require 'capistrano3/unicorn_nginx/helpers' include Capistrano3::UnicornNginx::Helpers namespace :load do task :defaults do set :unicorn_service, -> { "unicorn_#{fetch(:application)}" } set :user_home_path, -> { "/home/#{fetch(:user)}" } set :unicorn_config_path, -> { unicorn_config_path } set :unicorn_pid_path, -> { unicorn_pid_path } set :unicorn_sock_path, -> { unicorn_sock_path } set :unicorn_stdout_path, -> { unicorn_log_file } set :unicorn_stderr_path, -> { unicorn_error_log_file } set :unicorn_roles, -> { :app } set :unicorn_restart_sleep_time, 3 set :unicorn_options, -> { '' } set :unicorn_env, -> { fetch(:rails_env) || 'deployment' } set :templates_path, 'config/deploy/templates' set :ruby_version, -> { fetch(:rvm_ruby_version) || fetch(:rbenv_ruby) } set :unicorn_worker_processes, 2 set :unicorn_timeout, 30 set :linked_dirs, fetch(:linked_dirs, []).push('log', 'tmp/pids') end end namespace :unicorn do desc "Start Unicorn" task :start do on roles(fetch(:unicorn_roles)) do within current_path do if test("[ -e #{fetch(:unicorn_pid_path)} ] && kill -0 #{pid}") info "unicorn is running..." else with rails_env: fetch(:rails_env) do execute :bundle, "exec unicorn", "-c", fetch(:unicorn_config_path), "-E", fetch(:unicorn_env), "-D", fetch(:unicorn_options) end end end end end desc "Stop Unicorn (QUIT)" task :stop do on roles(fetch(:unicorn_roles)) do within current_path do if test("[ -e #{fetch(:unicorn_pid_path)} ]") if test("kill -0 #{pid}") info "stopping unicorn..." execute :kill, "-s QUIT", pid else info "cleaning up dead unicorn pid..." execute :rm, fetch(:unicorn_pid_path) end else info "unicorn is not running..." end end end end desc "Reload Unicorn (HUP); use this when preload_app: false" task :reload do invoke "unicorn:start" on roles(fetch(:unicorn_roles)) do within current_path do info "reloading..." execute :kill, "-s HUP", pid end end end desc "Restart Unicorn (USR2); use this when preload_app: true" task :restart do invoke "unicorn:start" on roles(fetch(:unicorn_roles)) do within current_path do info "unicorn restarting..." execute :kill, "-s USR2", pid end end end desc "Duplicate Unicorn; alias of unicorn:restart" task :duplicate do invoke "unicorn:restart" end desc "Legacy Restart (USR2 + QUIT); use this when preload_app: true and oldbin pid needs cleanup" task :legacy_restart do invoke "unicorn:restart" on roles(fetch(:unicorn_roles)) do within current_path do execute :sleep, fetch(:unicorn_restart_sleep_time) if test("[ -e #{fetch(:unicorn_pid_path)}.oldbin ]") execute :kill, "-s QUIT", pid_oldbin end end end end desc "Add a worker (TTIN)" task :add_worker do on roles(fetch(:unicorn_roles)) do within current_path do info "adding worker" execute :kill, "-s TTIN", pid end end end desc "Remove a worker (TTOU)" task :remove_worker do on roles(fetch(:unicorn_roles)) do within current_path do info "removing worker" execute :kill, "-s TTOU", pid end end end desc "Unicorn generate config file" task :setup do on roles(fetch(:unicorn_roles)) do execute(:mkdir, '-pv', File.dirname(fetch(:unicorn_config_path))) unless file_exists?(fetch(:unicorn_config_path)) upload! template('unicorn.rb.erb'), fetch(:unicorn_config_path) end end end def pid "`cat #{fetch(:unicorn_pid_path)}`" end def pid_oldbin "`cat #{fetch(:unicorn_pid_path)}.oldbin`" end