module SugarHigh module FileExt module ClassMethods def blank? file_name raise ArgumentError, "Filename argument must not be blank" if file_name.blank? raise ArgumentError, "There is no file at: #{file_name}" if !File.file?(file_name) end def has_content? file_name, content_matcher, &block file = get_file file_name file.has_content? content_matcher, &block end def read_from file_name, options = {}, &block raise ArgumentError, "File to read from not found or not a file: #{file_name}" if !File.file? file_name content = file_name if options[:before] begin regexp = options[:before].to_regexp index = content.match(regexp).offset_before content = content[0..index] rescue raise ArgumentError, ":before option must be a string or regular expression, was : #{options[:before]}" end end if options[:after] begin regexp = options[:after].to_regexp index = content.match(regexp).offset_after content = content[index..-1] rescue raise ArgumentError, ":after option must be a string or regular expression, was : #{options[:after]}" end end yield content if block content end alias_method :read_content_from, :read_from alias_method :with_content_from, :read_from end # instance methods def blank? end def has_content? content_matcher = nil, &block content_matcher ||= yield begin content_matcher = content_matcher.to_regexp rescue raise ArgumentError, "Content match must be specified as either a String or Regexp" end matched = self.read_content =~ content_matcher !(matched).nil? end def read_content options = {}, &block File.read_from self.path, options, &block end alias_method :with_content, :read_content end end