require 'i18n' en = { error: { helpers: { valid_param: '`%{method}` requires a valid %{param}.', github_service_error: 'There seems to be a problem with the GitHub service.', github_client_error: 'There seems to be a problem with the request that was made to GitHub, check that your settings are correct.' }, prerequisites: { nil: '`:%{variable}` variable is `nil`, it needs to contain the %{name} name.', empty: '`:%{variable}` variable is empty, it needs to contain the %{name} name.', string: '`:%{variable}` variable is not a string.', hash: '`:%{variable}` variable is not a hash.', integer: '`:%{variable}` variable is not a integer.', string_or_nil: '`:%{variable}` variable is not a string or `nil`.', string_or_regexp_or_nil: '`:%{variable}` variable is not a string or `Regexp` object or `nil`.' }, deprecated: '`%{deprecated}` variable is deprecated. Use `%{replacement}` instead.', runtime: { revisions_empty: 'The %{branch} branch has never been deployed to the %{stage} stage. No log has been generated.', revision_commit_missing: 'No commit data has been found for the %{branch} branch on the %{stage} stage. No log has been generated.', commits_empty: 'No commit data has been found for the %{branch} branch on the %{stage} stage since %{time}. No log has been generated.' } }, output: { page_title: 'Git Deployment Report for %{repo}', next_release: 'Next release', previous_release: 'Commits before %{time} are omitted from the report ¯\_(ツ)_/¯', current_release: 'Release on %{release_time} from commit %{sha} at %{commit_time}', pull_request_number: 'Pull Request #%{number}', issue_links: 'Issue links:', merged_on: 'Merged on: %{time}', merged_by: 'Merged by: %{login}', commit_sha: 'Commit %{sha}', committed_on: 'Committed on: %{time}', committed_by: 'Committed by: %{login}' } } I18n.backend.store_translations(:en, { capistrano: { committed: en } }) if I18n.respond_to?(:enforce_available_locales=) I18n.enforce_available_locales = true end