class Reactor::Event include Sidekiq::Worker sidekiq_options queue: ENV['REACTOR_QUEUE'] || Sidekiq.default_worker_options['queue'] CONSOLE_CONFIRMATION_MESSAGE = <<-eos It looks like you are on a production console. Only fire an event if you intend to trigger all of its subscribers. In order to proceed, you must pass `srsly: true` in the event data. To configure Reactor to ignore this validation, set `ENV['REACTOR_CONSOLE_ENABLED']` to a value. eos attr_accessor :__data__ def initialize(data = {}) self.__data__ = {}.with_indifferent_access data.each do |key, value| value = value.encode('UTF-8', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '') if value.is_a?(String) self.send("#{key}=", value) end end def perform(name, data) data = data.with_indifferent_access if data['actor_type'] actor = data["actor_type"].constantize.unscoped.find(data["actor_id"]) publishable_event =[name.to_sym] ifarg = publishable_event[:if] if publishable_event end need_to_fire = case ifarg when Proc actor.instance_exec(&ifarg) when Symbol actor.send(ifarg) when NilClass true end if need_to_fire data.merge!(fired_at: Time.current, name: name) fire_block_subscribers(data, name) end end def method_missing(method, *args) if method.to_s.include?('=') try_setter(method, *args) else try_getter(method) end end def to_s name end class << self def perform(name, data) new.perform(name, data) end def publish(name, data = {}) if defined?(Rails::Console) && ENV['RACK_ENV'] == 'production' && data[:srsly].blank? && !ENV['REACTOR_CONSOLE_ENABLED'] raise end message = new(data.merge(event: name, uuid: SecureRandom.uuid)) if perform_at, name, message.__data__ else perform_async name, message.__data__ end end def reschedule(name, data = {}) scheduled_jobs = # Note that scheduled_jobs#fetch returns only jobs matching the data[:was] # timestamp - down to fractions of a second job = scheduled_jobs.fetch(data[:was].to_f).detect do |job| next if job['class'] != same_event_name = job['args'].first == name.to_s if data[:actor] same_actor = job['args'].second['actor_type'] == data[:actor] && job['args'].second['actor_id'] == data[:actor].id same_event_name && same_actor else same_event_name end end job.delete if job publish(name, data.except([:was, :if])) if data[:at].try(:future?) end end private def try_setter(method, object, *args) if object.is_a? ActiveRecord::Base send("#{method}_id", send("#{method}_type", object.class.to_s) else __data__[method.to_s.gsub('=','')] = object end end def try_getter(method) if polymorphic_association? method initialize_polymorphic_association method elsif __data__.has_key?(method) __data__[method] end end def polymorphic_association?(method) __data__.has_key?("#{method}_type") end def initialize_polymorphic_association(method) __data__["#{method}_type"].constantize.find(__data__["#{method}_id"]) end def fire_block_subscribers(data, name) ((Reactor::SUBSCRIBERS[name.to_s] || []) | (Reactor::SUBSCRIBERS['*'] || [])).each do |s| s.perform_where_needed(data) end end end