail error } } end it "should publish to non-url-safe collections" do { Keen.publish_async("foo bar", event_properties).callback { |response| begin expect(response).to eq(api_success) ensure EM.stop end } } end end end describe "batch" do it "should publish a batch of events" do expect(Keen.publish_batch( :batch_signups => [ { :name => "bob" }, { :name => "ted" } ], :batch_purchases => [ { :price => 30 }, { :price => 40 } ] )).to eq({ "batch_purchases" => [ { "success" => true }, { "success" => true } ], "batch_signups" => [ { "success" => true }, { "success"=>true } ]}) end end end describe "batch_async" do # no TLS support in EventMachine on jRuby unless defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) let(:api_success) { {"batch_purchases"=>[{"success"=>true}, {"success"=>true}], "batch_signups"=>[{"success"=>true}, {"success"=>true}]} } it "should publish the event and trigger callbacks" do { Keen.publish_batch_async( :batch_signups => [ { :name => "bob" }, { :name => "ted" } ], :batch_purchases => [ { :price => 30 }, { :price => 40 } ]).callback { |response| begin expect(response).to eq(api_success) ensure EM.stop end }.errback { |error| EM.stop fail error } } end end end describe "queries" do let(:read_key) { ENV['KEEN_READ_KEY'] } let(:event_collection) { @event_collection } let(:returns_event_collection) { @returns_event_collection } before(:all) do @event_collection = "purchases_" + rand(100000).to_s @returns_event_collection = "returns_" + rand(100000).to_s Keen.publish(@event_collection, { :username => "bob", :price => 10 }) Keen.publish(@event_collection, { :username => "ted", :price => 20 }) Keen.publish(@returns_event_collection, { :username => "bob", :price => 30 }) # poll the count to know when to continue wait_for_count(@event_collection, 2) wait_for_count(@returns_event_collection, 1) end it "should return a valid count_unique" do expect(Keen.count_unique(event_collection, :timeframe => "this_2_hours", :target_property => "price")).to eq(2) end it "should return a valid count with group_by" do response = Keen.average(event_collection, :timeframe => "this_2_hours", :group_by => "username", :target_property => "price") bobs_response = { |result| result["username"] == "bob" }.first expect(bobs_response["result"]).to eq(10) teds_response = { |result| result["username"] == "ted" }.first expect(teds_response["result"]).to eq(20) end it "should return a valid count with multi-group_by" do response = Keen.average(event_collection, :timeframe => "this_2_hours", :group_by => ["username", "price"], :target_property => "price") bobs_response = { |result| result["username"] == "bob" }.first expect(bobs_response["result"]).to eq(10) expect(bobs_response["price"]).to eq(10) teds_response = { |result| result["username"] == "ted" }.first expect(teds_response["result"]).to eq(20) expect(teds_response["price"]).to eq(20) end it "should return a valid sum" do expect(Keen.sum(event_collection, :timeframe => "this_2_hours", :target_property => "price")).to eq(30) end it "should return a valid minimum" do expect(Keen.minimum(event_collection, :timeframe => "this_2_hours", :target_property => "price")).to eq(10) end it "should return a valid maximum" do expect(Keen.maximum(event_collection, :timeframe => "this_2_hours", :target_property => "price")).to eq(20) end it "should return a valid average" do expect(Keen.average(event_collection, :timeframe => "this_2_hours", :target_property => "price")).to eq(15) end it "should return a valid median" do expect(Keen.median(event_collection, :timeframe => "this_2_hours", :target_property => "price")).to eq(10) end it "should return a valid percentile" do expect(Keen.percentile(event_collection, :timeframe => "this_2_hours", :target_property => "price", :percentile => 50)).to eq(10) expect(Keen.percentile(event_collection, :timeframe => "this_2_hours", :target_property => "price", :percentile => 100)).to eq(20) end it "should return a valid select_unique" do results = Keen.select_unique(event_collection, :timeframe => "this_2_hours", :target_property => "price") expect(results.sort).to eq([10, 20].sort) end it "should return a valid extraction" do results = Keen.extraction(event_collection, :timeframe => "this_2_hours") expect(results.length).to eq(2) expect(results.all? { |result| result["keen"] }).to be_truthy expect( { |result| result["price"] }.sort).to eq([10, 20]) expect( { |result| result["username"] }.sort).to eq(["bob", "ted"]) end it "should return a valid extraction of one property name" do results = Keen.extraction(event_collection, :timeframe => "this_2_hours", :property_names => "price") expect(results.length).to eq(2) expect(results.any? { |result| result["keen"] }).to be_falsey expect( { |result| result["price"] }.sort).to eq([10, 20]) expect( { |result| result["username"] }.sort).to eq([nil, nil]) end it "should return a valid extraction of more than one property name" do results = Keen.extraction(event_collection, :timeframe => "this_2_hours", :property_names => ["price", "username"]) expect(results.length).to eq(2) expect(results.any? { |result| result["keen"] }).to be_falsey expect( { |result| result["price"] }.sort).to eq([10, 20]) expect( { |result| result["username"] }.sort).to eq(["bob", "ted"]) end it "should return a valid funnel" do steps = [{ :event_collection => event_collection, :actor_property => "username", :timeframe => "this_2_hours" }, { :event_collection => @returns_event_collection, :actor_property => "username", :timeframe => "this_2_hours" }] results = Keen.funnel(:steps => steps) expect(results).to eq([2, 1]) end it "should return all keys of valid funnel if full result option is passed" do steps = [{ :timeframe => "this_2_hours", :event_collection => event_collection, :actor_property => "username" }, { :timeframe => "this_2_hours", :event_collection => @returns_event_collection, :actor_property => "username" }] results = Keen.funnel({ :steps => steps }, { :response => :all_keys }) expect(results["result"]).to eq([2, 1]) end it "should apply filters" do expect(Keen.count(event_collection, :timeframe => "this_2_hours", :filters => [{ :property_name => "username", :operator => "eq", :property_value => "ted" }])).to eq(1) end end describe "deletes" do let(:event_collection) { "delete_test_#{rand(10000)}" } before do Keen.publish(event_collection, :delete => "me") Keen.publish(event_collection, :delete => "you") wait_for_count(event_collection, 2) end it "should delete the event" do Keen.delete(event_collection, :filters => [ { :property_name => "delete", :operator => "eq", :property_value => "me" } ]) wait_for_count(event_collection, 1) results = Keen.extraction(event_collection, :timeframe => "this_2_hours") expect(results.length).to eq(1) expect(results.first["delete"]).to eq("you") end end describe "project methods" do let(:event_collection) { "test_collection" } describe "event_collections" do # requires a project with at least 1 collection it "should return the project's collections as JSON" do first_collection = Keen.event_collections.first expect(first_collection["properties"]["keen.timestamp"]).to eq("datetime") end end describe "project_info" do it "should return the project info as JSON" do expect(Keen.project_info["url"]).to include(project_id) end end end end