//*==============SPECIAL THANKS TO:=========== // IX3 for his response from Stackoverflow $(document).ready(function() { //the following are for AJAX requests of form objects $("select[data-onchange]").live("change", function() { $.ajax({ type : "post", url : $(this).attr("data-url"), data : $(this).serialize(), success : function(data) { eval(data); }, dataType : "script" }); }); $('input[type="radio"][data-onclick]').live("change", function() { data = $(this).serialze(); if($(this).attr("data-params")) { data += "&" + $(this).attr("data-params"); } $.ajax({ type : "post", url : eval($(this).attr("data-onclick")), data : data, success : function(data) { eval(data); }, dataType : "script" }) }); //The following Load jqPlot graphs and charts $("div.piechart").each(function() { pieChart($(this).attr("id"), $(this).attr("data-xmlurl")); }); $("div.stackedcolumn").each(function() { stackedColumn($(this).attr("id"), $(this).attr("data-xmlurl")) }) //IX3 CONTRIUBTUITION updateBarCharts(); //next function commented out because it causes issues with browser...will work on it.... $("body").on("DOMSubtreeModified", function(e) { //console.log(e); updateBarCharts(); }); //CONTRIBUTION END //The following provide click-to-link capabilities in charts $("div.piechart").live('jqplotDataClick', function(ev, seriesIndex, pointIndex, data) { if(data[2] != "") { window.location = data[2]; } }); $("div.barchart").live('jqplotDataClick', function(ev, seriesIndex, pointIndex, data) { if(data[2] != "") { window.location = data[2]; } }); $('div.stackedcolumn').live('jqplotDataClick', function (ev, seriesIndex, pointIndex, data) { //loaded from a global array in loadLinks...FixMe! window.location = links[seriesIndex]; }); }); //functions specific to a stacked column function stackedColumn(name, xmlurl) { $.get(xmlurl, function(xml) { loadLinks(xml); establishSize(name,xml); var s1 = [2, 6, 7, 10]; var s2 = [7, 5, 3, 4]; var s3 = [14, 9, 3, 8]; var series = loadStackedColumns(xml) for(var i = 0; i < series.length; i++) { for(var j = 0; j < series[i].length; j++) { $("#debug").append(series[i][j]+"|"); } $("#debug").append("
"); } $.jqplot(name,series , { // Tell the plot to stack the bars. stackSeries : true, title: getTitle(xml), captureRightClick : true, seriesDefaults : { renderer : $.jqplot.BarRenderer, rendererOptions : { // Put a 30 pixel margin between bars. barMargin : 30, // Highlight bars when mouse button pressed. // Disables default highlighting on mouse over. highlightMouseDown : true }, pointLabels : { show : true } }, axes : { xaxis : { renderer : $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer }, yaxis : { // Don't pad out the bottom of the data range. By default, // axes scaled as if data extended 10% above and below the // actual range to prevent data points right on grid boundaries. // Don't want to do that here. padMin : 0 } }, legend : { show : true, location : 'e', placement : 'outside' } }); }); } function loadLinks(xml) { //Global, but maybe we can find a way around this later...FixMe! links = []; $(xml).find("series").each(function(){ links.push($(this).attr("link")); }); } function loadStackedColumns(xml) { var bar = []; var partions = []; $(xml).find("series").each(function(){ $(this).children("partion").each(function(){ bar.push(parseInt($(this).attr("size"))); }); partions.push(bar); bar = new Array(); }); return partions; } //functions specific to barchart function updateBarCharts() { $("div.barchart:not([data-barchartloaded])").each(function() { $(this).attr("data-barchartloaded", "1"); barChart($(this).attr("id"), $(this).attr("data-xmlurl")); }) } function barChart(name, xmlurl) { $.ajax({ url : xmlurl, type : "get", success : function(xml) { loadBGImage(name, xml); establishSize(name, xml); bars = getBars(xml); pointLabels = []; for( i = 0; i < bars.length; i++) { pointLabels.push(bars[i][1]); } $.jqplot(name, [bars], { seriesColors : getSeriesColors(xml), seriesDefaults : { renderer : $.jqplot.BarRenderer, renderOptions : { fillToZero : true, barWidth : getBarWidth(xml) }, pointLabels : { show : true } }, series : [{ pointLabels : { labels : pointLabels, } }], title : { text : getTitle(xml) }, grid : { background : getBGColor(xml), gridLine : getGridLineColor(xml), borderColor : getGridBorderColor(xml) }, axesDefaults : { tickRenderer : $.jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer }, axes : { xaxis : { renderer : $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer, tickOptions : { angle : 30 }, ticks : getTicks(xml), autoscale : true } } }); return true; }, error : function(xhr, status, error) { var err = eval("(" + xhr.responseText + ")"); alert(err.Message); }, async : false, timeout : 3000 }); } function getBars(xml) { var bars = []; var bar = []; var categoryId = 1; $(xml).find("category").each(function() { $(this).find("bar").each(function() { bar.push(categoryId); bar.push(parseInt($(this).attr("size"))); var link = $(this).attr("link"); if(link) bar.push(link); else bar.push(""); bars.push(bar); bar = new Array(); }); categoryId++; }); return bars; } function getBarWidth(xml) { var width = $(xml).find("render").attr("barwidth"); if(!width) return null; else return width; } function getTicks(xml) { var ticks = []; $(xml).find("category").each(function() { ticks.push($(this).find("tick").attr("text")); }); return ticks; } //functions specific to piechart function pieChart(name, xmlurl) { $.get(xmlurl, function(xml) { establishSize(name, xml); loadBGImage(name, xml); $.jqplot(name, [getSlices(xml)], { seriesDefaults : { renderer : $.jqplot.PieRenderer, renderOptions : { showDataLabels : true } }, legend : { show : true, location : 'e' } }); }); } function getSlices(xml) { var slices = []; $(xml).find("category").each(function() { $(this).find("slice").each(function() { slice = new Array($(this).attr("name")); slice.push(parseInt($(this).attr("size"))); var link = $(this).attr("link"); if(link) slice.push(link); else slice.push(""); slices.push(slice); }); }); return slices; } //functions that can be used by all function loadBGImage(name, xml) { var bgimage = "none"; $(xml).find("backgroundImage").each(function() { bgimage = "url('" + $(this).text() + "')"; }); $("div#" + name).css("background-image", bgimage); } function establishSize(name, xml) { var $grid = $(xml).find("grid"); $("div#" + name).css("width", $grid.find("width").text()); $("div#" + name).css("height", $grid.find("height").text()); } function getTitle(xml) { var title = null; $(xml).find("title").each(function() { title = $(this).text(); }); return title; } function getBGColor(xml) { return $(xml).find("background").text(); } function getGridLineColor(xml) { return $(xml).find("grid lineColor").text(); } function getGridBorderColor(xml) { return $(xml).find("grid borderColor").text(); } function getSeriesColors(xml) { colors = []; $(xml).find("grid seriesColor").each(function() { colors.push($(this).text()); }); if(colors.length < 1) colors.push("#0f0"); return colors; }