# alf Relational algebra at your fingertips ## Synopsis `alf` [`--version`] [`--help`] `alf` *FILE.alf* `alf` show *QUERY* `alf` explain *QUERY* `alf` help *OPERATOR* ## Options `--rash` Render output as ruby hashes `--text` Render output as a text table `--yaml` Render output in YAML `--json` Render output in JSON `--csv` Render output in CSV `--examples` Use the suppliers and parts example database `--db=DB` Set the database (adapter) to use. Recognized values can be folders with recognized files, or an URL to a SQL database (e.g. postgres://user:pass@host/database) `--stdin=READER` Specify the kind of reader when reading on standard input (i.e. rash, csv, json, ruby, or yaml) `-Idirectory` Specify $LOAD_PATH directory (may be used more than once) `-rlibrary` Require the specified ruby library, before executing alf `--ff=FORMAT` Specify the floating point format `--[no-]pretty` Enable/disable pretty print best effort `-h`, `--help` Show this help `-v`, `--version` Show version and copyright ## Commands `help` Shows help about a specific command, relational operator, aggregator, or predicate. `show` Evaluates a query and shows the result in a specified format. `metadata` Show metadata for a query (heading, keys). `explain` Show the logical (optimizer) and physical (compiler) plans of a query. `repl` Launches Alf's Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL) web application. See `alf help COMMAND` for details about a specific command or `alf help OPERATOR` for documentation of a relational operator.