Feature: Auto Complete Scenario: Autocomplete with no completions When I open a new edit tab And I replace the contents with "Tess" And I move the cursor to (0,4) And I auto-complete Then I should see "Tess" in the edit tab Scenario: Autocomplete with one completions When I open a new edit tab And I replace the contents with "Daly Da" And I move the cursor to (0,7) And I auto-complete Then I should see "Daly Daly" in the edit tab Scenario: Autocomplete with one completions, twice When I open a new edit tab And I replace the contents with "Daly Da" And I move the cursor to (0,7) And I auto-complete And I auto-complete Then I should see "Daly Da" in the edit tab And I should not see "Daly Daly" in the edit tab Scenario: Autocomplete with two completions When I open a new edit tab And I replace the contents with "Dan Daly Da" And I move the cursor to (0,11) And I auto-complete Then I should see "Dan Daly Daly" in the edit tab Scenario: Autocomplete with two completions, twice When I open a new edit tab And I replace the contents with "Dan Daly Da" And I move the cursor to (0,11) And I auto-complete And I auto-complete Then I should see "Dan Daly Dan" in the edit tab Scenario: Autocomplete with two completions, thrice When I open a new edit tab And I replace the contents with "Dan Daly Da" And I move the cursor to (0,11) And I auto-complete And I auto-complete And I auto-complete Then I should see "Dan Daly Da" in the edit tab And I should not see "Dan Daly Daly" in the edit tab And I should not see "Dan Daly Dan" in the edit tab Scenario: Autocomplete at the start of a word When I open a new edit tab And I replace the contents with "Da Daly Dan" And I auto-complete Then I should see "Da Daly Dan" in the edit tab Scenario: Autocomplete with one completions at the end of a line When I open a new edit tab And I replace the contents with "Daly Da\nfoo" And I move the cursor to (0,7) And I auto-complete Then I should see "Daly Daly\nfoo" in the edit tab