module Draper class Base require 'active_support/core_ext/class/attribute' require 'active_support/core_ext/array/extract_options' class_attribute :denied, :allowed, :model_class attr_accessor :model, :options DEFAULT_DENIED = Object.instance_methods << :method_missing DEFAULT_ALLOWED = [] self.denied = DEFAULT_DENIED self.allowed = DEFAULT_ALLOWED # Initialize a new decorator instance by passing in # an instance of the source class. Pass in an optional # context inside the options hash is stored for later use. # # @param [Object] instance to wrap # @param [Hash] options (optional) def initialize(input, options = {}) input.inspect # forces evaluation of a lazy query from AR self.class.model_class = input.class if model_class.nil? @model = input.kind_of?(Draper::Base) ? input.model : input self.options = options self.extend Draper::ActiveModelSupport::Proxies end # Proxies to the class specified by `decorates` to automatically # lookup an object in the database and decorate it. # # @param [Symbol or String] id to lookup # @return [Object] instance of this decorator class def self.find(input, options = {}), options) end # Typically called within a decorator definition, this method # specifies the name of the wrapped object class. # # For instance, a `ProductDecorator` class might call `decorates :product` # # But they don't have to match in name, so a `EmployeeDecorator` # class could call `decorates :person` to wrap instances of `Person` # # This is primarilly set so the `.find` method knows which class # to query. # # @param [Symbol] class_name snakecase name of the decorated class, like `:product` def self.decorates(input, options = {}) self.model_class = options[:class] || options[:class_name] || input.to_s.camelize self.model_class = model_class.constantize if model_class.respond_to?(:constantize) model_class.send :include, Draper::ModelSupport define_method(input){ @model } end # Typically called within a decorator definition, this method causes # the assocation to be decorated when it is retrieved. # # @param [Symbol] name of association to decorate, like `:products` # @option options [Class] :with The decorator to decorate the association with def self.decorates_association(association_symbol, options = {}) define_method(association_symbol) do orig_association = model.send(association_symbol) return orig_association if orig_association.nil? return options[:with].decorate(orig_association) if options[:with] klass = if options[:polymorphic] orig_association.class elsif association_reflection = find_association_reflection(association_symbol) association_reflection.klass elsif orig_association.respond_to?(:first) orig_association.first.class else orig_association.class end "#{klass}Decorator".constantize.decorate(orig_association, options) end end # A convenience method for decorating multiple associations. Calls # decorates_association on each of the given symbols. # # @param [Symbols*] name of associations to decorate def self.decorates_associations(*association_symbols) association_symbols.each{ |sym| decorates_association(sym) } end # Specifies a black list of methods which may *not* be proxied to # to the wrapped object. # # Do not use both `.allows` and `.denies` together, either write # a whitelist with `.allows` or a blacklist with `.denies` # # @param [Symbols*] methods to deny like `:find, :find_by_name` def self.denies(*input_denied) raise ArgumentError, "Specify at least one method (as a symbol) to exclude when using denies" if input_denied.empty? raise ArgumentError, "Use either 'allows' or 'denies', but not both." unless (self.allowed == DEFAULT_ALLOWED) self.denied += input_denied end # Specifies a white list of methods which *may* be proxied to # to the wrapped object. When `allows` is used, only the listed # methods and methods defined in the decorator itself will be # available. # # Do not use both `.allows` and `.denies` together, either write # a whitelist with `.allows` or a blacklist with `.denies` # # @param [Symbols*] methods to allow like `:find, :find_by_name` def self.allows(*input_allows) raise ArgumentError, "Specify at least one method (as a symbol) to allow when using allows" if input_allows.empty? raise ArgumentError, "Use either 'allows' or 'denies', but not both." unless (self.denied == DEFAULT_DENIED) self.allowed += input_allows end # Initialize a new decorator instance by passing in # an instance of the source class. Pass in an optional # context into the options hash is stored for later use. # # When passing in a single object, using `.decorate` is # identical to calling `.new`. However, `.decorate` can # also accept a collection and return a collection of # individually decorated objects. # # @param [Object] instance(s) to wrap # @param [Hash] options (optional) # @option options [Boolean] :infer If true, each model will be # wrapped by its inferred decorator. def self.decorate(input, options = {}) if input.instance_of?(self) input.options = options unless options.empty? return input elsif input.respond_to?(:each), self, options) elsif options[:infer] input.decorator(options) else new(input, options) end end # Fetch all instances of the decorated class and decorate them. # # @param [Hash] options (optional) # @return [Draper::DecoratedEnumerableProxy] def self.all(options = {}), self, options) end def self.first(options = {}) decorate(model_class.first, options) end def self.last(options = {}) decorate(model_class.last, options) end # Access the helpers proxy to call built-in and user-defined # Rails helpers. Aliased to `.h` for convenience. # # @return [Object] proxy def helpers self.class.helpers end alias :h :helpers # Localize is something that's used quite often. Even though # it's available through helpers, that's annoying. Aliased # to `.l` for convenience. def localize(str) self.class.helpers.localize(str) end alias :l :localize # Access the helpers proxy to call built-in and user-defined # Rails helpers from a class context. # # @return [Object] proxy class << self def helpers Draper::ViewContext.current end alias :h :helpers end # Fetch the original wrapped model. # # @return [Object] original_model def wrapped_object @model end # Delegates == to the decorated models # # @return [Boolean] true if other's model == self's model def ==(other) @model == (other.respond_to?(:model) ? other.model : other) end def kind_of?(klass) super || model.kind_of?(klass) end alias :is_a? :kind_of? def respond_to?(method, include_private = false) super || (allow?(method) && model.respond_to?(method, include_private)) end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) super unless allow?(method) if model.respond_to?(method) self.class.send :define_method, method do |*args, &block| model.send method, *args, &block end send method, *args, &block else super end rescue NoMethodError => no_method_error super if == method raise no_method_error end def self.method_missing(method, *args, &block) if method.to_s.match(/^find_((all_|last_)?by_|or_(initialize|create)_by_).*/) self.decorate(model_class.send(method, *args, &block), :context => args.dup.extract_options!) else model_class.send(method, *args, &block) end end def self.respond_to?(method, include_private = false) super || model_class.respond_to?(method) end def context options.fetch(:context, {}) end def context=(input) options[:context] = input end def source model end alias_method :to_source, :model private def allow?(method) (allowed.empty? || allowed.include?(method)) && !denied.include?(method) end def find_association_reflection(association) if model.class.respond_to?(:reflect_on_association) model.class.reflect_on_association(association) end end end end