require "isodoc" require_relative "metadata" require "fileutils" require_relative "./ref.rb" require_relative "./xref.rb" require_relative "./terms.rb" module IsoDoc module ITU module BaseConvert def load_yaml(lang, script) y = if @i18nyaml then YAML.load_file(@i18nyaml) elsif lang == "en" YAML.load_file(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "i18n-en.yaml")) else YAML.load_file(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "i18n-en.yaml")) end super.merge(y) end def metadata_init(lang, script, labels) @meta =, script, labels) end FRONT_CLAUSE = "//*[parent::preface]"\ "[not(local-name() = 'abstract')]".freeze def preface(isoxml, out) isoxml.xpath(ns(FRONT_CLAUSE)).each do |c| title = c&.at(ns("./title")) out.div **attr_code(id: c["id"]) do |s| clause_name(nil, title, s, class: "IntroTitle") c.elements.reject { |c1| == "title" }.each do |c1| parse(c1, s) end end end end def bracket_opt(b) return b if b.nil? return b if /^\[.+\]$/.match(b) "[#{b}]" end def clausedelim "" end def note_label(node) n = get_anchors[node["id"]] (n.nil? || n[:label].nil? || n[:label].empty?) and return "#{@note_lbl} – " l10n("#{@note_lbl} #{n[:label]} – ") end def prefix_container(container, linkend, _target) l10n("#{linkend} #{@labels["in"]} #{anchor(container, :xref)}") end def ol_depth(node) return super unless node["class"] == "steps" or".//ancestor::xmlns:ol[@class = 'steps']") depth = node.ancestors("ul, ol").size + 1 type = :arabic type = :alphabet if [2, 7].include? depth type = :roman if [3, 8].include? depth type = :alphabet_upper if [4, 9].include? depth type = :roman_upper if [5, 10].include? depth ol_style(type) end def annex_name(annex, name, div) r_a = @meta.get[:doctype_original] == "recommendation-annex" div.h1 **{ class: r_a ? "RecommendationAnnex" : "Annex" } do |t| t << "#{anchor(annex['id'], :label)} " t.b do |b| name&.children&.each { |c2| parse(c2, b) } end end annex_obligation_subtitle(annex, div) end def annex_obligation_subtitle(annex, div) info = annex["obligation"] == "informative" div.p **{class: "annex_obligation" } do |p| p << (info ? @inform_annex_lbl : @norm_annex_lbl). sub(/%/, @meta.get[:doctype] || "") end end def annex(isoxml, out) isoxml.xpath(ns("//annex")).each do |c| @meta.get[:doctype_original] == "recommendation-annex" or page_break(out) out.div **attr_code(id: c["id"], class: "Section3") do |s| annex_name(c, nil, s) unless"./title")) c.elements.each do |c1| if == "title" then annex_name(c, c1, s) else parse(c1, s) end end end end end def i18n_init(lang, script) super end def fileloc(loc) File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), loc) end def cleanup(docxml) super term_cleanup(docxml) refs_cleanup(docxml) title_cleanup(docxml) end def title_cleanup(docxml) docxml.xpath("//h1[@class = 'RecommendationAnnex']").each do |h| = "p" h["class"] = "h1Annex" end docxml end def term_cleanup(docxml) docxml.xpath("//p[@class = 'Terms']").each do |d| h2 ="./preceding-sibling::*[@class = 'TermNum'][1]") d.children.first.previous = "#{h2.children.to_xml} " d["id"] = h2["id"] h2.remove end docxml.xpath("//p[@class = 'TermNum']").each do |d| d1 = d.next_element and == "p" or next d1.children.each { |e| e.parent = d } d1.remove end docxml end def refs_cleanup(docxml) docxml.xpath("//tx[following-sibling::tx]").each do |tx| tx << tx.next_element.remove.children end docxml.xpath("//tx").each do |tx| = "td" tx["colspan"] = "2" tx.wrap("