# :stopdoc: # This file is automatically generated by the WXRuby3 documentation # generator. Do not alter this file. # :startdoc: module Wx::PRT # PREVIEW_PRINT = 1 # PREVIEW_PREVIOUS = 2 # PREVIEW_NEXT = 4 # PREVIEW_ZOOM = 8 # PREVIEW_FIRST = 16 # PREVIEW_LAST = 32 # PREVIEW_GOTO = 64 # PREVIEW_DEFAULT = 126 # ID_PREVIEW_CLOSE = 1 # ID_PREVIEW_NEXT = 2 # ID_PREVIEW_PREVIOUS = 3 # ID_PREVIEW_PRINT = 4 # ID_PREVIEW_ZOOM = 5 # ID_PREVIEW_FIRST = 6 # ID_PREVIEW_LAST = 7 # ID_PREVIEW_GOTO = 8 # ID_PREVIEW_ZOOM_IN = 9 # ID_PREVIEW_ZOOM_OUT = 10 # # # # class PrinterError < Wx::Enum # # PRINTER_NO_ERROR = Wx::PRT::PrinterError.new(0) # # PRINTER_CANCELLED = Wx::PRT::PrinterError.new(1) # # PRINTER_ERROR = Wx::PRT::PrinterError.new(2) end # PrinterError # Preview frame modality kind. # # The elements of this enum can be used with {Wx::PRT::PreviewFrame#initialize} to indicate how should the preview frame be shown. # class PreviewFrameModalityKind < Wx::Enum # Disable all the other top level windows while the preview frame is shown. # PreviewFrame_AppModal = Wx::PRT::PreviewFrameModalityKind.new(0) # Disable only the parent window while the preview frame is shown. # PreviewFrame_WindowModal = Wx::PRT::PreviewFrameModalityKind.new(1) # Show the preview frame non-modally and don't disable any other windows. # PreviewFrame_NonModal = Wx::PRT::PreviewFrameModalityKind.new(2) end # PreviewFrameModalityKind # The dialog created by default by the print framework that enables aborting the printing process. # # class PrintAbortDialog < Dialog # @param parent [Wx::Window] # @param documentTitle [String] # @param pos [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Point] # @param size [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Size] # @param style [Integer] # @param name [String] # @return [Wx::PRT::PrintAbortDialog] def initialize(parent, documentTitle, pos=Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, size=Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE, style=Wx::DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE, name=("dialog")) end # @param currentPage [Integer] # @param totalPages [Integer] # @param currentCopy [Integer] # @param totalCopies [Integer] # @return [void] def set_progress(currentPage, totalPages, currentCopy, totalCopies) end end # PrintAbortDialog end